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the  medic sat in the chair, her silk dress bunched up in her clammy hands.

she clenched and unclenched her fists tightly a couple of times, and she took deep breaths to calm her overwhelming nerves.

the door to the dressing room opened from behind her, but she paid no mind to it and instead focused on brushing her dress down, even though it didn't need to be fixed.

her breathing hitched in her throat and her skittish movements were halted when she felt a pair of warm hands being clamped down onto both of her shoulders.

looking up in the mirror in front of her, she acknowledged the lilac-haired boy with a nervous smile - which ended up looking like more than a painful grimace.

he held a hand out, and she took it with a shaky one of her own.

they moved around so that se-ri would now be facing wooyoung, and he looked down at her with fond eyes. in her hands was a beautiful bouquet, of white roses.

for the last two months, she had been receiving beautiful roses on her bed. it lay there in the middle, and there wasn't a day that passed by where the giver would forget to leave it in the exact same spot as before. after collecting them every single time, she would collect them and place them expertly into a simple glass vase for display.

when the time came for the wedding preparations, se-ri instantly knew that she would have a bouquet made out of the roses since it had meaning, and value to it.

wooyoung smirked as he eyes them knowingly, and the small girl in front of him noticed this. she eyed him questioningly, but he simply brushed it off as he giggled cutely.

he brought a hand up to and she watched him through the mirror as he gently, ever so gracefully tucked small daisies into the thick and folded strands of her elegantly styled locks.

"this seems familiar," she hummed, and they both smiled softly as they recalled memories of an excited wooyoung placing the very same bunch of flowers in her hair the night of the ball.

he finished his task, and he gazed into her eyes through the mirror in front of them, a certain fondness swirling around in his glistening eyes as he looked down at the girl who so quickly weaved her way into everyone's hearts.

his fingers played with the delicate material of the silk veil that sat on the crown of her head, the small, ever so tiny pearls glistening in the light, like a thousand stars in a never ending galaxy.

he then reached behind and bunched up the material before gently letting it fall on top of her head, and this effectively hid her face behind it.

this is it.

it's finally happening.

the faint sound of bells chiming and instruments of the orchestra could be heard in the distance, and it grew increasingly louder, signalling the cue for the bride to walk out and make her grand entrance.

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