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the six men watched in awe, completely captured in the hypnotising presence that was hongjoong's.

except this time, he had bright, electric blue hair.

he walked into the throne room nonchalantly, joining the rest of the group with relaxed shoulders and a calm stride.

hongjoong smiled, his doe eyes crinkling up into adorable crescents and smile stretching wide across his perfect face, and he brought an accessorised hand up to brush it through his ocean waves.

"hyung, if i didn't know any better, i'd think you were trying to steal my spotlight." san laughed boyishly, smirk dancing on his plump lips.

"oh hush, san. i just wanted to try something different for your big day," he said, and he looked around the colossal room that was decorated far more than usual, as if he were looking for someone. "speaking of your big day, where's myra?" hongjoong inquired.

san's eyes widened a small fraction, before he relaxed once again as if a thought ran through his mind. "she's somewhere with seonghwa hyung and se-ri. something about a surprise? i'm not too sure, actually."

everyone looked at each other with knowing smirks and looks, but before san could catch on, they returned back to their normal state.

their chaotic state.

on one side, wooyoung was upside down on a chair complaining about something, jongho swinging his legs around and san somehow using his ponytail as a microphone as he belted notes that no one thought he was capable of.

yunho and mingi had grabbed hongjoong - mingi with his legs and yunho with his arms - and swung him around as they threatened to throw him into the dessert table that was generously set up by myra and se-ri.

yunho was obviously fearful for the desserts, but it was a funny thought if anything.

yeosang just sat on the side. way too quiet for it to not be concerning, and it took jongho a couple minutes of analysing his state to finally realise that he had been recording the whole thing secretly with his new camera.

"hyung! not my camera!" jongho had screamed, and everyone watched with amusement shining in their eyes as he tackled yeosang to the floor, in hopes of retrieving his precious new purchase.

and it only took a few minutes before everyone had joined into the chaos, and the castle staff looked stressed at the thought of the potential mess that they could've caused only thirty minutes before the coronation.

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