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the pit in se-ri's stomach deepened, and her chest felt as if someone was pressing down on it. she felt trapped, as if there was no way she could escape.

she groaned softly, brows furrowing as she used all her willpower to push herself up. the faint sound of rustling was heard from somewhere in the room she was residing in, but she ignored it.

se-ri flinched violently. she cringed at the feeling of what seemed like a knife stabbing her in the stomach over and over again, but she ignored the feeling, using all her might to push herself up.

finally succeeding in sitting up in the hospital bed, she took a moment to take in her surroundings.

the blank walls stared back at her, and the lack of colour in the room reflected her thoughts. she was frazzled, and she looked to the side. a long mirror with intricate bordering and designs engraved into it stood tall against the wall, and only then had se-ri noticed the state she was in.

eyes widening in shock and slight horror, se-ri stared back at her lifeless, energy-drained eyes which adorned dark rings. her cheeks were pale and hollow, and any sign of her natural rosy cheeks were gone; and the constant ringing in her ears made her question just how long she had been holed up like this.

the girl groaned once again as she held her head which started to throb at the bright lights above her. the temptation of just falling back into the plush cushions on the bed behind her was huge, but she fought it.

reaching her hand to grasp the glass of water on the table beside her, she gulped it down in parts, sighing as she felt her parched throat become hydrated once again.

the door opened slowly, and a small bit of lilac hair peeked through the door.

he walked in, oblivious to the fact that se-ri was awake, and moved to the small couch that was situated on the other side of the room. he folded the blankets that were placed messily on top of it, and he ran his ringers through his dishevelled hair. he turned around, and it seemed as if he jumped an entire foot in the air as he let out a loud shriek of terror.

se-ri laughed, but she quickly regretted it that choice at the sharp pain, settling for a weak smile in wooyoung's direction instead. he rushed towards her, concern written on every inch of his face. he grabbed her shoulders, examining her, and when he saw that she was partially okay he grasped her head in his hands and shoved it in his chest.

he cooed softly, stroking her hair whilst swaying from side to side. she smiled again, leaning into his warm and comforting embrace.

after a few long seconds, she pushed him away and craned her head to look up at him since she was sitting down and he was standing by the bedside.

"did you sleep on the couch, wooyoung?" she asked, her voice slightly muffled from her face being pressed into his chest. he chuckled softly at the strange sound, and he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

"yeah, the boys and i took turns on night watch." wooyoung stated, and the grateful smile that grew on se-fi's face could not be contained.

she laughed lightly as a light blush washed over his cheeks, but he immediately called the doctor as her face contorted into pain for the umpteenth time that day.

"your body is extremely weak right now, i would suggest not to perform any strenuous activities until you are fully healed. the poison that was laced into your edibles was strong, and you could've died had it not been for the quick actions that your friend took." the doctor simplified.

words couldn't even describe the shock that resonated within herself right now, poison?

se-ri tried her best to come up with any plausible excuse as to why myra would go to such extreme measures to eliminate her competition, but she visibly deflated when her mind felt empty as ever.

se-ri hated to come to the conclusion that she was in danger for as long as she was in seonghwa's presence.

she was brought out of her train of jumbled thoughts when she felt her right hand being squeezed gently, and she turned to see san giving her a comforting smile.

he helped her up, placing her arm around his broad shoulder as he helped her into a wheelchair. she thanked him, and he responded with a bright dimpled smile, pushing her wheelchair toward the exit of the hospital.

the sun had begun to set by now, and the sky was painted in hues of reds, oranges and pinks. the sun was sinking slowly behind the horizon, and the bright oranges and reds of dusk began to fade away softly into the sky.

the air dropped to a low chill, and se-ri was glad that wooyoung had gone to fetch her warm clothes in the midst of the check up. thankfully, the trio made it back to the palace before any of them caught a fever. before they stepped through the grand doors, wooyoung wrapped two blankets around her. she looked like a human wrap, and he approved with a proud look on his cheeky face.

san bent down slightly to make eye contact with her, "for protection, from the others." he said with a serious tone, but the amusement lacing his eyes could be seen from a mile away.

she glanced at him in confusion, and he said nothing as san just chuckled and led her inside, pushing her shoulders gently for a sense of direction.

"se-ri? is that you? OH MY-" the tall red head exclaimed as soon as said girl entered the room. he rushed towards her until he was close enough to embrace her into his giant frame, and she laughed into his chest as he started to wipe his fake tears.

"hi, mingi." she laughed.

then the rest of the pack pounced, showering se-ri in love and laughter.

hongjoong smiled at her, his pearly whites on display as his eyes formed crescents which se-ri adored. he grabbed her hand as he stroked them gently, "i'm so glad you're okay, sweet. here, why don't i help you up to your room so you can get to bed." he offered, and the rest of the boys ushered her along, so she gladly accepted.

once she made it behind her bedroom door after waving hongjoong goodnight, her shoulders dropped as she heaved a sigh.

it was lovely to see all the boys after so long, and though she was basically unconscious throughout her stay in the hospital, she missed them.

but, the one she yearned to see hadn't shown up yet. se-ri tried to stop the daunting thoughts plaguing her mind, but the what ifs and maybes continued to swarm it. what if he. decided this whole conundrum was just not worth it? or, maybe he's fed up already.

i don't blame him.



hi lovelies <3

i'm back on track thanks to all of your love and support!! i love you guys so much with my whole heart <333

stay safe and stan ateez <3

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