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"...i just think its so silly that she did that. there was no need for her to make such a stupid decision, but she did and look at what that lead to."

seonghwa simply chuckled silently, watching his wife with amused eyes as she rambled on and on about the novel that she had been reading over the last few days.

for the last five minutes or so, she had been ranting about the book to him, about what she favoured and what she disliked about it, and he sat and listened to her with rapture.

a few more seconds passed before the inky haired male decided that he should finally let se-ri take a break, and he looked around to see a plate full of red velvet cookies placed neatly on a ceramic pedestal.

he didn't have to think much before he leaned over from where he sat - a stool at the island in the middle of the kitchen - and grabbed one in his slender fingers. he took a small nibble to savour the sweet taste, before he turned to se-ri and abruptly shoved the whole cookie into her mouth.

"and he just- oof,"

the look of se-ri's small cheeks stuffed with cookies reminded seonghwa of a squirrel, and as much as he adored the sight, he couldn't stop the loud bubble of laughter that rose to his throat and made its way out of his mouth.

and even when se-ri finished chewing aggressively and huffed playfully with furrowed brows, seonghwa was still doubled over as he clapped his hands like a seal, the familiar painful smile making its way onto his perfectly sculpted face.

"hwa! you can't just do that." se-ri whined, but ended up joining in and smiling wide, like a small child who just received an abundance of sweets and sugar.

"actually, i can do that when you spend almost ten minutes talking about fictional characters non-stop, star." he chuckled.

on the other hand, se-ri thanked myra in her head, and her tastebuds agreed when they were met with the delightful concoction which were the princess' homemade cookies.

se-ri just rolled her eyes playfully, and she stepped closer to brush off the lapels of his jacket, giggling lightly when he poked her sides in a teasing manner.

their eyes met, and any loud sound that was heard in the distance before was now hushed to a low hum as the couple swayed back and forth in each other's comforting hold, simply basking in the blissful presence and peace that they brought each other.

and just as the male leaned down to press his lips upon se-ri's lush ones, the door to the kitchen slammed open and the familiar sound of squeaky laughter and childish giggles rang in their ears.

"oh- were we interrupting something?" san asked, wiggling his eyebrows up and down as he made eye contact with a frustrated seonghwa and an embarrassed se-ri.

se-ri didn't think twice about shoving seonghwa to the side and making a run for the newly weds, bouncing up and down with sheer excitement running through her veins.

"ahhh! how are you guys!" se-ri squealed, taking san's hands in her own and kissing myra's cheek.

the married couple could only look down at her in adoration as they watched the smile on her face only grow bigger and bigger.

"we're quite alright, se-ri. we've just come back from trying out the suits for our coronation day and all seems to be going well." san explained, carefully letting go of se-ri's hands to make his way over to a certain inky haired male who stood rubbing his hip in pain as he had bumped it when his wife pushed him away.

"she's so aggressive." he mumbled under his breath, and san laughed at the state of misery he seemed to be in.

"yes! you mentioned that your outfits were all white and gold, right? i can't wait to see them," se-ri said, giggling with myra as they talked about the event yet to come.

"yes, well, it's a surprise and we want to make it exciting for everyone." myra responded with a fond smile, her eyes crinkling up.

"i hope things go well for you two, i really do. and we'll be by your side for the whole journey, just you wait." the petite girl promised, her tone light and sincere.

"what she said," seonghwa said, snaking an arm around se-ri's waist and pulling her back so that his front was pressed up against her.

myra and san cooed at the lovely sight, and
se-ri blushed for the umpteenth time that day, hiding behind the palms of her small hands.

"ah, i'm exhausted so i'll be calling it a day. goodnight, everyone. sleep tight." myra yawned, rubbing her eyes with clenched fists.

they all shared their goodbyes and dispersed to their designated bedrooms.

once in bed, se-ri turned to look at seonghwa with an expectant gaze. and when they locked eyes, he just raised a questioning brow, wondering what she was up to now.

"i love you." she whispered.

"mhm, i love you too." he hummed.

"like i really love you."

"so do i."

"...are you sure?" she asked, twiddling her thumbs.

"of course i am, now go to sleep se-ri." he replied.

and for next few minutes, it was simply a calming silence that surrounded them.

"...but you'll never stop loving me, right, hwa?" se-ri asked once again, her voice so timid.

he sighed, and he didn't make a move for a few seconds until he tackled her into a bear hug, kissing her all over the face and showering her in love and affection.

"i'll. never. stop. loving. you. i promise. now go to sleep!"

"okay, fine. goodnight." she giggled.

"goodnight, star." he said, and kissed her forehead.



hey my lovelies 🥺💓

i have a question

would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into your own future or 10 minutes into the future of anyone but yourself?

stay safe and stan ateez <3

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