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the sun shone ever so brightly through the window and onto the luxurious bed that held a peaceful sleeping body that belonged to se-ri. the rays of sun was so bright that day that the small dust particles could be seen in the air, as if they were dancing.

sitting up in bed, se-ri let out a breath as she rubbed her tired eyes with the heels of her hands in hopes of a boost to feel energised.

finishing up with her morning routine of washing up and tidying her room, she picked out a simple flowing white jumper and plaid trousers that were folded at the bottom.

making her way to the kitchen, she grabbed a juicy red apple and rinsed it thoroughly before biting into it. finishing it off and throwing the seeds into the trash can, she made her way to the infirmary to set up for the day.

today was the day she officially started her job, and she felt the nerves in her slightly shaking fingers excel as she shrugged the white coat on and set up her equipment.

a knock on the door sounded, and se-ri turned to see wooyoung and mingi popping their heads through the entry of the doorway.

she grinned and beckoned them in, and they bounced their way to the leather seats on the side meant for patients in waiting.

"first day at work, huh? have fun little one," wooyoung grinned like a little child as he reached over to ruffle her hair, strands falling in front of her doe eyes as they both laughed.

he moved to sit back properly in his seat as mingi began, "we just came here to wish you good luck on your first day, and that you will be fairly busy since the soldiers get into all sorts of mishaps when it comes to training, sparring with the others, or their jobs in general." he informed, and she nodded as she listened intently.

it seemed to be a busy job, but se-ri was glad since she had something to keep her busy instead of lounging around in the palace all day. it also kept her mind off of things that distracted her easily.

or in other words, prince seonghwa.

she hugged the boys goodbye and they both squeezed her hands, and wooyoung gave her a big smooch on the forehead as she laughed and smiled brightly.

wooyoung was the closest to her out of all the boys, and he proved to be the perfect brotherly figure to her, along with the other boys.

her heart warmed and pumped faster just thinking about how amazing life in the palace had been; se-ri thought that she'd have no one when she came here, she thought she'd be completely alone. but she was quickly proven wrong as the boys had stumbled into her life in the most unexpected way.

and before she could even blink, she had gained a family. a family that would stick by her side no matter what, a family that would be etched into her heart forever.

a while later and se-ri already had more than a handful of soldiers that she had tended to.

just as soon as she'd finished disinfecting the recently used equipment and got her medicines ready for use, the door opened and in came a burly man, who was holding the top of his arm through the tear of his uniform, which was soaked in blood. without a word, he sat down and se-ri got to work soon after she finished gawking at the wound.

gently wiping it down with a damp towel, she tended to the wound which, thankfully, wasn't that deep and would heal in a couple of days as long as he came back for daily patch ups.

as she came closer to stitch the cut, her breath fanned ever so lightly on his scarred skin, and she apologised as he watched her with an intense eyes, still with absolutely no expression showing on his face.

he looked away again, sighing as he let her carry on with her work.

finally finished up stitching and wiping the blood away, she had an accomplished grin on her face as she opened the door for him and let him go with a kind smile.

he still hadn't said a word.

se-ri concluded that he wasn't a man of many words, so she'd stop trying so hard to interact with people who probably had no intention to do so with her at all.

rolling around in the infirmary while bringing out new tools to use and cleaning the used ones, she didn't realise how much time passed by and night had fallen. she opened the window to let some air in the now stuffy infirmary, and her eyes traveled upwards to gaze at the shining stars above her, getting lost in the broad expanse of the sky above.

se-ri was so immersed into the blinding beauty of the shimmering stars and glowing moon that she hadn't heard the door open and close behind her.

an arm snaked itself around her waist and she already knew who it was. as if she's felt it her whole life, her body had a mind of its own and she instinctively leaned back into his embrace as his head moved to place itself on her shoulder, his warm cheek rubbing against her smooth flushed one.

she turned her to the right, still in his arms, and smiled wide to greet him.

"good evening, your high—," she gasped, not finishing her own sentence as her eyes zoned in on the dark crimson liquid that was smeared all over his right cheek, the cut underneath the thick liquid looking nasty and flesh bloody.

she didn't waste a second to grab his wrist and seat him on the bed, already getting ready to attend to her work.



okay my lovelies, that's a wrap!!

eid mubarak to all my muslim readers<3

stay safe and stan ateez <3

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