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jongho sat on the couch in the dressing room besides san, running a hand up and down the back of the older who sat with his elbows resting on his knees, eyes closed as he focused on steadying his breathing.

"hyung, loosen up a bit. it's your wedding day, have fun and make the most out of it. these things don't just come anytime, you know." jongho assured, and he held san's shoulder in a firm grip, shaking it back and forth slightly in hopes of bringing the former out of his nervous state.

"exactly, jongho! that means tomorrow is my coronation, my life won't be the same again. oh my god...can i even do this?" san exclaimed, and he was left muttering under his breath as he felt his insecurities creep up behind him again, but jongho was quick to snap him out of it.

"if you're a bit scared, that's okay. i can't imagine the pressure you must be feeling right now, but you can say the word and all of us will be here for you. don't forget it, hyung," the younger said, and san felt his worries and nerves washing away with each word that left jongho's mouth.

"and always remember this; you'll never know what it's like until you try. and failure? there's no such thing, it just means you're one step closer to reaching your goal." jongho finished, patting san's back gently. san looked up then, and his eyes met jongho's pools of honey, the gummy smile stretched across his face bringing utter peace to san's mind.

"thanks, jjong. you know, you should really become a poet." san breathed out.

without thinking too much of it, he pulled the younger into a hug and nuzzled his face into jongho's neck, inhaling deeply.

"hyung! get off of me!" jongho protested playfully, but the small smile on his face and the way in which his arms wrapped themselves tighter around san contradicted his earlier statement.

a knock on the door interrupted the cheesy moment, and both san and jongho's head twisted to the side to see who had intruded the once peaceful room.

a smile graced san's face subconsciously as he took notice of the lilac hair that poked through the door, followed by happy eyes and an all too familiar grin.

"hey, young-ah." san greeted, tone light and steady thanks to the help of jongho. the aforementioned male took it upon himself to walk closer to the duo, hands held on his hips as he looked down at the two.

"it's time to head out, san. let's go." wooyoung exclaimed, and he seemed to be more excited than san was.

after a small, yet very much needed mental prep talk, san exhaled sharply and his eyes connected with the two younger males who bounced eagerly in front of him.

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