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the group of males, in addition with the princess, stared at se-ri with wide and surprised eyes. wooyoung even had to place a gentle finger under san's chin to press it closed, his jaw was dropped to the floor.

"that's your plan, then?" yeosang spoke up, breaking the ice after everyone had been silent for a few moments, processing the words that had left se-ri's mouth.

she nodded, her mouth pursed and hands folded neatly in front of her, resting on the marble countertop in the brightly lit kitchen.

this time it was mingi who spoke, "but how? how are you going to replace her at the alter without getting in trouble? and are you going to tell seonghwa hyung about this?"

"exactly, my brother is going to be there, se-ri. i cannot imagine how furious he would be when he doesn't see me at the front, and what if...what if someone gets hurt?" myra spoke up timidly, rubbing her arm and everyone watched as heat rose to her cheeks because of the attention.

se-ri simply sighed, taking turns to answer their questions that she knew would be thrown at her after proposing her plan to them.

everyone had gathered in the kitchen to listen to se-ri, except for the crown prince himself as he was busy training and sparring his frustrations out.

"mingi, it's quite simple. i'll just change into the dress and have the veil cover my face. no one would notice. i'm going to surprise him," she murmured, twiddling her fingers out of nervousness when she spoke the last words.

"and we have enough time to prepare for that. of course i thought about the fact that prince jongin would be outraged, but we'll take care of that when the time comes. the royal park family don't have the best soldiers in all of atiny for nothing." she explained, addressing the princess' concerns.

mingi and yunho puffed their chests out, their eyes swirling with pride, making se-ri giggle.

"i just hope this works out. and we're rooting for you, sweet. but amongst all this planning, i cannot help but wonder how he's going to react when he sees you." hongjoong said, winking at se-ri and wiggling his eyebrows as he referred to his friend and her love, none other than park seonghwa.

she blushed and hit him in the arm playfully, and everyone erupted into laughter at the teasing that she was receiving.

"of course, i'll take matters into my own hands and i'll talk to the king myself. i'll let him know about it, and hopefully he can agree with me."

"need any of us to accompany you?" wooyoung asked as he perked up, ready as ever to help se-ri in any way.

she smiled, "no thanks, woo. i got this in the bag." she winked, and they both chuckled at her cringe-like mannerisms.

the male grunted as he swung his dual-swords with one final stroke into the air, dropping them as he finally determined the end of his training hours to be right then and there.

he was very aware of the droplets of sweat dripping down his forehead to his chin, landing on the grass below him, and maybe some on his all black attire as well. but he didn't really mind.

seonghwa looked up then, and his skilled eyes instantaneously focused on the small figure sitting on the brick wall a few metres away from him.

se-ri sat comfortably on the tall brick wall, swinging her legs back and forth as she happily munched on some blueberry muffins that yunho had baked a few hours prior to her unplanned outing.

she watched as the crown prince picked up his heavy metal swords as if they were as light as feathers, skilfully tucking them away into their sheaths as he stalked closer to her.

once he reached her, he casually rested his warm hands on her thighs, and held open his mouth like a little child expectant of food.

since the wall that se-ri was sitting on reached the prince's hips approximately, it meant that as she sat and as he stood, they would be at the same height.

se-ri giggled cutely as she took off the wrapping  of the muffin she had bit into and set it aside. she faced him again, and he still stood there with his mouth hanging open.

she playfully shoved the rest of the muffin into his mouth, taking in the comical sight of his slightly widened eyes as he slowly chewed the sweet snack.

he watched her, adoration swirling in his eyes as he took in the sight of her eyes crinkling into crescents, her dimples poking. she had finally calmed down and he swallowed the food, squeezing her thighs lightly.

she froze then, and watched with weary eyes as his hands slowly travelled upwards and stopped at her stomach, and all the while he was flashing a devilish smile her way.

before she could warn him not to try anything, his fingers were moving around and she laughed for the second time that day as he tickled her mercilessly.

"no, please—stop!" se-ri begged, tears stinging her eyes at the endless laughter that seemed to be bubbling from inside of her.

she was too carried away, and she didn't notice herself falling backwards as she lost balance. the prince swiftly caught her, and he grabbed her wrists and tugged her forward.

she panted, left breathless at the activity that had just taken place. he softly massaged her wrists, and kissed his teeth as he rolled eyes.

he brought a finger up and flicked her forehead, "tch, you're so small you're always stumbling everywhere." he said.

"excuse me? that may be true, but this time you're at fault, your highness." she crossed her arms as she jutted her chin out and looked away from him.

he chuckled and leaned in, "i'll always catch you, my star." his breath fanned against her cheek, and she felt the blood rushing up quickly.

"and what did i tell you? i told you to call me seonghwa, hm?" he pinched her small nose playfully, swooning at her flushed cheeks.

she held onto his biceps as she smiled up at him teasingly, "okay, your highness."

he rolled his eyes again, albeit playfully, and squished her cheeks and held onto them as he swayed her head from side to side, to which she giggled brightly.

perhaps this would all be okay.




also can we appreciate how good the art is for the memories, they're really nice🥺

stay safe and stan ateez <3

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