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"to what do i owe the pleasure of seeing your lovely smile, miss lee?"

se-ri's head snapped up, and she looked down at the ground bashfully as her eyes landed on the crown prince in all his glory.

he turns around to close the door, his velvet cloak flowing like a waterfall as it rests on his broad shoulders. se-ri couldn't help but admire how dashing the prince looked in his uniform - despite how similar it looked to his everyday clothing.

seonghwa's skin glistened when the light sheen of perspiration would hit the rays of the bright, shining sun through the window. in that moment, he looked like an angel who descended from the heavens, absolutely ethereal.

hands grasped hers, and se-ri looked up to see seonghwa leaning closer and closer, until their noses were almost touching. se-ri squeaked, shying away from him while he just chuckled. his hands reached up and she felt his fingers pinch the soft skin of her cheeks, and she scrunched her nose  playfully.

seonghwa's heart swelled, it's strings being pulled mercilessly, but he brushed it off as if he was unaffected and sat down on the bed as he pulled se-ri to stand in between his legs.

as if on instinct, like every part of her body had grown accustomed to his own, her hands reached up to play with the luxuriant locks of his jet black hair. it had become matted down due to the sweat, and he hummed at the immense pleasure it brought.

they had grown used to this every time they were with each other, as if they had been doing it forever.

but her fingers paused, and he opened his eyes with furrowed brows as he looked up, only to notice uncertain expression painted on her face. he held back his groan of displeasure and instead focused on se-ri as she glanced into the distance, gnawing at her lip nervously.

her hands fell slowly, but he grabbed her wrists and placed them on his shoulders. her hands tightened, holding his shoulders in a tight grip and she looked into his eyes, doubt swarming in hers.

"what seems to be the matter, my star?" he questioned softly, voice so attentive that it made se-ri's pulse quicken.

she but her lip in hesitation, but decided that now would be the moment to let her true thoughts go, out into the open for him to judge.

"seonghwa..." se-ri whispered, fingers fidgeting slightly under his hold, "what...what are we?" she breathed out.

he stopped.

his sharp gaze met hers, and he didn't say anything for a while. the deafening silence filled the room, and she felt the hands of impatience and nerves crawl up behind her back, ready to snatch her away at any second.

seonghwa exhaled, his arms reaching up with excruciatingly slow movements to land on her waist. he stood up, and their proximity was so close that every inch of her body might as well be plastered onto his.

and as their gazed burned into one another's, no words needed to be said anymore. they were two stars of their own, who's souls were written for each other in their very own galaxy.

he clicked his tongue, a perfectly arched brow raising as his heavenly voice travelled through her ears. the room was so silent that they could hear each other's pounding heartbeats, mixing as one.

"why, you're my princess of course." he smiled, leaning down to press their foreheads together.

the four boys looked at se-ri, simultaneously glancing back and forth between the girl and themselves.

after one last time of making eye contact with each other, they burst into boisterous laughter and yeosang almost fell off of his chair.

se-ri just frowned, no matter how much her heart warmed at the sight of the laughing boys. she needed help from them and after explaining had happened earlier on, they couldn't contain their happiness and laughter at how corny the price could be.

"hyung is stepping up his game, i see." jongho laughs, and he turned to look at se-ri.

"you just have to let fate play it's game. yes, the universe works in wondrous ways, but it has a plan at the end of the day." he said, looking up into the ceiling as he got lost in his cycle of thoughts.

se-ri just blinked in pleasant surprise. it seemed as if a wise old man was trapped inside his young body.

"say, jongho, have you ever thought of becoming a poet?" wooyoung asked, subconsciously feeding san a bit of his food who was peeking behind him.

"actually, i have. but i'm not sure how i'd go about making it a career." he said thoughtfully.

yeosang offered her a chicken piece, and she gladly accepted as she opened her mouth wide. she savored the sauce that danced on her tastebuds, and she hummed in delight.

wooyoung, san, yeosang and jongho were in the kitchen bantering about and eating food that they had prepared as a snack.

"where are the others?" se-ri questioned as she noticed that she hadn't seen them the whole day so far.

wooyoung jumped to answer, "oh, yunho and hongjoong are sparring together, and mingi went to the village to see a friend." se-ri fought to hide the smile that was growing on her face, knowing full well that mingi had gone to visit soyeon.

"well, how about we go to the village too?"



haiiii my lovelies<3

i hope you enjoyed this chapter, and i wish you're all happy and good in health today!!

anyways, stay safe and stan ateez<3

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