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se-ri giggled in excitement as she tried hard to stay still in the seat that she sat on in front of the vanity. the maid was helping her style her hair. it was the day of the celebration, and se-ri felt giddy and joyous as ever.

since her hair was always out and flowing in it's natural waves, she decided that she would tie it into a small elegant bun. the maid stepped back and admired her work as she complimented the medic.

"you look stunning, miss."

se-ri turned around and moved to pull the maid into a hug, "please, call me se-ri. none of that honorifics." she smiled.

the door had opened just then, and se-ri turned to see wooyoung standing there with wide eyes, his mouth agape as he stared at the medic in awe.

she noticed that san and yeosang was also behind her, bouncing on their tiptoes as they patiently waited to greet se-ri.

with a cheeky grin stretched wide onto his face, wooyoung stepped in with an outstretched arm, and she noticed a small bundle of daffodils in his hand. before she knew it, he was popping the flowers in an assorted matter into her hair and she held his forearms as she patiently waited to see result.

turning her torso to the mirror, she felt her heart beat lively as she admired the perfect manner in which he placed the daffodils in her hair, and she pulled him into an embrace.

yeosang and san joined in, effectively crowding the petite girl, and loud laughter crowded the room. they continued to shower her in compliments and her cheeks flushed a sweet cherry red at the attention.

she had commented on them, as well.

they looked dashing in their matching uniform, black suits lined with red stitching, along with intricate embroidery, expensive cuban chains and medals of status adorning the fine material.

the boys were spitting imagine or regal and royalty, and they suited the look well.

they all walked out and downstairs, ready to greet the guests, and se-ri let the boys walk ahead of her as she stopped a bit away from the prince's room.

she caught a glimpse of him running his hands through his inky locks as he paced around, and she could tell he was stressed for whatever reason.

se-ri decided to leave it be and not to disturb him any further, she was sure he could figure it out himself.

the last few weeks had been busy with the castle staff bustling about readying for the celebration, and se-ri could hardly get the chance to interact with the prince, doing some of her own work herself.

as she continued to walk, carefully, not wanting to ruin the beautiful dress she adorned, a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a dark room.

she yelped, but a warm hand that felt all to familiar covered her mouth and she slightly relaxed against the touch.

"your highness? what are you—," she began, but was soon interrupted as he closed the distance between them and placed his forehead upon hers. they gazed into each other's eyes with a strong emotion, and they couldn't find it in themselves to look away.

"just call me seonghwa."

she hummed in agreement, before he began to speak in a low hushed tone again.

"se-ri, you trust me, right?" he asked, and she furrowed her brows as she nodded slowly, trying to understand what he was getting at.

he closed his eyes in relief, "just, whatever you see tonight, don't think of it too seriously. relax and have fun tonight, okay?" he smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. he kissed her forehead softly, and se-ri shut her eyes as she felt a zoo of butterflies swarm her stomach.

"you look beautiful, my star."

but the sickening feeling in her stomach wouldn't leave her alone, even as she stepped out of the room as if nothing had ever happened. dusting off imaginary specs, she sent a sly smile and wave to seonghwa who just leaned against the wall and watched her with hawk eyes, all the way until she made it to the main hall.

throwing his head back, he sighed heavily before straightening up and getting ready to go.

se-ri sat alone in a seat that was secluded a bit far away from the other tables that held guests of high status.

twirling the glass of expensive champagne in her hands, her mind wandered off as always, to the one who clouded every part of her conscience.

she set the tall glass down as she got up from her seat to move next to the boys.

taking a seat next to jongho and hongjoong, she was greeted with warm smiles and squeeze to the hand here and there. hongjoong tried to make eye contact with se-ri, but her eyes were always cast downwards.

hongjoong's hands were clenched into fists as he bit his lip worryingly, but he had no time to pay attention to that as he soon heard the claps and cheers of the people surrounding them as they stood from their seats.

he was here, it was time for seonghwa's arrival and speech.

unknowingly, a small smile made its way onto se-ri's face as she subtly scurried closer to the front of the crowd, right at the end of the long carpet laid out for royalty.

as she gently clapped her palms together with her smile growing wider, she felt her heart thump louder and faster.

she looked up.

her smile dropped from her face as her hands fell to her sides numbly, as if they lost all feeling in just a flash of light. she felt the presence of another beside her but paid no attention to it, just the dashing crown prince who stood at the entrance of the ball.

with the princess' hands wrapped around his arm.



okay my lovelies, we're reaching the spicy bit now hehe ;) i wrote this at like 3am so don't mind any errors ;-;

anyways, stay safe and stan ateez<3

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