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se-ri finished patching the soldier up, and they exchanged kind smiles towards each other before he left the room to get on with his day.

swivelling around in her chair, se-ri quickly cleaned her supplies so she could get ready for her next patient. she heard the door open, but she was busy finishing up to pay attention just yet.

placing her gloves on the side, she span around only to be pleasantly surprised when the familiar sight of golden locks and a slender figure standing there timidly.

"oh! princess, are you here for your last check-up?" se-ri questioned, glancing over at said girl with benign eyes.

"yes." she nodded feebly, and the small medic patted the spot on the bed so that the princess could take her seat. se-ri quickly got to spreading some ointment onto her fading bruises. the atmosphere was serene, the silence seemingly speaking enough words for both of the women.

"se-ri," myra mumbled, her half lidded eyes being a dead giveaway that she was way more relaxed than she intended to be. the aforementioned girl could only respond with a mellow hum, because she was too immersed in her work to use actual words.

"are you...sure you want to go through with the plan? if you get hurt, if anyone else gets hurt, I don't know how i'll live knowing that it happened because of my brother." she said, and when se-ri finally took a break from her work to look up at the princess, she could only see her beautiful hazel glancing straight up at the ceiling and nowhere else.

the medic sighed softly and moved back into her chair, letting her hands fall into her lap. "as strange as this sounds, I'm willing to take risky measures to keep everyone safe. the ones who really are in danger are you and the crown prince, and i'm sure a certain few would be devastated if something ever happened." se-ri spilled her thoughts out, and the last part was definitely directed towards her.

it seemed that myra got the message, and a rosy blush coated her cheeks as her mind wandered off to a certain dark-haired boy who seemed to have caught her interest. but she snapped out of her reverie, and immediately sat up straight on the bed as her face was scrunched up in excitement.

"hm, well what about you? don't think i haven't noticed you and the prince himself," she teased, crossing her arms as she wiggled her eyebrows up and down, and se-ri bursted into charming laughter.

"okay, let me ask you a few questions," the princess proposed. se-ri just nodded, curious to see what she was up to.

"what do you feel when you're around him?"

se-ri took a deep breath, letting her clouded thoughts run wild. she stayed silent for a while, and she gnawed at her bottom as she brushed her bangs out of her eyes.

"when i'm with him, it feels like...i have no other worries in the world. i feel like everything is perfect, and whatever weight is on my shoulders is instantly lifted when he's around. it's no lie that i'm head over heels for him and him only. he's very quickly become a drug that i'm addicted to, i always find myself craving for him. he's intoxicated every fibre of my being, and i can't imagine my future without him."

the princess listened as se-ri rambled on and on about her precious love for the prince with rapture, completely entranced by the happiness and utter joy that swirled in her eyes. in that moment, her deep-set brown orbs looked as bright and mesmerising as a sunrise that painted the sky with hues of crimson and burnt orange swirls.

suddenly, the small medic gasped, her mouth forming a cute 'O' shape. she grabbed the princess by her forearms and began shaking and bouncing excitedly, to which the princess laughed.

"princess, i just realised something!" she exclaimed.

the princess smiled knowingly, and motioned for her to continue.

"i'm in love." she smiled bashfully, and both girls squealed excitedly like schoolgirls who had just acknowledged their crush.



hey my lovelies <3

kinda just wanted to say sorry for the short-ish chapter :<

okay, its safe to say i'm not functioning properly.

hwa's abs...HELPSDJKDS

stay safe and stan ateez <3

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