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the boys had easily drained se-ri of any energy that she had built up. she would have eaten, but it was far too late and she didn't want to stay up any later trying to digest her food. stripping herself of the blankets and the thick clothes that wooyoung had provided her, she grabbed a simple white night dress and slipped it on.

with cold and lazy hands, the brunette quickly brushed through her silky locks, eager to get into bed and sleep for what seemed like forever.

finishing up her routine, her worn out self let out an exhausted sigh as she let herself fall back onto the plush bed that awaited her.

she expected cushions that felt like the clouds in the sky, welcoming her with relaxing and warm fluffiness. instead, she felt something hard interrupt her fall, and all tiredness from her body left in an instant as she scurried back.

she heard a deep groan, and her honey orbs scanned the room, quickly remembering the dagger that she had kept in the holster that was wrapped securely around her thigh.

whipping it out, she made quick agile steps to the bed and moved to straddle the imposter on her bed. holding the knife to his neck, her eyes bulged out when she recognised the familiar inky locks and tired eyes staring back at her.

the smaller of the pair bit her lip as she met his eyes in an apologetic gaze, looking down in embarrassment. her mind had completely forgotten the fact that half her legs were on show, but that was the last of her concerns.

"what on earth-" the prince groaned.

before she knew it, he swiped the dagger out of her hand, flinging it to somewhere in the room, not caring where it landed. he ignored the stinging of the skin on his throat that had been sliced slightly, and he gripped her thighs tightly, skillfully flipping her over.

seonghwa leaned up on his forearms, not wanting to crush her with his weight.

"se-ri, what do you think you're doing?" he asked, his voice still raspy from being disturbed from his slumber. judging by his irritated but light-hearted tone, he certainly wasn't expecting someone to disrupt his sleep.

her cheeks flushed, and she stuttered out a timid reply.

"w-well you were in my bed, and i thought it was someone else..."

"and you didn't think to switch the lights on instead?"

"should i say it again? you were in my bed. in the dark. you could've been anyone." se-ri grumbled as she pushed him off and rolled onto her stomach, regretting the decision as she instantly pushed herself up to avoid any more stabbing pains in her torso.

he immediately stopped moving around and sat her up straight as he pressed his fingers deep into her skin from behind, massaging her in efforts to ease the pain she felt.

she thanked him with a weak smile, and moved forward to blow out the candle lit lamp on the bedside table.

her fatigue kicked in again, and she sighed as she felt covers being thrown on top of her.

seonghwa had to refrain from crying out loud in adoration as he watched se-ri's small form snuggling into the covers, sighing in utter relaxation.

he felt his heart strings being pulled.


he ran his hands through his jet black locks, sighing in minor frustration. he knew that she must've been having doubts, especially after the kind of disturbance and conflict that myra had caused. seonghwa himself couldn't believe that she'd take her obsession to such an extent. but he'd make it up to se-ri, no matter how many tries it took.

seonghwa's ears focused in on her even breathing, and he laid back down onto his back, grabbing one of her warm hands under the covers and stroking his thumb back and forth on her smooth skin.

he could worry about the cut on his throat later.

se-ri awoke from her long, deep slumber when she felt the warm rays of the bright sun shine onto her face. she squinted her eyes and rubbed them gently with her balled up fists.

she looked to her left and her brows furrowed as she saw that the bed was perfectly made, as if seonghwa was never there in the first place. she brushed off the odd feeling, understanding that he may have been busy.

se-ri got up and tidied her side of the room, getting dressed into a simple pair of shirt and pants, ready to work.

after washing her face and tying her hair into it's classic low bun, she made her way out, only to come face to face with the crown prince who had just come out of his office.

his slicked back hair looked tempting as her fingers twitched to run her hands through it. he was dressed in a long trench jacket, classic black clothing as always. the jacket hugged his broad shoulders and wide chest so perfectly like second skin, and it accentuated his waist as a chain belt was wrapped around it.

se-ri averted her eyes to the floor and coughed, and the prince smirked as he clocked the obvious effect on her.

the pair had made their way down the grand marble stairs to kitchen, where they were met with the familiar faces of san, hongjoong and mingi.

"good afternoon, sweet. here, have some breakfast you two." hongjoong greeted, a cute grin adorning his innocent face.

se-ri smiled at him and seonghwa just nodded in gratitude. then, se-ri stopped as she fully processed the strawberry head's words.

"afternoon? i was really sleeping for that long?" she asked, her tone laced with incredulity.

mingi nodded, before reassuring her, "don't worry. you need more energy and recovery than any of us right now."

hongjoong stopped snacking on the lollipop he had in his mouth as he finished observing seonghwa and why he was being more silent than usual.

"seonghwa, what's that mark on your neck?" he asked curiously.



okay my lovelies, haii<3

how are you all doing? i hope good :)

stay safe and stan ateez<3

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