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her steps were light and delicate, feather-like almost, as she trotted her way through the garden, unaware of her surroundings as her attention was solely focused on the many colours of roses in front of her in the humongous garden.

in all honesty, she was somewhat grateful to her tyrant of a brother for forcibly kicking her off to the side and making her stay with her supposed-to-be husband, because at least she was given something that she'd never have back at her palace, the palace she once called home.


simply being able to inhale the fresh scent of the winter air and the letting the sweet smell of flowers invade her senses was what she called freedom, it was better than anything she ever had compared to her old home.

the princess let out a relieved breath, looking up to admire more of the beauty that was the park palace.

however, she halted in her steps when she noticed a figure in the distance, staring straight at her, unmoving.

her breath hitched in her throat when she finally recognised the familiar black hair painted with crimson streaks, the intense, intimidating eyes and sharp cheekbones come into her line of vision.

she cautiously shuffled closer, stopping at a distance so that neither of the two would be too alarmed at the somewhat unusual proximity.

"san..?" myra questioned, cocking her head to the side as her perfectly arched brows furrowed in confusion.

he didn't say anything, and simply continued to stare at her with those hawk eyes of his. only this time did he let them travel downwards to her neck, to her collarbones that stood prominent from her smooth milky skin, and finally to her exposed shoulders.

the once brutal marks that were splayed everywhere on her soft skin were now fading into light pink splotches. his fists subconsciously clenched. as much as he was wary of the princess, no one deserved the torment she had endured.

all by her own blood.

her family should've been her pride.

her skin was a beautiful canvas waiting to be painted, but it seemed that the colours that were used just didn't sit well with her tone.

"are you healing? getting better?" his smooth, yet raspy voice sounded, and her eyes snapped to the ground. she tilted her head forward so that her long and silky blonde hair would work as a curtain to cover herself, away from everyone's eyes.

"u-um...yes, it seems so. all thanks to se-ri. i don't know how i'll ever repay her. especially after all the pain i've caused her, and possibly to all of you." she responded, her words slightly becoming choked as she felt a sob catching upon her throat.

she cursed herself, it seemed that all the years of training to be a perfect princess, training to be composed and unbothered no matter what had gone to waste in just the span of a few minutes.

she quickly blinked the tears away and looked up, meeting san's kind honey eyes. he gulped, his adam's apple bobbing up and down, and she found herself staring at it for a few seconds too long.

he looked at her glossy eyes, and before he could even think, his muscled arms reached out to pull her fragile body in his arms, engulfing her smaller form entirely into his.

she gasped lightly, and as she inhaled the woodsy scent of san, she found herself leaning in on her body's accord.

her face scrunched up, but she bit her lip painfully hard so that she wouldn't let her guard fall down. she wouldn't let it happen.

his gentle fingers were weaved into her golden locks, and he stroked her head attentively.

"let it out." he whispered.

and it was only then that she let the weak dam of her tears break, the salty hot tears flowing like an endless waterfall down her flushed cheeks.

she felt slightly guilty to be getting his obviously expensive uniform soaked with her tears, and she acknowledged the fact that this was yet another thing she'd have to pay him back for.

but she didn't mind, she'd do anything to repent for her mistakes. whether the actions she had made in the last were forced unto her or not; she'd redeem herself one way or another.

thus myra continued to let the sobs rack her body, until every last tear was rinsed. and san stood entirely still, aside from the comforting motion of him swaying her side to side.

se-ri and seonghwa watched from a distance, a soft gasp leaving se-ri's mouth at the unexpected scene unfolding in front of her.

with wide, excited doe eyes, she grabbed her lover's arm and shook it repeatedly. he glanced down at her with a soft smile, adoration swirling in his eyes.

"look, your highness! they're getting along!" she squealed, but she suddenly stopped, all motion in her body ceasing to exist.

seonghwa, noticing this, immediately moved to stand in front of her, grabbing her shoulders. "what's wrong, my star?" he asked casually, yet his voice was laced with that of concern.

she ignored him and simply tiptoed to peek over his shoulder, holding his forearms for support.

"why is she crying?" she mumbled softly, and seonghwa had to stop himself from falling to the floor right then and there at her sheer innocent charm.

he brushed the overwhelming feeling off, and simply grabbed her hand and whisked away.

"let's leave them to their business. now, where were we?" he asked, smirking at her.



hey 🐝ches <3

stay safe and stan ateez <3

stay safe and stan ateez <3

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