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exhausted breaths left their mouths as they crashed onto the plush couches of the palace, apologising to the maids who had just finished their cleaning after the whole day.

"i'm heading to bed, guys. this genius needs his beauty sleep, and it won't come from nowhere." wooyoung announced, referring to himself as he lazily stood from his position, yeosang clinging to his arm like a sleepy koala.

"goodnight, wooyoung-ah." se-ri smiled sweetly, and he disappeared a few seconds later after giving her quite a lovely peck on the forehead.

san was already snoring, and jongho stared into space. she took the liberty of tapping his shoulder, and he snapped out his stupor, visibly disoriented. once he had finally grasped the situation he was in, he sighed like an old man and moved to carry san bridal-style, taking him to bed.

they shared fond smiles, and exchanged goodbyes for the time being, and se-ri tidied up the out of place cushions which had been bothering her since the moment she noticed it.

her legs grew tired as she hiked up the marble steps, but she felt relief wash over her as she finally reached her door. that was until someone grabbed her wrist and she was taken into a room.

it was dark, so dark that se-ri needed a few minutes to let her eyes adjust to the absence of light.

from miles away, she could already tell that it was the prince's bedroom, and he was the culprit of dragging her away as he would be the only one to do such a thing. she found it comical, and her eyes immediately caught his when he moved to stand in front of her.

he flashed her a cheeky smile, however his smile quickly transformed into a petty pout.

se-ri felt her heart beating faster by the millisecond, the familiar swarm of butterflies making, yet again, another appearance. it was obvious to her how much they meant to each other and she saw a side of him that no one else had, but this new side of him was heart-stopping.

his smile was wide and bright, and his left laugh line was deeper than the other, which
se-ri found herself swooning over. without thinking too much about it, she brought her finger up quickly to poke it, and they both looked at each other with wide eyes.

se-ri burst into a fit of tired giggles at the sight of his slightly bulged our eyes and 'o' shaped mouth, and he simply admired the view.

his pout showed again, and she decided to play along with his act, savoring this moment. "what's wrong, my prince?" she said, stroking his shoulders.

"i don't like the way wooyoung kisses you." he begrudgingly admitted.

se-ri fought back the laughter bubbling inside of her, "yeah? well...maybe i do." she clapped back, tone teasing.

he stopped for a second, his expression falling off of his face, and se-ri thought maybe she had taken it too far.

but she worried no longer when he took a grasp of her hands into his and littered her face with small pecks to prove her wrong, bringing out bright laugher from her lips. he smiled at the endearing sight.

she let go and climbed into his plush bed, sighing in relaxation. it felt like clouds, the softest clouds. sinking into the sheets further, her eyes closed in ecstasy.

"...and just what do you think you're doing?" his deep voice sounded, and se-ri opened one eye to see the prince standing there with his arms crossed against his chest and a teasing smile on his face.

she grinned, her dimples poking. "going to sleep, you should too." she suggested.

he simply chuckled and shook his head. she was something else, she was different to his norm.

a good different.

se-ri woke up to the shuffling of the bed sheets beside her, and she rubbed her eyes with her fists.

glancing to the side where the big window was, she could see that it was still pitch black outside, and she was confused.

she turned back around as she sat up now, "seonghwa? what are you doing?"

he didn't say anything as he rushed to get dressed, and she was becoming increasingly worried as he seemed to refuse to answer her.

the prince noticed that se-ri was moving to come out of the bed that they shared, and he immediately moved to her.

seonghwa laid her back down swiftly and stared into her eyes with a strong emotion swirling in his deep dark orbs. se-ri noticed the wrinkles between his brows as he furrowed them, and she reached a finger up to smooth it out.

"you'll get wrinkles." she mumbled.

he stared at her adoringly, and with a quick peck to her forehead, the crown prince dashed out of the room, grabbing his sheathed sword on the way out.

se-ri cuddled up to the covers once again, but she couldn't go back to sleep.

please be okay.



hai my lovelies <3

stay safe and stan ateez<3

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