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"what's so funny?" he asked as he looked down at her directly from his height with a menacing glint in his eyes.

"you called me here because you had no idea what you were doing?" she chuckled, hands on her hips, and he only rolled his eyes light heartedly at the comment.

then her thoughts went wild.

it had taken her all this time to realise that one simple fact. that she was going to be alone with the crown prince.

he was one of the most popular bachelors of the country atiny, and she didn't know to feel about it. her insecurities began to eat away at her mind when she began to compare herself to all the beautiful princesses he must have come across, especially the one from earlier.

"-ri? se-ri!" she was brought out of her train of degrading thoughts when she saw the crown prince in front of her, a concerned look washed over his face. his hands were on her shoulders as he bent slightly at his knees to make eye contact with her, and she blushed as she came to realise how close they were to each other.

any closer and their noses would be touching.

she squeaked and pushed him away as she turned around and pressed her palms to her blazing cheeks.

he gazed at the back of her head confusingly when suddenly it clicked in his mind.

he chuckled as he shook his head and smiled a miniscule smile, she's cute when she's flustered.

but not a millisecond later did that smile wipe off of his face. "i called you down here so we could cook, but honestly i can't cook so i'm hoping you know what to do." he announced with a matter-of-fact tone.

a prince didn't know how to cook? has he been spoon fed with a silver spoon his whole life?

she tapped a finger on her chin, and her mind suddenly went back to the cook book she had found in the library a couple of days ago. "i'll be right back," she said, and before seonghwa could oppose the sudden disappearance of se-ri, she had already dashed out of the kitchen, leaving him standing there like a fool.

he sighed as he patiently waited for her to arrive once again, allowing his mind to run off the rails.

in all honesty, he didn't know what his intentions with se-ri were. he was definitively interested in her, her timid yet fierce demeanour caught his interest.

before he let himself be completely lost in his thoughts, he heard the pitter latter of her soft footsteps as her bare feet hit the glossy marble beneath her.

se-ri slipped into the kitchen gracefully holding a bulky book, anyone can cook, the title read.

"so, your highness, what are you in the mood for this evening?" she hummed gently. absentmindedly flicking through the contents of the book, se-ri almost forgot about his presence, but when she felt the hot air of his breath on the back of her neck, she could almost feel the goosebumps rise on her milky skin.

her fingers froze, as every muscle in her body tensed and her breathing became choppy.

he was doing it again, playing with her.

standing as still as a statue, her eyes followed his arms that placed themselves on the counter on each side of her; effectively trapping her. she analysed the veins that bulged against his skin that was painted with faint scars, from the multiple battles he's fought in in the past, and the thin silver rings that hugged his fingers.

seonghwa moved his mouth to her ear, "hm, let's try steak tonight." his velvet voice travelled through her ears as his mouth brushed on her lobe, and it took everything in her to not shiver on the spot.

she didn't want to show him the effect he had on her. two can play at this game.

closing the book with a clean snap and setting it on the table in front of her, an idea sprouted in her mind.

she turned around to directly meet his eyes, not forgetting how close they were. this allowed their bodies to be pressed together, and the friction caused seonghwa to bite his lip as he looked down at the little vixen in front of him.

their bodies fit together like puzzle pieces, snug and perfect. they couldn't ignore this fact.

glancing up at him with her doe eyes, she smiled an innocent smile, but seonghwa knew the mischievous intention behind it.

reaching up and taking a hold of his broad shoulders, she gently pushed him away and went to gather the ingredients, effectively brushing off any emotion that could've possibly shown on her face.

internally though, she was bursting with laughter.

that was a close one.

he sighed, a minuscule smile on his face as he went to help her with the ingredients that he knew she needed; steak wasn't his favourite dish for no reason.

the two worked diligently as time passed by, eager to eat their dinner after an exhausting day of nonstop work.

the inky haired and medic didn't know they had an audience, however.

at times, seonghwa would completely forget about his title of being the crown prince, instead turning to that of a needy little boy as he whined to se-ri about the measurements and why they had to be so specific, but the latter would just laugh it off and say, "cooking takes time." she was naturally a perfectionist, so the prince would just have to bare with it.

mingi and yunho - the mischiefs of the castle - had stared at the scene before them with mouths hanging open so wide they almost touched the floor. their eyes were popping out their sockets as they both made eye contact, sparkling with excitement.

the duo squeaked in happiness as they hit each other's arms over and over again, jumping up and down as they embraced.

they couldn't help it; their prince finally seemed to be having real fun with someone in the palace that wasn't them.



hey my lovelies <3

i feel good today, and aurora came on when i was writing this and i just felt so happy writing this chapter:)

what did you guys think of this chappie? to be honest, i'm quite happy with it, but let me know!!

don't forget to comment because your comments make me laugh so much and they make my day:D

stay safe and stan ateez <3

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