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se-ri's head snapped up in shock, and her eyes landed on the crown prince's unmoving figure.

"who are you calling an idiot? i'm just helping," she retorted, crossing her arms. only then did he lift his arm up from his head, staring at her with slightly narrowed eyes.

he sat up straight now, and he rolled his neck side to side, running a hand through his hair as he appeared stressed.

se-ri couldn't help but stare in awe, as if a spell of love was cast on her. she couldn't get her eyes off of him, but when he turned his head, her eyes averted elsewhere.

"you shouldn't have even gotten up from bed in the first place." he reminded her, and she looked down at her lap. it was true, she should've listened to him and gone back to sleep.

but the lack of his presence beside her made her feel restless, and the ruckus outside was just cherry on top for se-ri to just get up and find something to do.

but she didn't expect for her sleepless night to lead to this. no, not in a million years.

"do you understand the severity of this situation? we took her in, and that bastard will only assume that...i'm marrying her. she's going to be my wife. and i hate that." he said, and the pure venom and anger laced in his tone was enough to have se-ri back away slightly.

a tsunami of guilt and regret wash over body, and she bit her lip as she glanced up at him, eyes flooded with uncertainty.

"this...this could work. it'll please your father, no? i have a plan, please trust me. why do you hate it so much?" she said, her tone dripping with hesitancy, but slowly becoming stronger as she said the last words.

he just sighed, and he looked up at the ceiling as he laid back down again. he hadn't made eye contact with her once, and se-ri was disappointed in herself. she didn't think of how upset he could've been, even with her.

"because it's not you."

se-ri's eyes fluttered open and she looked around with tired eyes, adjusting to the bright light.

it was clearly well into the afternoon, and she could tell by the bright sun shining in the cerulean sky above, it's rays scorching hot as it shone down onto the earth.

se-ri got up from the bed and rubbed her eyes with her fists, quickly shuffling into the en suite bathroom to freshen up.

she was still dazed, tired from her lack of sleep and she could feel a painful headache starting to form. the faint sound of running water could be heard but she was too tired to pay attention to it.

brushing it off, she splashed water on her face after brushing her teeth, and when she was finally done she tapped her finger on her chin as she debated on what she should do with her hair.

it was getting quite boring, so she thought that maybe she could play around with a few different lengths.

but for now she had business to get to, so she simply tied it into a loose braid, letting a few wispy strands frame her heart-shaped face.

she was fully awake now, so she carefully analysed the reflection that was in front of her. as her eyes slowly left her cotton white dress and moved to the clean tiles from behind her heart stopped when she was that there was someone in the shower stall.

she knew who it was, but she didn't want to acknowledge the fact that he was in his birthday suit, only a few feet away from her.

her hands flew to her mouth as a gasp caught in her throat, but luckily she couldn't see anything as the hot water fogged up the glass. however, she could notice the figure switch the hose off and run his hands through his inky hair.

se-ri turned around around immediately, panicking. her heart pounded in her chest when she finally registered just what situation she was in.

"oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness," she mumbled again and again, and she quickly tidied up the sink area to make it seem like no one was ever there.

she darted out of the door just in time for the prince to finally come out, his towel hanging low on his waist as water droplets rolled down his toned body. a cloud of steam could be seen behind him, which brought more attention to his jet black locks which hung down his forehead, which was a change from his usually brushed up hair.

he glanced at the slightly open door with a raised brow, and then hummed.

"ah, that girl is a handful."



n e ways, stay safe and stan ateez <3

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