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the youngest brunette rushed around the grand hall as he desperately searched for the medic. he knew he could easily spot her because her dress shone brighter than any of the fine silks in the ballroom, but he couldn't seem to spot her anywhere.

but when jongho saw her slip out of the restroom like a sly snake as if no one would spot her, he let the momentary panic wash away. the young male walked up to her with his gummy smile as he handed her a piece of the spectacular apple pie that yunho had made especially for him, since the older knew he would be grumpy without it for the night.

se-ri took it as she thanked him, grateful that she had finally been able to eat for the first time since early morning. her eyes popped open, the tart apples and sweet syrup complimented each other as the flavours burst in her mouth.

jongho nodded vigorously as he bounced in front of her, and the pair giggled as they came to realise just how silly they looked.

they didn't mind, though. this was a celebration, and they were allowed to have fun and enjoy it to the fullest. with that thought in mind, the younger grabbed her hand as he whisked her away swiftly to the center of the dance floor.

se-ri let a loud, joyous laughter as he spun her repeatedly while he too, let out giggles. unknowingly, the pair had attracted multiple eyes which belonged to the aristocrats and nobles. they watched in awe as the duo had what looked like the time of their lives.

se-ri gasped inaudibly when she felt a new presence dance with her, and she focused her gaze to her new partner. it took everything in her to hold in the laughter bubbling up inside of her when she spotted yeosang.

he wiggled his eyebrows and winked at her, which caused her to double over in laughter. his eyes crinkled into crescents as he smiled widely at the sight before him.

on the side, the strawberry haired duo admired the view with proud grins on their faces. "seonghwa is so lucky," mingi sighed, his tone breathy as he panted, leaning foreword to put his hands on his knees.

the shorter raised a questioning brow, "why on earth do you sound like you've ran a marathon before you came here?" he inquired.

mingi just huffed in exhaustion, a tired look in his eyes, "leave me be. wooyoung and san were chasing me around because—wait, i forgot why..." he trailed off, glancing up at the intricate detailing of the ceiling as if that would help him remember what he had forgotten.

hongjoong just rolled his emerald orbs, fighting an amused smile as he looked up at the younger.

se-ri's cheeks were flushed a blush pink as she inhaled deeply, trying to catch her breath. she had ended up dancing with all of the boys in a row as they passed her along. the fact that they had all made her run out of breath because of laughing one way or another didn't help.

she sat down at an isolated table, her tall glass of apple juice in hand. when she finally felt like she had regained her energy, she moved to get up — when a hand grasped her wrist.

she looked up instantly, and her eyes widened in shock and confusion as she met the burning gaze of princess myra. her eyes glanced repeatedly between the princess and the small hand wrapped tightly around her wrist.

se-ri snatched her wrist out of the grasp softly, not wanting the princess to get any bad ideas about her. myra coughed awkwardly as she stuttered out an apology, and rubbed her arms stiffly.

se-ri's brows furrowed.

"since you live in the castle, i have a feeling i'll be seeing you a lot from now on. let's get to know each other, what do you say?" the princess proposed, holding out a glass of dark red wine.

hesitantly, se-ri took the glass. her fingers brushed against myra's oddly cold ones, and she had to refrain from shivering.

se-ri knew something was up, but she wanted to find out exactly what it was. so, she decided to play this little game of the princess'. bringing out her own glass of wine, they clinked glasses and proceeded to take a sip.

the rich flavour overwhelmed se-ri's taste buds, and her face scrunched up. the flavour was way too strong and bitter for her to appreciate it, so she just set the glass down on a table a few feet away and excused herself, to which the princess moved aside to give way, the dark gaze on her face going unnoticed.

se-ri made her way over to the table which the boys occupied, and yunho immediately made space for her to sit as he grabbed a chair for her.

"you're just in time, they're serving the main course now." wooyoung exclaimed as he rubbed his hands together in excitement. she smiled, but san noticed that it didn't quite reach her eyes.

in no time, the food arrived and everyone began setting their plates, their hungry eyes widening at the variety. but se-ri felt queasy, the scent of the food seemed strong as ever as they overtook her senses, and she cringed. she didn't have enough time to gulp some water before she got up to rush to the toilet, her insides felt as if they were twisting inside out.

she slammed the door open and immediately bent down in front of the toilet bowl. hot tears burned in the corners of her eyes, and she suddenly felt a large, yet warm hand rub her back up and down comfortingly. she gagged relentlessly, and se-ri heard san's voice in the distance.

"oh my god, oh my god. okay, you'll be fine, keep your eyes open, yeah? crap," he cursed, desperately fumbling around in an attempt to make sure se-ri was okay.

but his voice was drowned out as her vision became blurry, and her head lulled to the side. all she saw was black, and her body gave out.



hey hi hello my lovelies!!

what did you guys think of this chapter? what do you think happened to se-ri?

i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!

stay safe and stan ateez<3

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