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once she reached her destination, she knocked on the door firmly and was surprised to see a tall figure with fiery red hair answer the door instead of a petite platinum blonde.

he looked down at se-ri in front of him as he raised a questioning brow, "what's your business here?" he asked warily.

she looked up at him in shock and was at a loss for words. his fiery red hair was tousled and came down to cover his forehead, bringing attention to his fox-like eyes. his nose was straight and narrow, and his cheekbones were angled to perfection, leading down to his chiseled jawline that looked sharp to the touch which accentuated the look of his plump cherry lips.

the man was handsome to say the least.

but that handsomeness wouldn't distract se-ri from the fact that he was a six foot intimidating specimen, and she'd have to answer his question sooner or later.

her eyes didn't fail to notice the gleaming insignia of royalty on his arm with multiple medals underneath to add to it. she also noticed one of them had read 'head guard', which seemed to intimidate her even more.

"i'm here to visit my friend, soyeon. what is your  business here, sir?" se-ri shot right back.

the male opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted abruptly by another voice coming from inside.

"se-ri? what are you doing here?" said female appeared out of nowhere, coming to the front door in front of both of them.

the former had easily slipped under the arm of the guard, who looked down at her head in mock surprise, and stood in front of both him and her friend with an excited smile on her face.

"i just wanted to drop by with these pastries i bought...and i thought maybe i could hang out, but if you're busy i can leave." se-ri admitted as she held up the basket of baked goodies in the air with a sheepish smile on her face, making her look absolutely endearing.

not even a second later, se-ri felt arms wrapped around her neck bringing her into a warm hug, whilst being shaken side to side relentlessly.

"oh my, you bought these? come, let's eat together. and don't be silly, of course you can come in and hang out. you don't ever have to ask," soyeon winked with a wide grin.

the spunky female grabbed se-ri's wrist in a firm hold and started to bring her into the house, "come on in and make yourself comfortable."

se-ri, being as awkward as she is, sent the guard a small smile while craning her head to look up at him, which probably looked more like a grimace instead.

he just watched the whole exchange with a confused look on his flawless face, amusement flickering in his orbs as he watched soyeon.

once the three were settled in the kitchen each with a snack in their hand, se-ri had asked the question that was bugging her the moment she arrived.

"um...soyeon, who is he and what is he doing here?" she whispered to her friend.

"his name is song mingi, he's a new friend. i met him recently," the older replied, a small yet shy smile covering her face. questions popped up one after another in se-ri's brain, but held herself back for the sake of first impressions.

mingi had heard the conversation without even having to strain his ears, he wasn't the head guard of the royal palace for nothing. years of training had obviously paid off. however, he paid no mind to it as he continued to scarf down his chocolate filled croissant.

he had struggled to keep in the smile threatening to crack about how obvious they were being, despite the lack of emotion on his face.

se-ri suddenly had a ureka moment. "why don't we all take a walk in the woods? the weather is lovely today and we can even grab some ice cream." she suggested with excitement glimmering in her hopeful eyes.

immediately, soyeon jumped to agreed with her and soon, the pair were found tying their shoes getting ready to go outside.

since se-ri's visit was a complete surprise, mingi wasn't expecting this sudden outing. but he still wanted to stay, so he thought he might as well tag along. he turned to nod at them with a reluctant sigh, and the girls immediately cheered in delight as they swung the front door open.

...only for them to stop right in their tracks.

mingi noticed the sudden silence and absence of excitement in the atmosphere, and turned to the direction of the door with a curious gaze.

"hm? ladies, what's wrong?" he asked.

no one responded, so he checked it out for himself. soyeon's mouth was left agape in shock, as was se-ri's, also mixed with a hint of confusion. and this could only make him more adamant to find out who or what was at the door.

once he finally made it, his eyes widened at the unexpected visitor, however he didn't hesitate to bow out of respect, as if it was a second nature to him. his action also prompted the girls to follow, too.

"greetings, advisor kang. to what do i owe this pleasure?"



h help me e

h help me e

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HELP ME he has no right to look that perfect </3

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HELP ME he has no right to look that perfect </3

stay safe and stan ateez <3

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