Chapter 36

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Kevins POV

Brandon and Sierra had their baby. They named her Eden, a new baby sister for me. I strapped my sniper across my chest and headed out with the recruited soldiers. We walked along the old house, "24-11." I whispered to Dex. He moved his along the door and he knocked it down with his foot, we all ran in and soldiers held up their guns in defense.

My buddies pulled out a Pakistan family. He spoke Arabic, We scared the little boy that was playing in the living room. His father tried to protect him. "LET GO OF THE BOY! LET GO OF THE FUCKING BOY!" I screamed, holding up my gun to him. The man feared for his life and let him go, the little boy ran to the back of the room with a woman and 2 girls.

"YOU TELL ME WHERE LARKIN IS!" Larkin was a terrorist who haunted these people but also tortured the people in our country.. We needed to take him down. Larkin was the name he went by, his real name was Mahud Najani. "YOU TELL ME RIGHT NOW WHERE HE IS OR MY FRIEND HERE BLOWS YOUR HEAD OFF!" I screamed. He put his hands up in defense, wanting to speak but I couldn't understand him. "Get Namadi in here... He can translate for us. Boys? Keep a look outside.. Dex? Tie him up and his family too.." I ordered.

Namadi sat down with us. "I want him to tell me where Najani is.." I demanded. They spoke and the man yelled back at us in Arabic. "He says he doesn't know anything." I exhaled sharply, I was frustrated. "Look, if you tell me eveything you know, I promise I will keep you and your family safe. I promise that no harm will come to you.." Namadi translated it for him. The man was silent for a minute and I could tell he trusted me, he spoke to Namadi. "He says there's an oil spill not far from here. He kills the innocent there if we're able to infiltrate it, we can get to him." I shook my head.

"This isn't valid. I need proof.. Tell him that I need proof, I need paperwork. Something." I asked. The man called over a girl, she looked like she could be his daughter, he pulled up her sleeve and I saw her severed arm. It was gone. Najani had chopped it off.

I stood and nodded my head, "Thank you." Namadi thanked the man and the boys let his family go, "MOVE OUT! LETS GO BOYS!" I screamed. The room shifted and we all left, going back to base.


We got on the rover, it was the big car that looked like a jeep, it was made out steel and bullet proof. We were heading east, toward Najani. My military phone rang, it looked like this big block with an antenna on it. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey, baby.." She chimed, "Hi momma!" I screamed over the engine. "I just wanted to call and tell you--" There was a big explosion, the rover came to a sudden halt and people started shooting. "Mom! Mom! I have to go!" I guess she didn't hear me because she kept yelling my name over and over again, I put the phone down and got off the rover, covering my men.

Several men were shot and died instantly on my watch. I tossed the bag to one of my men and they got in military jeep behind us, "Get that to base!" I yelled, a shot fired at me. I moved out of the way quickly and shot back. Me and Dex hid quickly and I know he was looking for us, I put a mirror in front of me to see where he was. "Top building, north of 13-16." I told him.

We waited a couple seconds. "Ready?" I breathed at him. He nodded at me, the other guys were either shot or back at base taking care of other men who were shot. I kissed the rosary around my neck and prayed to God for Mom. We moved out and I shot ahead, Najani shot back at me. I moved ahead toward the rover and got on, bending down and shooting when I could. Dex handed me a grenade and I set it off, throwing it toward him as high as I could.

It exploded. The rover rocked backed up in force and Dex held on with force, "GET UP!" I yelled at him, Najani screamed in a thick accent yet he spoke English. "YOU STUPID AMERICANS! I WILL KILL YOU!" I stood up and shot at him, he ducked, rolled over on his back and left the scene. "Ugh!" I groaned. I got off the rover and helped Dex up.

"Pussy.." I scolded him, hitting the back of his head. I grabbed the phone and I spoke, "Mom? Mom?!" I yelled. The line had cut off and I groaned even louder. "Don't worry, Kev. You'll be home in a couple months." I punched him playfully and we walked back to base.

A/N: In memory of Chris Kyle.

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