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se-ri nibbled on her lower lip as her nerves took over when she found herself waiting patiently in front of the grand oak doors of the king's throne room.

of course, as a king, he had many duties to attend to and he was a busy man, so it was a miracle when se-ri found her request to see the king being accepted the same day she asked.

suddenly, the guards who were stationed at each side of the doors bowed in a perfect ninety degrees angle and stepped aside for se-ri to finally enter.

their faces were stoic as ever, their movements almost robotic like. and even then, se-ri gave each of them a warm smile and bowed back as she took timid steps into the main room.

she didn't notice, but the guards let their facades drop for a split second as ever so minuscule smiles of their own adorned their faces. it was as if se-ri was a happy virus, spreading her positive energy to even the most unexpected people.

the throne room in itself was breathtaking, it's high ceilings decorated with beautiful artwork and majestic chandeliers doing well to compliment the tall ivory pillars with intricate gold accents painted onto them.

the long, velvet red carpet that seemed like it could run for miles was placed in the exact centre of the room, and it ran along the cool tiled floor, up the steps and stopped where the large throne sat.

the king sat there in all of his royal glory, taking a moment to study se-ri's small form that was stood at quite a far distance.

she couldn't shake off the feeling that she felt extremely inferior to him, and even to the multiple guards that were lined up in perfect formation that surrounded her, immaculate posture and all.

however she allowed her nerves to simmer down when the king broke his serious face and let a warm smile adorn it instead, and her once tense shoulders relaxed as she let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding in.

"ms. lee! what a pleasure it is to see you here on this lovely day. how's work my dear?" he questioned, and his jolly mood instantly brought a cute grin upon the girl's face.

she curtseyed before she spoke, "good afternoon, your majesty. the pleasure is all mine, and work is going great, thank you for asking." she replied politely, her honey voice sounded soothing as ever.

"now, what's your reason for being here, ms. lee?" he asked kindly.

the name reminded her of all the times the prince talked to her, or more like teased her, and she found herself missing his presence. snapping out of her silly daydream, she responded diligently.

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