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the male stood high and mighty in front of se-ri. power and dominance rolled off of him in waves, and she could only wish it was so easy to just run away in that moment.

...why did she feel as if she was about to be reprimanded like she was back in school again?

was that guard, mingi, at the wrong place during the wrong time? no other possibility made sense as to why the king's supposed messenger himself was standing before the trio.

realising that she was still looking at the strange man with her mouth agape, she quickly shut it and went to bow instinctively.

she mumbled out a small greeting in respect, and shuffle back to open the door wider and let him in. he looked at the girls bowing before him and chuckled deeply, "please, no need for such formalities, ladies." he said with the kindest smile.

this could only add to the sheer confusion that they felt in that moment.

no one said anything for a few seconds and the three youngers could feel the tension building up in the air. se-ri fiddled with her fingers in a tight grip out of nervousness before she decided to break the ice.

"pardon me sir, but would you like anything to drink? or a snack to eat? i bought some pastries, maybe you'd like some of those?" she asked, her tone timid and shaky.

get a grip, she told herself.

"please, i'll just have some water if it's fine by you." he requested.


the stranger looked at her curiously. his gaze burned holes into her skull from behind, and he knew she could sense it but she continued working her way around the kitchen getting the refreshments ready.

se-ri returned back to the living area with the glass of water and a few pastries on the side, had the guest wished to snack on one.

advisor kang, as mingi addressed him earlier, tended to the glass of water after thanking her.

mingi cleared his throat to catch their attention. "sir, was there something you needed?" he had questioned politely.

"ah, indeed. which one of you is lee se-ri?" the man asked.

soyeon and se-ri's head whipped towards each other in that exact moment, flabbergasted. they both thought of the same thing, as if they were conversing through telepathy.

why was he asking for se-ri?

she had no choice but to answer, so she slowly raised her hand as an embarrassed blush coated her cheeks from the attention.

the advisor stood to his full height, several inches taller than her. "please come with me, i have a few things that i should discuss with you now." he said, seriousness lacing his tone as he spoke.

she led him out to the garden, and once they were settled on the chairs, he started to speak.

"apologies for this sudden proposal, but in the palace, we are looking to hire a healer. they are on of the most vital members of the staff. it pains me to say that the one we had has passed due to terminal cancer," he told her, getting straight to the point.

se-ri listened intently, eyes growing wide in sympathy. "i'm so sorry for your loss, sir. if i may ask, what does that have to do with me?"

"don't be," he smiled, "but word in town has led me to believe that your father is a great medic and i went out earlier in hopes of reaching him,"

"i proposed my offer to him, of becoming a full time healer, but he had declined," this took se-ri by surprise. "—because he said you'd be better for the job."

now she was at a loss for words.

she stayed silent as she processed the information. her father had been offered a great job but declined because he thought that she was better for it? sure, being a medic couldn't be that hard, but to really work for the royals themselves?

"i can tell you're quite confused as this is a lot to take in, but i'll be waiting for your response. whether you show up at the palace or send a letter, i'll be waiting. however, take your time to think about it, i certainly don't want to rush you." he said with a pleasant expression crossing his face.

se-ri didn't know to react to the fact that the king had indirectly invited her to work for him under his wing. she was flattered, but so confused. she didn't know if she should take up the job offer or not.



this was a relatively boring chapter but the plot thickens, so don't worry guys.

i'm trying not to make it too boring and wordy, but somehow i always make it 1000 words each chapter.

please give feedback and tell me what you think!

stay safe and stan ateez <3

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