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fingers shaking and heart beating rapidly, se-ri willed herself to calm down as she gently dabbed at the crimson liquid on the prince's face. he stared straight at her face with an icy glaze, and she stared right back.

"stop worrying."

se-ri simply set the damp cloth on the table beside her as she scooted closer to gently clean the cut with a disinfectant, and seonghwa spread his legs so she was now between them.

she couldn't think about the proximity right now; her mind was constantly focusing on the cut on his face. squeezing her eyes shut and opening them again, she willed herself to take a breather and focus on the task at hand.

with her tongue sticking out of her lips and head tilted to the side, she carefully placed the plaster on his face and smoothed it out with her fingers, pressing as light as a feather.

all the while the prince was still staring at her. he refrained the smile that was fighting to grow on his face, he could tell she had a hard time trying to soothe her nerves.

he made it even harder though, as he slowly grabbed her wrists and pulled her into his warm embrace, arms hanging tiredly at her hips.

almost as if it were in her nature, her hands went up to his inky black hair and ran her fingers through the luscious locks, earning a content sigh from him.

"you need to be careful out there."

"mmm," he hummed.

"take it easy."


"how did you eve—are you even listening?" she asked, her brows furrowed as she picked his head up from her shoulder, and noticed his eyes slowly drooping closed as he reached for her again.

the grumbling of his stomach broke the peaceful silence in the room, and se-ri pulled him up.

"you haven't eaten dinner, and neither have i, so let's go eat." she said to the drowsy prince. the endless hours of sparring had drained him, and it was apparent.

his eyes popped open as a knot appeared between his brows, "you haven't eaten?" he inquired, quirking a clean brow.

she gazed up at him, looking straight into his eyes. "no, i was busy with work." she answered.

making their way into the kitchen, se-ri browsed the kitchen and found a container of food that must've been left over from earlier on in the day.

after heating it up and adding a few extra toppings and sides, she turned to the dining table to see the prince setting down the cutlery and glasses of water. she smiled at the sight, and sat opposite him as she immediately dug in.

just as she had placed her fork down, the sight of meat made its way into her line of vision, and she looked up to see the inky haired with an outstretched arm, beckoning the girl to take the bite he was offering with wide gleaming eyes and pursed lips.

her cheeks flared, a deep flush taking over her face as she opened her mouth and took the bite, smiling and nodding contentedly at the burst of flavours.

he nodded as if he achieved the world's work, and went back to his own food and forking some salad as he placed it in his mouth.

and then se-ri realised, he ate with the same fork. her breath caught in her throat and she coughed lightly as she patted her chest and reached for the water, as seonghwa just chuckled into his champagne.

what a tease.

cleaning the table up and heading upstairs, but not before making sure se-ri was comfortable, he watched as she peeked her head out and shooed him away with a goodnight. he rolled his eyes with a smirk on his face and walked into his room.

he flopped back onto the bed, not bothering to change his blood covered clothes, as he placed an arm over his eyes and heaved an exhausted sigh.

what is she doing to me?

he frustratingly ran his fingers through his hair and got up again, ripping his uniform off and leaning against the wall.

what am i going to do about the princess?

excited chatter filled the room as the boys and se-ri sat on the floor, huddled together.

they glanced at the invitations placed in front of them; as if it were a treasure that should be handled with extreme care.

the castle were holding the annual celebration of the year - the date that marks the birthday of the crown prince himself.

it had taken weeks for se-ri and the boys to plan this to make it especially perfect, and they had succeeded in their goal as they clapped their hands with wide grins on their faces.

the boys were planning who to take as their plus ones, and se-ri was wondering which hairstyle would match the dress she had bought for the occasion.

jongho, who sat with them but was just scooted to the side a little bit, rolled his eyes, "i hope there's live music."



okay so i need to get to the plot as soon as i can because there's a lot planned so sorry if this chapter seems a bit rushed :(

what did you guys think of it? don't be a silent reader! <3

also, agust d-2?? i'm: dead.


stay safe and stan ateez <3

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