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the princess jolted when the door to her bedroom - also se-ri's former room - opened abruptly and she yelped loudly when the thud of the large piece of wood hitting the wall sounded in the tense air.

myra sighed in relief when her eyes caught sight of the familiar red and black hair peek through the entry, "san! you can't just barge in like that! what if I was changing?" she scolded lightly, pressing a small hand to her chest.

he only walked further into the room with a devilish smirk playing at his lips, and he leaned against the ivory wall with a foot crossed over the other, muscled arms crossed against his broad chest and enhancing his wide shoulders.

"then i guess we would've enjoyed it, hmmm?" he teased, and myra felt her face flush as she looked away to find a distraction. san had been braver these past few weeks, with snide comments he would whisper into her ear when others were around, and even the smallest actions like him placing his large hand on her slim waist.

"what are you here for anyway, san?" she giggled, busying herself by folding clothes and placing them in their designated spots in her large walk in closet.

"are you forgetting something, my?" he asked, one of his straight brows raised up, tone inquisitive. her heart fluttered at the endearing nickname that fell from his perfect lips.

"should there be something?" she questioned.

myra racked her brain over and over as she stared into nothingness, her doe eyes making a show as her brows were furrowed in confusion. it took a few seconds before she realised, and the dress she had in her hand dropped to the bed in carelessness as her hands flew to her mouth.

san just chuckled as he watched her startled state, and he leaned forward to take her hand in his warm and gentle hold, rushing the two of them out of her room and down the various hallways of the palace.

myra was slightly panicked when she realised that they were close to missing their appointment which had been arranged weeks before, but her shoulders relaxed slightly when she realised she had the 'princess privileges' and she would use it to advantage this one time if she needed to.

san was still leading ahead, and he opened the door to one of the many rooms in the palace. a smile overtook her face when she saw her seamstress that had been helping her in customising her dress for the two important occasions that were bound to change her life.

the two women curtsied in front of each other, before standing to their normal height once again. the seamstress, mrs min, clapped her hands once and she announced that the dress was ready to wear.

myra shivered in anticipation as mrs min disappeared behind the divider, and she looked back to see the door opening and se-ri walking in the room. she greeted san with a warm hug, and focused her attention fully on the princess who stood to the side, fiddling her thumbs as a nervous grimace graced her face.

"so how are the lucky couple doing, hm?" se-ri teased.

all myra could do was giggle nervously and she looked over at san who rubbed the nape of his neck, shuffling from one foot to the other.

the former medic just sighed exasperatedly, rolling her eyes playfully as she glanced between them both. "listen, i know this is a lot to spring upon you all so suddenly, but you'll have all of our help. the boys and i will be by your side. it will be difficult along the way, but there's a reason his majesty and highness both agreed to make you atiny's future king. you got this, guys." she assured, and watched fondly as their shoulders dropped and smiles of ease grew on their faces.

"you sure do have a way with words, se-ri." san said, and she shrugged bashfully at the attention on her. they were interrupted by the clapping out hands and a high pitched 'yoohoo' sounding in the room.

"there you are, my princess. your wedding dress is complete and ready for you to wear."

myra let it a shaky breath but continued forwards to stand behind the divider, and se-ri took the chance to run over to where san stood and bounce like an excited bunny.

"san! are you excited?" se-ri leaned close to whisper, a wide grin still stretched across her happy face.

"things are moving a bit fast...but i'm more than ready for everything. i cant wait to make her the woman of my life." he whispered back, and se-ri couldn't hold back anymore, and she instantly wrapped him into a hug, bouncing on her tippy toes.

san could only laugh with her, ruffling her head  full of dark hair. the two's laughing fest had been interrupted by the slow clack of heels on the marble floor, and their attention adverted to the sound that echoed in the seemingly large dressing room.

the pure ivory silk that hugged the petite shoulders of the princess matched perfectly with her honey-toned skin, the multiple jewels adorning the expensive material glistening in the bright afternoon sun.

the mesmerising gown was tailored perfectly to hug the small curve of her waist, and the long cape that was attached to her shoulders proceeded to flow behind her, grazing the floor with such gentle strokes.

she looked ethereal.

san brought a hand up to his cheek, and he pinched himself lightly to make sure he was dreaming, and se-ri giggled in amusement at his silly antics.

the princess had a shy smile on her face, and she brushed a strand of her golden hair behind her ear as she awaited a comment, anything to break her out of their intense gaze.

"there's...no way you're real, myra. come on, you must be an angel. i'm convinced." san rambled, eyes dripping with admiration as he took in the heavenly sight of her.

myra blushed, her cheeks tainted with an adorable pink that only made san fall even further into the trance he was captured in. he walked up to her slowly and held her cheeks in his big palms, leaning forward slower and slower.

se-ri took this a signal to leave the room, so she shot mrs min - who stood sorting out the dresses behind the divider - a smile and walked out of the door, closing it with a silent click.






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i hope you liked this chapter, also are you guys surprised 👀 <3

stay safe and stan ateez my lovelies <3

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