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the piercing air of the cool winter kissed se-ri's cheeks as she walked through the narrow forest. the towering trees stood multiple feet above her, the chestnut leaves and snow crunched satisfyingly beneath her boots.

the basket of herbs in se-ri's gloved hand swayed by her side as she trudged her way home, birds chirping in the early hours of the morning.

se-ri had just visited the market to buy some medicinal herbs that her father needed to stock up on. he was a medic, and since he was prone to illness in the cold weather, se-ri had no choice but to make her way early in the morning in place of her father.

the irony.

she lived in a small cottage deep into the woods, but the journey wasn't long to the bustling village on the other side. despite living so far from everyone else, everyone had been accustomed to se-ri's frequent visits for work and quickly came to expect her bright smiles and warm greetings.

se-ri didn't mind going to the market because that meant she could see all her friends and play with the little kids that caused chaos in the roads, and the walk to and from the village was always a peaceful one.

it was her alone time.

she was brought back to her senses as she heard the distant sound of thudding - that would be her brother getting the firewood. figuring that she's close to home, she hurried her steps and soon enough made it to the front door of her small cottage that housed her mother, father and older brother.

se-ri clutched her hand into a balled fist and firmly hit the oak door twice to make her presence known - a couple seconds later a middle aged woman dressed in a dusty pink apron and matching headband had swung the door open and ushered se-ri inside.

"my baby, look at your pink cheeks! it must've been freezing, here, take this cup of tea and warm up by the fireplace." her mother said, as she carefully took the basket from se-ri's grasp and slid her woolly cape off of her shoulders.

se-ri cupped the tea in her hands thankfully and made her way to the fireplace, her numb hands now starting to get feeling after being accustomed to the warm environment.

minutes passed and soon se-ri was finished drinking her tea and was now warmed up and properly energised to get some work done for the day.

she slipped into the kitchen and saw her mother working over the boiling chicken in the large cooking pot. on the side, she could see a fresh bowl of vegetables waiting to be cut.

se-ri rolled up her sweater sleeves up to her elbows and washed her hands. after thoroughly rinsing the vegetables under the cold water, she took a long kitchen knife and began to strategically cut through the vegetables.

as if she's been doing it all her life, se-ri skillfully pierced the knife with expert ease through the fresh produce, and soon she had a board full of freshly chopped goods ready to be cooked.

some time later, a grilled chicken meal with roast vegetables and sweet fruits had been made, and the dining table was set up as everyone took their seats and joined hands for a prayer to thanks.

when that was over, se-ri and her brother hyunjae wasted no time getting down and dirty with the delicious food plated before their eyes. the tenderness of the chicken and the juice from the fruits filled their stomachs as they practically inhaled the food, hums of appreciation floating in the atmosphere.

"hyunjae, slow down or you'll be choking on the food rather than enjoying it." their father scolded, and hyunjae listened to him as he took a break from the food - only to gulp down water as if his life depended on it.

the lunch carried on to be a joyful one as they cracked jokes and listened to se-ri's stories about the town center with intent.

later on lunch had ended and the siblings were in the middle of cleaning up. every now and then, he would check the wristwatch and scratch his head as if he was excited, and se-ri couldn't help but wonder what her older brother was up to now.

"hyunjae, i'm gonna go to soyeon's house now, please tell mom i'll be back before dinner to help her prepare." se-ri told her brother.

he whipped his head back to make eye contact with her, "wait! i need to go somewhere as well, let me come with you." he told her as he brushed his hands off imaginary dust.

she shrugged in agreement and slipped on her shoes. the journey to the village was quiet apart from the occasional shove and poke in the side from hyunjae, which made se-ri burst into occasional chuckles.

before they knew it, hyunjae and se-ri had made it to the village and they turned to each other. "well, i'll be on my way. stay safe and don't get into trouble, stupid." hyunjae told se-ri as he ruffled her hair and chucked.

"i'm not stupid!" she argued right back.

se-ri waved goodbye as she walked to one of the pastry stalls and bought a couple of chocolate croissants to treat and surprise her friend. she smiled a thank you and continued along her way.

once she reached her destination, she knocked on the door firmly and was surprised to see a tall figure with fiery red hair answer the door instead of a petite platinum blonde.

the mysterious man in question looked down at the lady in front of him as he raised a questioning brow, "what's your business here?" he asked warily.



stay safe and stan ateez:)

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