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heaving a sigh through her lips, se-ri tossed and turned into the fluffy bed of clouds as a wave of uncertainty washed over her.

the unease she felt rose to levels that couldn't be matched, and her hands were tucked under the huge pillows as she laid on her stomach, her legs swinging back and forth as she hummed in boredom.

however, all movements of hers stopped when her hands grazed a cool metal under her warm fingertips.

with furrowed brows, messy hair and tired eyes, se-ri sat up in bed as the covers fell off of her small frame, object still in hand.

without even having to pay too much attention to it, se-ri could already tell it was a sharp weapon of some sort, and she scurried out of the bed to the window to examine it under the moonlight which shone brightly in the pitch black sky.

se-ri gasped inaudibly as she stared at the small yet perfectly sized dagger that rested in her hands, it's simple bejeweled style entrancing her. she stroked the bedazzling diamonds that were molded with so much effort and precision into the cool steel.

when she flipped it over, however, se-ri could feel her chest constricting as her emotional-self made an appearance through the small drops of tears that gathered at her waterline.

her fingers grazed over the small message that was engraved into the dagger, and she cherished each letter, as if it were the world's greatest treasure.

'나의 별을 위해'

oh seonghwa, you really outdid yourself this time.

she smiled fondly, and she held the dagger close to her chest where her heart was. because that's where the prince would always be, so close to her heart.

but her happiness could obviously not last.

se-ri's smile dropped when she heard the sudden clanging of metal, heavy thumps of hooves and the unmistakable grunting of what seemed like grown men coming from a distance.

quickly tucking her new and also favourite dagger into her thigh holster, she scrambled to open the window wider to see what was going on outside.

her nerves were skyrocketing, and her mind was going haywire. se-ri cursed, and immediately rushed to get out the palace when she couldn't spot anything unusual.

swiftly leaving the premises, she let her hearing sense lead her to her edge of the forest, and she quickly hid behind a large willow tree when she noticed a group of people huddled together.

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