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seonghwa sat still in his office, sinking back into the plush, expensive cushion of his desk chair with a pair of thin rimmed gold glasses perched on the bridge of his sharp nose.

when se-ri walked in with a tray of food, she didn't expect the new look and stopped dead in her tracks as she spent quite a bit of time admiring the astonishing sight before her eyes.

the inky-haired male took notice of her presence and smirked under his hand that was placed over his mouth as he leaned his elbows on top of the deep mahogany.

deciding it was finally time to take her out of her stupor, he raised his head and made direct eye contact with her, and it took all his willpower to keep in the bubble of laughter that threatened to escape his mouth.

her plump lips were set apart in an 'o' shape at the surprise of being caught, and she quickly closed it as she stumbled on her words, a pink colour coating her full cheeks.

"is that for me?" seonghwa asked, hands clasped together as he appreciated the sight of the many foods placed on the tray.

se-ri nodded, and walked to the chair placed opposite his on the other side of the desk with a bounce in her step.

taking a seat, she picked a grape off of it delicate stem and popped it into her mouth, and watched as the male opposite her wiped his hands with a silk handkerchief.

"hm, you know you have really nice hands, seonghwa." se-ri spoke out of the blue.

he stopped, and glanced down at this hands.

an idea sprouted in his mind, and a mischievous smile slowly crept its way onto his face but when he saw her shuffle slightly in her seat, he quickly wiped it off and looked at her with a neutral expression.

one of his delicate yet strong hands lifted into the air, and he placed a cool finger under her chin as he leaned closer and closer.

se-ri's doe eyes stared back at him in awe and slight confusion, and when he he brought her in for a sweet slow kiss, her eyelids fluttered close as she basked in the feeling of pure bliss.

their lips moved in perfect sync, and se-ri found herself melting into his heated touch as she ran her fingers through his slightly longer hair.

he pulled back eventually, staring at her with a particular fondness.

the girl moved back slightly to catch her breath and calm her racing heart, and it took her a few seconds before she was back to normal again.

"oh, seonghwa." she called out. he hummed in response, and se-ri took this as a signal to continue.

"i was just wondering who will be crowning san and myra for their coronation? the priest flew away to see his family and we don't have anyone else since he was the name of the palace." she sat back in her chair, weighing her options.

"i already have someone in mind, but we'll figure it out." he replied, voice velvety smooth as ever.

"really? who is it?" she asked, curiosity shining through her excited doe eyes.

"you'll see." he smirked.



be prepared 🐝ches :")

stay safe and stan ateez my lovelies <3

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