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se-ri clenched her fists as she willed herself to relax, still not taking her eyes off of the sight in front of her.

she felt wooyoung come near her and slowly, they locked hands and he looked at her with an assuring yet apologetic smile. she returned the action, seemingly convincing wooyoung so he turned his head to continue his conversation with hongjoong, the two bickering childishly over something trivial, she assumed.

seonghwa and the princess by his side were busy greeting the guests as they came down closer and closer to where the boys and se-ri stood.

surely enough, it was her turn.

out of respect and good first impressions, se-ri grabbed the sides of her dress in her fidgety hands and curtsied perfectly - all that practice in preparation for this celebration paid off.

the pair returned the gesture and introduced themselves to each other.

"it's a pleasure to meet you, i'm se-ri, i work as a medic here in the castle." she smiled softly and gracefully, and if she hadn't announced her title as medic, some would have already thought she was a princess just by the graciousness she displayed.

the princess' smile faltered for a second before she put it back up, this time her smile wide and forced, "oh, you live here?" she questioned, quirking a brow.

"yes your highness, i moved in a month and quite a bit ago," se-ri responded, though she was careful not to give too much information.

seonghwa observes their expressions and if he was concerned in the slightest, he didn't show it. it was like all emotions of his flew out the window as his face looked like a brick wall.

wooyoung gripped san's arm tightly as his nerves and curiosity got the best of him as he listened in, and san just sipped his champagne waiting for the princess to be gone.

"enough of that, i'm princess myra, but you can just call me myra." she said, and moved on quickly to the other guests who were waiting patiently to be greeted.

seonghwa just stood in front of se-ri for a few seconds, not saying anything, but one look into his eyes and you'd understand.

the emotions he poured through his eyes were almost overwhelming as se-ri found herself getting lost into the whirlpool of stars and galaxies in them. it wasn't until they both heard myra call their name, that their faces dropped and he reluctantly left.

as he passed by, he purposefully brushed their hands together, and se-ri had to stop herself from shuddering as she felt explosions of sparks burst through her fingertips all the way to the core of her body.

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