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"why wouldn't it be allowed?" he asked with his cool voice.

se-ri cursed inwardly as she clenched her fists, she messed up bad.

"u-um, pardon me but i have this thing that i need to get to, so if you don't mind me-," she began, quickly trying to come up with an excuse to get the hell out of there. she didn't know she could be so stupid, if only she hadn't talked too much.

but her last minute escape plan failed immensely for the prince was quick to get a hold of her thin wrist in his large hand, effectively grasping it with absolute tightness.

"and just what is that thing, miss lee?" he inquired, his voice taunting as he so easily looked past the blatant lie that went past her lips.

seonghwa was far too focused on se-ri to notice wooyoung slipping back into the palace, like a sly snake. but se-ri was quick to catch on, and she glared at wooyoung menacingly whilst he flashed her an apologetic, yet mischevious smile.

the prince turned her around and held her firmly by the waist, her hands curling into fists and pushing against his chest out of pure instinct; skinship seemed to be a big thing in the palace.

her breath caught in her throat.

she desperately tried to get out of the tight hold she was kept in, but he simply yanked her wrists gently with no effort, and se-ri wondered just how much strength he had in his body.

she didn't want to find out.

"I don't appreciate being lied to, lee se-ri." he informed, his tone of voice sounding like that of an intimidating elder, reprimanding her of her actions.

this made the small girl quite ticked off, "well it's not my fault you were eavesdropping on wooyoung and i, was it?" she countered, and this shocked her.

she didn't know she had it in her, normally her nerves and shyness always got the best of her.

"oh, my apologies your highness, please excuse my behaviour." she rushed out, bowing repeatedly to make up for her stupid mistake.

this sudden fire that appeared in se-ri only caught his interest more, and he smirked as he finally let go of her.

he simply chuckled, to which se-ri found her heart beating faster as she heard the melodious sound travelling through her ears, and began walking in the direction of the big house, but he suddenly halted and turned around to face her direction once again.

"meet me in the kitchen at seven in the evening." his tone was laced with finality, and se-ri couldn't help but wonder if she had done anything silly to once agaain get herself into trouble.

he left her standing there, dumbfounded, before she shook her head to get out of the spiral of thoughts about the prince that haunted her mind.

she slowly walked back to the house, and the second she slip open the glass door, wooyoung and san - the devilish duo - had jumped in front of her with their tongues stuck out in a cute way, their eyeballs crossed making them look like silly kids.

however no matter how goofy and childish they may have looked, the skittish se-ri had screamed in terror, her hands flying to cover her face in a form of protection — which didn't go as planned.

"that was so uncalled for," she whined adorably.

the boys had laughed their hearts out, and se-ri just grumbled as they pulled her into a hug as an apology, their chests still vibrating from the silent laughter that shook them. se-ri couldn't help the cute grin making it's way onto her face.

with a slight bounce in her step, and whistling lowly to a relaxing melody that she used to fall asleep to, se-ri made her way back to her bedroom to freshen up and get changed of her clothes that she had slightly dirtied when she was in the midst of gardening.

dropping the white silky lace into a hamper for the maids to take later, she entered the bathroom as she shook her hair out of it's long braid.

carefully turning the faucet on so that the water was set to a high temperature, se-ri stepped in the bath with ease as the tension in her muscles disappeared instantly.

she didn't think she'd ever get used to this luxurious way of living.

sighing in utter peace and relaxation, she felt the hot droplets of water crash onto her bare back as the steam travelled higher and higher into the air.

her hair became soaked and ready to wash, so she grabbed the rose milk shampoo and lathered it into her palms before skillfully massaging the substance into her scalp.

moving onto her body, she grabbed the vanilla and lime scented body scrub and carefully attended to her body, being sure to handle her sensitive skin with slow and gentle movements.

some time passed by and se-ri was already moisturised as her hair began to air dry. she now stood in front of her closet as she contemplated what to wear, and after a few minutes of deciding what to pick, se-ri gave up and had picked a flowing pale blue dress.

tucking her hair behind her ear, se-ri let out a breath and made her way to the kitchen, finally letting her thoughts and nerves overtake her.

why did he want to meet me in the kitchen?

what does he want with me?

thoughts continued to plague her mind throughout the entire journey downstairs, and se-ri wondered if she should just turn around and ditch him while she continued to overthink all over again.

but alas, that wasn't an option anymore, since she had finally entered the kitchen and moved cautiously to where the prince stood, only to be baffled at the sight before her.

the crown prince, with an apron on.

the crown prince, scratching his head in confusion as he contemplated whether he should use a spatula or a wooden spoon.

and she couldn't help the bubble of laughter rise to her throat and out of her mouth, the bright sound alerting him of her presence as his eyes widened at the sudden interruption.

he narrowed his eyes as he looked down at her, "what's so funny?" he asked.



okay my lovelies, that's it for the ninth chapter hehe:)

what did you guys think? what do you think seonghwa wants to do with se-ri?

P.S  i just wanted to thank you guys for all the support you've shown since the very beginning of this journey of mine - i love you all so much<3

please comment because i love reading and laughing and smiling at them!

in conclusion: stan ateez<3

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