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"who are you?" he asked, his deep voice further affecting her as she inwardly shivered.

hell, even his voice was heavenly.

it sounded like pure velvet. rich, smooth and deep. se-ri relished every second of it, but quickly snapped out of whatever trance she was in and made her move to reply.

"oh, i'm lee se-ri, your highness." she bowed again out of respect, and she noticed how his eyebrows furrowed even more out of confusion.

"okay, and what is your business here?" he asked, his tone firm and establishing dominance without much effort.

se-ri was sure that if she had brought a dictionary and browsed the word 'intimidating', then his picture would show up.

lost in her train of thoughts, she was brought back to reality when she heard him scoff and she looked up to see him rolling his eyes as he tutted.

"lee se-ri! what a pleasant surprise!" it was the advisor. she wasn't expecting him to come out here all the way himself, she had thought that a guard would be sent instead.

she bowed for the umpteenth time that day, "advisor kang, it's my pleasure. i came to tell you that i do accept the proposal, and if its okay to already get situated as soon as possible." she began, not wanting to waste any time in starting her job already.

the man and the prince both looked at her in pleasant surprise, and the former was more than delighted at the words he had heard.

he immediately moved to shake her hand repeatedly, his excitement rolling off of him in waves. he was truly happy that she had accepted it, he didn't think that she would want to come and live with strangers while leaving her family behind — royalty or not.

se-ri returned his joy with a bright smile herself, her eyes sparkling. the prince had just watched this whole exchange in utter confusion, wondering what on earth had just happened.

the king noticed and raised his eyebrows at his son, "your highness, do you mind? carry her bags and bring it to the guest room on the third floor, west wing." the man requested, but his tone implied that he was not looking for any arguments.

seonghwa just looked at him with wide eyes, just who the hell was she?

nonetheless, his bored eyes diverted to where her two bags were, and picked them as he sighed heavily. he walked through the iron gates ahead of them, only to stop and turn around.

he glanced at her with a questioning look, "what are you waiting for then? hurry up." he demanded, patience wearing thin.

she looked up at him as she scurried behind him, her eyes stuck to the flower as she found the small daisies in the mud path more interesting, before she looked up to inspect the palace.

her jaw almost dropped all the way to the ground, it was absolutely beautiful. the high pillars and wide balconies painted in a warm ivory stood proud against the round surface of the palace walls, the fountain in the front looking as majestic as ever.

the pair had entered the palace, and the high ceilings with massive glass chandeliers hanging from it made the girl feel smaller than ever, and she had noticed an art room as she passed by multiple hallways and oak doors. her fingers itched to get her hands on a paintbrush, but she knew her only purpose to be here was to fulfil her job of being a medic.

se-ri found it difficult to believe that she would be living here now.

she was too immersed into admiring the sheer beauty of the palace that she hadn't notice the prince stop abruptly in front of her, which caused her to bump into him clumsily.

her nose felt numb for a split second and she let out a small noise, one that was enough to express her pain, and he turned around.

se-ri rubbed her nose as she apologised profusely for being careless.

he looked down at her without any emotion on his face, and it scared her. the lack of emotion he had was truly concerning, how could he always look like a blank canvas?

he sighed, "stop that," he demanded, and she immediately stood as still as a statue, not wanting to frustrate him further. he dropped her bags in front of an oak door with s simple gold plaque and doorknob. "here's your room, get settled in, and don't bother me." he told her.

his nonchalant tone made her blanch at how rude he was, but she knew she couldn't say anything about it because she wasn't anyone important in his life to do such thing.

se-ri watched as he walked down the hallway and entered a room — his bedroom, she concluded, since she could remember reading about how the royal family would only reside in the west wing, and no one else.

she didn't know how to feel about the fact that their bedrooms were so close, but she brushed the feeling off and entered her room with her heavy bags hanging off her forearms.

it was a simple room, with a desk, wardrobe and queen sized bed. she was grateful for it, it wasn't too extravagant and she liked things simple.

she decided that she should get settled in quickly, and began to pack her clothes away in an organised manner.

with a heavy, tired sigh, se-ri flopped down onto her bed as she felt fresh from taking a cold shower and changed into new pajamas.

she had snuggled into her covers as she felt dozy. with nothing to do, se-ri had just thought about the encounters of today. too much had happened and she barely had any time to process it.

she really didn't know what was in store for her, and she didn't want to dwell on it any further. with that thought in mind, she finally let her eyes flutter closed as she let sleep take over her.




what did you guys think of this chapter? i wasn't too sure about it but you know, one step at a time :)

stay safe and stan ateez <3

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