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the pair looked frazzled as they stared at each other for a cold second.

"i'll go first," se-ri mouthed, and she shooed him behind the door so no one would suspect that they had both been there. the distance was close, but no one would know that seonghwa was right behind the door unless they entered the bathroom.

taking a deep breath, she twisted the crystal doorknob, bracing herself for the other side. she popped her head out, and she had to hold in a huge sigh of relief when she spotted the familiar mop of cherry red hair styled in waves.

hongjoong smirked at her, "don't try to fool me, sweet. i know seonghwa's in there," she felt her cheeks flush as she pursed her lips into a cheeky smile, and he laughed. the prince watched as an arm reached through the doorway to ruffle her hair, and the crinkle of se-ri's eyes as she let out a bright bubbly laugh.

"i just wanted to let you know that the princess is wandering around looking for him. be quick." he informed, seriousness in his tone washing away as he poked his head through to wink at the prince, who just snorted inaudibly.

and with that, the door was shut and locked again, and she sighed softly. the brunette's shoulders slumped and she took a seat on the edge of the bathtub. the presence of the prince was felt beside her as she felt him take a seat next to her too.

twiddling her thumbs, she bit her lip as she used her willpower to stop herself from bombarding him in questions. he grabbed both of her hands to get her attention, and then moved to grab her cheeks, forcing her to make direct eye contact with him.

pressing his forehead against hers, he exhaled, "we don't have enough time, but have faith in me. i'll explain everything tonight. wait for me." he promised.

she nodded without a word, and stepped out of he watched as she glanced left and right, and heard wooyoung call her over, to which she smiled brightly. he watched as he fed her one of the many appetisers with a wide innocent grin on his face.

seonghwa's heart warmed at the sight, he was glad that his friends were enjoying this party at least.

"i'll make it right."

heels clicked repeatedly on the floor, the girl had to refrain from hissing in pain, and before anyone could notice her disappearance, she slipped into the nearest restroom, hoping that no one caught her.

her weak knees gave out on her as she crashed to the floor, her wrists barely catching her fall as she laid her head down, giving up. she groaned softly, and tears built up in her eyes. she desperately tried to blink them away, she'd would get into so much trouble if her makeup was ruined.

her eyes glanced around exhaustedly, all energy seemingly drained from her frail body. she spotted a glass of water, and she grasped it tightly as she took big gulps.

feeling refreshed, the girl pulled herself up from the cold marble, and glanced at herself in the mirror.

her green eyes seemed dull and lifeless, just two orbs staring back at her. her cheeks were hollowed and pale, but everyone complimented her as if it was an achievement to be underweight.

she gripped her long blonde hair in her fists tightly, and she exhaled deeply.

"get a grip on yourself, myra."



who's attending the crescent party tomorrow?! eek i cant wait!! my first online concert and it's with ateez;-;

what do you guys will think will happen in the future in the story? leave your theories in the comments!

anyways, stay safe and stan ateez <3

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