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se-ri wiped the imaginary dust off of her shoulders as she finished cleaning and dressing the thin cut on seonghwa's throat. he sat silently on the bed as he watched her slide around on her wheely chair, organising all of her apparatus back into place.

his eyes were fond as he admired the natural blush that was spread across her small, yet full cheeks. it always made seonghwa's heart beat faster in his chest when he realised the effect that his romantic ministrations had on her.

se-ri got up from her seat as she moved to stand in front of seonghwa who still sat on the stiff bed, making direct eye contact with him since he was sitting down. grinning at him with bright eyes, she announced that he was able to leave and he could finally attend to his princely duties.

seonghwa simply exhaled through his nose, looking at se-ri with emotions flooding through his eyes. he reached to grab her hands, interlocking their fingers and tracing small shapes onto her skin. she went silent now, the atmosphere in the room becoming heavy with unknown emotions.

seonghwa stood up, causing her to shuffle backwards a small bit, but the distance between them was still barely there. she craned her head up, and he gazed into her sparkling doe eyes.

se-ri held her breath, anticipating his next moves.

the raven's long finger was placed under her chin and he lifted her up as he leaned down, brushing their cheeks together as he placed a kiss on her temple. the kiss was so small and soft, yet so meaningful and se-ri knew she'd never forget this moment.

"i'll get going now, make sure you think about me." he said so lowly that it came out as a whisper, and she just nodded as if she were in a daze — to which the prince just smiled adoringly.

the smile was miniscule, barely even there, but se-ri was so close that she had noticed the slight upwards tug of the corners of his plump strawberry lips that had been on her skin just a few seconds ago.

she watched as he made his way out of the door, his long strides holding power in each step and his towering frame disappearing through to the other side of the door.

"park seonghwa, what are you doing to me." she said breathlessly to no one, a faint smile taking over her features.

her breaths were heavy as she worked her body hard, panting lightly with beads of sweat rolling down the sides of her face.

keep going, harder, go harder.

her hard work was interrupted when she heard a gasp behind her, and she whipped around to see jongho standing there, his jaw slack as his eyes took in the countless amount of weaponry that scattered the floor. he also noticed what seemed like makeshift targets made out of cardboard, and how all of them had a dagger pierced into it; right in the centre.

his intrigued gaze travelled back up to se-ri, who's chest was heaving from the repetitive exercise she's been indulged in for hours on end.

jongho walked up to her, and her eyes darted to the juicy red apple he held in his hand. she smiled and looked into his eyes hopefully, and when he final noticed what she wanted, he heaved out a sigh.

jongho's hands wrapped around the said fruit, and in no less than a second had he split it into perfect halves, handing one to se-ri. she thanked him whilst ruffling his fluffy auburn hair.

"you're welcome, noona." he mumbled through a mouthful of apple, flashing his gummy smile.

the two took a break as they sat on one of the many benches in one of the many training rooms that the palace held.

"i didn't know you were exceptionally talented at using daggers." he said out of the blue.

se-ri giggled awkwardly as she pursed her lips and rubbed her arm; a habit that she seemed to have whenever she was nervous or shy.

"i wouldn't say exceptionally talented, jongho. i just used to always play darts with my older brother, and since i don't see him anymore, i thought of the next best thing." she explained, whilst getting up and gathering the multiple daggers.

the younger just hummed, processing her words as he too helped her clean up.

once they had put everything away into it's respectful places, se-ri excused herself as she was in dire need for a shower, desperate to get the icky feeling of sweat off of her body.

entering her room, she was greeted with the dark. however, her room was lit up with the bright moon that stood high in the sky, lighting up the dark path for anyone who walked under it.

se-ri didn't bother lighting the oil lamp on her bedside table, instead basking in the aesthetic moon-lit darkness of the night. she suddenly heard the thumping of hooves from outside, along with the deep purring of the horse and clanking metal.

she ignored it and entered the bathroom, stripping herself of her current clothes, twisting the faucet.

she sighed in relief when she felt the hot drops of water pelting at her bare back, and she relished in the feeling as she scrubbed some citrus body scrub all over her body.

when she was finished, she wrapped herself into a fluffy white towel, re-entering her dark room, and she strained her eyes to read the time on the big wall-clock on the wall opposite her.


dressing herself quickly and making her way to her bed, her brows furrowed when she felt an unfamiliar texture under her fingers.

the prickly thorns poked her smooth skin gently as she held it.

picking the object up from her bed and inspecting it in the light, she was surprised to see a white rose.



haiiii my lovelies( ˘ ³˘)

i'm so tired lmao bye

i'm planning a one shot that i'm quite excited for, get ready for pain and angst

stay safe and stan ateez<3

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