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"what's the matter, my love?" se-ri asked, placing an affectionate palm against seonghwa's cheek. the couple had retreated to their bedroom for some privacy for the rest of the evening. seonghwa's face remained stoic, but he reached up to cup her own hand in his.

he moved forward to sit on the edge of the, resting his elbows on his as he ran a distressed hand through his hair.

the prince then laid flat on his back, and chuckled into the air above him. but there was no humour in the laugh.

"you know...all I've ever known is royalty. i've trained my whole life to be a prince, ever since i could walk. i embraced it, because i got to see first hand the beauty of helping a country and having the responsibility of doing it all by myself. it made me feel complete, you know? ah...it's so hard to explain what i mean," he sighed, rubbing a hand down his face and sniffing.

"don't get me wrong, i trust san with my whole heart. i know he can do it. it's just...disappointing that all my efforts will go to waste because of a petty, good-for-nothing human being that can rot in hell for all i care. i feel like a failure. i failed my country. i probably disappointed my father, even you, se-ri," by now, he was weeping so softly that you'd have to pay extra attention to even notice a few tears slipping down the side of his head.

se-ri's hands twitched to go and comfort him, her heart ached seeing her other half in this state. but she ultimately knew that the best choice was to let him get the burden off his shoulders on his own. he was a soldier, and would continue fighting on.

"and even when i was a little child, all hongjoong and i would ever talk about was what it would be like to see little versions of ourselves running around the castle grounds. you know," he paused as he choked up a bit, but cleared his throat and continued on with a hoarse voice. "we even went shopping as teenagers. for the fun of it, we bought matching clothes for our kids - and we always thought we'd have the chance use them. guess i just let my hopes get too high." he finished, ending it all with a bittersweet chuckle at the fond, yet gut-wrenching memories that floated around in his mind.

se-ri decided she had enough, and walked over to him. she grabbed both of his hands and pulled him up, pressing the side of his face into her stomach. when she brought her delicate fingers up to brush in his inky locks, the ravenette lost it.

his walls that were built so strong were broken down instantly by the heavy swarm of tears that flooded his eyes. at the sound of his heart-crushing sobs, se-ri felt her chest get heavy but she willed herself to calm down for the sake of being his one and only backbone right now.

the pair didn't need to say anymore words that night, and instead just stayed in each other's hold. se-ri swayed seonghwa back and forth gently, and he found comfort in the action. soon he found himself calming down, his cries dying down to the occasional sniffle.

"i'm going to say something right now. and i want you to remember every single word i say," the shorter girl suddenly announced in the quiet air. she waited for a signal that he was listening, and only continued when she felt a light tap at her back where his hands rested.

"you are not a failure. you are anything but that. you taught me to love, and you gave me a reason to look forward to see the next day. you taught me the worth of loving and living, and you're the source of my happiness. you haven't failed me, your father, the boys or this country. you've left us all proud, and your name will be a name that will forever be remembered. don't doubt it, and if you do, i'll have to teach you a lesson." she said, grabbing the sides of his head and forcing him to make eye contact with her.

he breathed out a laugh at her last words, and this brought a grin on her face.

she sighed at the sight of his bloodshot eyes, and with attentive fingers, se-ri wiped his tear stained cheeks and placed a gentle kiss on each one.

"i'm sorry for not being able to give you what you want. i'll work harder, i promise." seonghwa said, his eyes closed as he sensed a headache coming in. she tutted, and the sound brought him to open his eyes slightly to look at the love of his life in front of him, who stood with her hand on her hip that was cocked to the side.

"stop apologising, you are everything i need and more. and you work hard enough, let me be the one to take care of you now." she assured him, and took a step closer to him to start untying his tie. he paused her actions as he took a gentle hold of her arms. she looked down at him, confused by his motives.

"i love you so much." his deep voice sounded.

suddenly, he lifted her shirt revealing bare stomach to him. se-ri's face instantly flushed, and the cool breeze that brushed against her skin caused goosebumps to arise on her skin. seonghwa leaned forward and placed a dainty kiss right where her wound was, and she smiled slightly at the feeling of his pillow-y lips and how relaxing it felt.

he moved the two of them so that they were now laying down on their shared bed, and he nuzzled his face in her neck and she fought the urge to giggle at the tickly sensation. she felt him place a single, open-mouthed kiss on the base of her neck.

"i love you more." she whispered.

and it wasn't long before she heard the even breathing of her lover that lay below her. the sound of his steady heartbeat in her ear as she lay her head on his chest was a lullaby itself, and se-ri allowed herself to close her eyelids and be welcomed into the dark abyss of the night.



eeee i'm not sure about how i like this chapter but i wrote it like five times so here we are hehet

it's been a while since i asked this, but how are you all my lovelies?

we are slowly slowwwwly coming to the end of desire and my HEART IS SAD :')

bye i'm gonna go watch ateez crack videos now

stay safe and stan ateez <3

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