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the air was tense in the small hospital room. the six boys surrounded se-ri who rested peacefully in the hospital bed, but gave her he distance and space that they knew she needed.

their attention was drawn away from the medic who they now took in as their little sister, to the now opening door.

it was the prince himself, and everyone could see how exhausted he was. his eyes hung heavily and all colour was drained from his face as his shoulders were dropping, and he didn't bother saying a word to anyone as he took the seat next to the bed.

hongjoong smiles sadly, "we'll give you some time alone with her."

seonghwa still sat motionless, bringing a fist up to his mouth to avoid breaking down right then and there. as the six boys shuffled out of the door to go and visit san, they closed the door behind them until silence was the only thing that could be heard.

he didn't even look at se-ri's face, because he knew his walls would crumble when he took in the almost lifeless love of his life laying limp in the measly bed.

time would go by, hours passed and the clock ticked ever so slowly while he waited for the flutter of her eyes and the movement of her body.

he didn't get up from his spot at all, and he was only forced twice in the time that he stayed at the hospital to go and eat and shower at hongjoong's persistence.

"go and shower, stinky. you don't want her to wake up to rotten smell of fart, would you?" he would say, eliciting the slightest dorky smile out of the prince.

and so days would pass, a sullen mood in the air without the life that se-ri would being everyday. at one point, even san had recovered enough to get into a wheelchair, and be pushed by myra to see se-ri for himself.

"come on, my star. y-you can't fail on me now. please wake up, let me see your beautiful eyes again. let me see your smile, let me hear your laugh. please." seonghwa said, choking on a sob as the tears just seemed to fall like a seemingly never ending waterfall.

his heart wrenched in his chest at the mere thought of what a world without se-ri would be. it would be like a field with no flowers, a sky without its sun, the moon without its stars. it would be like torture.

and he wasn't ready to come to terms with what that felt like just yet.

he sobbed and sobbed until it seemed that his body was drained of tears, and laid his head down beside her still hand. he could feel a headache forming, but he brushed it aside and continued to admire his love.

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