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se-ri basked in the sunlight as she walked through the busy streets of the village, with citizens bustling about in every direction, and the four boys by her side.

they had stopped by multiple food stalls to receive samples, and they had enjoyed their time so far.

now the small group of five were headed to a cafe to buy some pastries and treats for se-ri's family, who they'd be visiting later on.

they waited patiently for the packaged sweets and treats to arrive, and wooyoung - ever the charming gentleman - paid before they left off.

"i'm nervous to see your parents. i can't believe we've been friends for so long and we still haven't met them." san said as he bounced excitedly in his spot, to which se-ri smiled at warmly.

"my parents are the sweetest souls you'd come across. you have nothing to worry about." she giggled.

trailing through the forest, se-ri found herself reminiscing all the times she had gone out on her own to take her daily treks - whether it be in the dark of the night or the light of the day.

she missed the feeling of the crisp winter air on her lips, and the familiar chirping of the birds singing in harmonies at the crack of dawn.

soon enough, the had reached their destination, and with anticipation flowing through her veins, se-ri brought up a hand to knock on the oak door of the cosy cottage.

only a few seconds later, the door swung open and the petite woman stood there for a short while, processing the fact that her daughter was her after weeks, accompanied by four handsome young men.

her hands flew up to her mouth as she laughed in delight, bringing se-ri into a tight hug as they swayed side to side, laughing.

the boys stood behind her as they stared at the wholesome sight with fond smiles of their own, and bowed in a perfect ninety degrees when her mother greeted them.

"come in! here, let me set up some food and you can tell me all about what life is like at the palace."

jumping in her seat with eyes bulged out, se-ri's mother blanched at her.

"you're what ?!" she whisper-shouted, not wanting to alert the boys who sat in the next room, giving the mother and daughter some time to catch up.

with a coy smile growing on her pink lips, se-ri shrugged timidly. "yeah, mama. we're...sort of in a relationship?" she laughed nervously, rubbing her collar awkwardly.

"oh my baby! already growing up so fast!" she exclaimed, cooing as she pinched se-ri cheeks harshly.

the latter whined as she hissed in pain, and there was a knock on the door, interrupting the wholesome moment.

jongho's head poked through the door, and he flashed his precious gummy smile.

"sorry to disturb you, ma'am. but mingi and your friend are here." he said, aiming the last part of the sentence at se-ri. she nodded, albeit slightly surprised that they would have more visitors today. se-ri looked at her mother for permission to leave her alone, and soon enough she was being shooed out of the kitchen.

she giggled lightly, but only let out a loud gasp when she spotted the familiar, more longer head of platinum locks that belonged to her precious friend soyeon.

she was conversing with mingi and the rest of the boys, so se-ri assumed that they were introducing themselves.

tackling her into a big bear hug, the two girls' bodies shook with endless laughter as they finally met after way too long. se-ri smiled in bliss, the all-too-familiar feeling of home had met her once again.

she pulled back, and dragged soyeon to her room after telling the boys to make themselves at home while they hung out.

quite some time had passed as the duo had some alone time together, and they spent it well. that was until se-ri had decided that it was enough, and she wanted answers today.

"soyeon! you didn't tell me you and mingi were a thing!" se-ri squealed, shaking said girl's shoulders back and forth, not giving her a chance to catch a breath.

"i—wha—se-ri! slow down!"

"my bad, sorry..." se-ri chuckled nervously.

soyeon glanced at her with an incredulous expression, only for her face to morph quickly into that of a lovesick teenager, sighing dreamily.

"we aren't really anything yet...but it's nice that i'm spending my time with him. i feel glad that i'm so comfortable around him." she admitted bashfully, and the two girls waited a moment before they fan-girled crazily in the safe walls of se-ri's room.

suddenly, three firm knocks sounded from the other side of the door, and their conversation halted as they looked at it with wide eyes.

a deep voice sounded, and se-ri recognised it as mingi's. he poked his head through, "hey, just wanted to let you know that we're leaving now, so get ready." he informed them, concealing the emotions from being shown on his face.

but when he closed the door and rested his back against it, he heaved out a sigh as the biggest grin overtook his face, eyes sparkling.



haiii my lovelies <3

sue me for including a side ship that i will no longer pay attention to for the rest of the story lmao

stay safe and stan ateez <3

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