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se-ri clutched her bags tightly in her clammy hands as she puffed her cheeks out and looked at the colossal building in front of her. even the fancy gates could've been worth more than her.

she had accepted the offer.

it was quite funny, her parents' reaction, and she definitely wasn't expecting it in the slightest.

se-ri had gone home immediately after the whole instance. she had thought about the positives and negatives of taking up the job.

positives would be that her parents wouldn't have to work anymore as the salary for the job was way higher than she expected it to be. they could relax and she would provide for them everything they've ever wanted, and that gives her peace at heart.

negatives would be, well, she's away from her family and friends. she'd have to constantly heal and tend to the soldiers, so she probably wouldn't have time to even visit them. she'd be moving to a whole new different estate and she didn't know what to think about how the people there would treat a newcomer.

she went inside her house and shook her fluffy white cape off her shoulders, exhaling heavily.

she had walked into the living room to see her father and mother conversing on the couch. she stopped in front of them and looked down, before the dam that securely held her emotions in check broke.

"do you want me to do it?" she had uttered, voice cracking as tears were already welling up in her eyes.

se-ri wasn't expecting to cry so much, or be upset. to be frank, she didn't even know why she was so upset. perhaps it was because she realised that she would be all on her own without anyone by her side. se-ri felt quite pathetic, but she just couldn't help it.

her parents looked at her with differing expressions. her father was looking at her with amusement and adoration in his eyes, and her mother looked at her with a smile and tears filling up her ocean eyes.

he got up with a sigh and ruffled her hair as she looked up at him with her doe eyes and sniffled.

"hey, who said you have to do this? i merely mentioned to the advisor about your natural born talent, but there's no way i'd ever let you go without your own consent. say the word, yes or no, and we'll be right by your side the whole way. don't feel pressured just because you want to help us, we've been doing fine and we will still be fine." he assured her comfortingly as he pulled her into a hug and her mother stroked her head from behind.

this is what she'd miss. her parents always knowing how to make her feel better.

"who's going to be there for me if you guys aren't there?" she wiped her eyes.

"well, there's always the prince." her mother winked, and burst into joyous laughter as you felt the warm sensation of the blood rushing to your cheeks.

"mom, no!" se-ri grumbled as her dad continued to tease her relentlessly.

se-ri couldn't help but have second thoughts about this whole ordeal. was she really making the right choice?

she shook her head, essentially trying to rid the negative thoughts.

of course you're doing the right thing, you are broadening your knowledge, and you're helping your family. this is a chance that you shouldn't miss out on. she told herself.

se-ri glanced around as she thought of how she was going to enter, and she finally spotted a large bell by the right side of the grand entrance, half covered in vines and flowers.

she patiently waited for the bell to send the signal through and inform the castle workers of her arrival, when she heard the familiar sound of the trotting of hooves from behind her.

she settles her heavy bag down by her side and turned around, ready to greet whoever it was.

and when she did, she was left awe-struck.

the man who sat on the horse had his back straight with perfect posture as he stared ahead with his dark piercing eyes.his raven hair was parted on the left side which pushed his long hair to the side - revealing his undercut which further enhanced his sharp jawline and high cheekbones. his plump strawberry lips were set in a straight line, almost looking like a pout because of how nicely shaped they were.

his dark grey uniform adorned with multiple badges and cuban chains fit his body like a second skin; effectively bringing attention to his broad shoulders, thin waist and long legs. a dark cape thrown over his form could only make him appear all the more enticing. the veins on his hands bulged as the dark rings he wore shone in the light of the day.

se-ri watched as he gracefully grabbed the saddle and jumped down from the horse, as he fixed his clothing and finally looked up to meet her eyes.

out of panic, se-ri bowed down and stuttered a greeting. he watched her with a piercing gaze, a thick eyebrow raised as he continued to examine her.

"who are you?" he asked, his deep voice further affecting her as she inwardly shivered.



okay guys, that's chapter four out!
we've finally met the man of the book 😏

i'm lowkey so excited to write about their interactions I HAVE SO MUCH IN STORE !!!

stay safe and stan ateez <3

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