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the sun was blinding as it shone through the windows of the bedroom, it's rays holding speckles of dancing dust.

se-ri sat up in the bed, and she naturally looked at the sleeping figure next to her. a gentle smile graced her face as she took in the peaceful features of her husband while he slept.

her eyes travelled over his features. from the perfect arch of his thick eyebrows, to his wispy eyelashes that casted a shadow over his high cheekbones. his smooth milky skin glowed as if he was an angel that descended from the high heavens, and honestly she wouldn't be surprised if that ever were the case.

she focused on the bridge of his narrow nose to his perfect and plump strawberry lips, and her fingers had a mind of its own as her hand reached up to lightly trace every dip and curve of the lips that tempted her.

her lover shifted in his serene slumber, and she quickly retracted her hand so that he wouldn't notice it. se-ri watched with fond eyes as his eyelids fluttered open, getting lost in the galaxies they held and all the stars swirling around in them.

"goodmorning, my star." he smiled, and she grinned brightly at the nickname he had for her. without any warning, he pounced forward and pecked her lips with a certain soft aggressiveness that always seemed to capture her into the trap that was falling in love with him.

she cringed at the contact and immediately moved back to create distance between the two of them, and he pouted unceremoniously. she covered her mouth and looked at him in slight disgust, and he raised a brow at the small girl in front of him.

"ewww hwa! morning breath!" se-ri whined at him, and he deadpanned at her silly statement. he rolled his eyes and instead moved forward once more, and he pinned se-ri's wrists to the bed as he peppered kisses all over her face, sending her into a fit of laughter.

of course, they were too busy being children themselves that they couldn't even hear the soft pitter-patter of footsteps echoing in the hallway.

"you really think I care about that-," he began, only to be interrupted by the door opening wide, and he jumped off of se-ri in an instant as he shot up to see who dared interrupt them and barge into their bedroom like that.

seonghwa's shoulders dropped in relief when he spotted the familiar dark locks on the little head that belonged to his offspring.

"seora! what did I tell you about knocking!" he scolded lightly, chuckling at the cheeky giggle that left his daughter's mouth. he ran over to her and picked her up by her waist and threw her into the air, before catching her and doing it a few times more before blowing raspberries on her stomach.

shrieks and laughter were the only sounds being heard, and se-ri watched with a fond smile at her own little family.

seora snuggled into seonghwa's hold, and he turned to her with a mellow smile. "wake up, come have breakfast with us." he said.

se-ri furrowed her brows in confusion, "but I am awake."

he shook his head and came closer to her, "no you're not. wake up, silly."

"wake up,"

"se-ri, wake up!"

she woke with a frightening gasp, heavy pants leaving her lips as her chest rose and fell in a vigorous manner. the prince shot up as well, grabbing her wrists and pulling her into his hold. he rocked them back and forth, and only then did se-ri feel the tears streaming down her face.

and the unsettling reality had dawned upon her.

it was all a dream.



credits to seoha for the babie's name :)

i'm sorry for the slightly depressing chapter lmao

stay safe and stan ateez my lovelies <3

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