Chapter 23

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Callie was out of California by now with Kevin so I knew that they would be safe. I would call in a while to secure myself of their safety. I saw Sam and Sierra at the gate entrance, I hugged them. I called Callie as I boarded the plane. "Hey, where are you?" I asked. "Home.. Brandon we aren't leaving San Diego until after Kevins graduation tomorrow. We have everything packed." I sat up in the seat, "Listen to me... You have to get out of the house. Now! Get out with Kevin!" I yelled. Everyone began to stare and Sierra put her hand on my shoulder to calm me down. "Brandon, what's going on?!"

"JUST GET THE FUCK OUT NOW!" The flight attendant told me to keep my voice down because the plane was about to take off. I heard Callie call Kevin. "Okay. We're out.." She told me, "Walk down the street.. Don't let anyone see you guys." She listened to me, I heard her breathing over the phone and Kevin's complaining about graduation rehearsal. "Okay, now what the hell is going on?" She asked me in fury.

"I bet you've heard the news..." I say, I could feel her annoyance through the phone. "No. I've been too busy packing and dealing with your drama, Brandon Foster!" She spat. "Well the president is leaving office. He was Blue's only chance at freedom and he left office to let her hanging on her own.. Agent Ortiz is gonna get everyone and anyone to stop us and get Blue! Plan 606 is in effect.." I whispered, Sam sitting next to me. A loud explosion erupted through the phone and Kevin yelled, "HOLY SHIT!" I sat up. "What's going on?! What happened?!"

"The house blew up.. There was a bomb in the house! Brandon, how the hell did you know--?!" I stopped her. "I didn't.. I just knew that, that would be their first move. Attempt to murder the family." Callie seemed frustrated. "Where are you?" She asked, "I can't tell you over the phone, they might be listening.." I hung up and looked at them both. "The house blew up." I whispered. Sam's voice shook in fear. "Are that okay?" Sierra asked me, I sighed in guilt. "She's fine... So is Kev."


We made it to London. I put a quarter into the slot and dialed her number. "Hey." Callie picked up the phone. "London.." I spoke, "I have nothing... My passport. My whole life was in that house Brandon, me and Kevin lost everything." She said. "Don't worry, I'll pay for everything. Just get to the airport, Cals." I hang up and Sierra opened the cab door for me. I got it and coughed loudly, I pulled the napkin out and held it against my mouth. Sam noticed my difficulty to breathe. "Dad?"

"I'm okay, babygirl." I smiled faintly. Sierra and Sam began talking to eachother and I took it as an opportunity to clean my teeth that was stained with blood from my dangerous coughing. I put the blood stained napkin in my pocket. I heaved softly as I struggled to breathe. We made it to the hotel, i set my stuff down. "You both have your own room, leave me alone..." I grumbled.

They left me alone and I coughed loudly, my throat began to burn in agony as the blood spit out of my mouth. I fell to the floor, my knees buckled beneath my weight and I gagged loudly. I crawled to the bathroom that I had in my room and I stood up against the table, washing my face and brushing my teeth. A knock on the door, I grabbed my gun from the bathroom cabinet. I approached the door, I put my finger on the trigger, ready to shoot. "Brandon! It's me and Kevin!" I sighed in relief.

I opened the door. "Hey.." I smiled and Kevin hugged me tightly. I told them to come in, "Hey look.. I'm sorry you're gonna have to miss your graduation." He sat on the bed, "Im not missing it, Dad. I'm going back to LA." I put my hand on his kneecap. "Do you know how dangerous this is?!" I spat at him. "THIS IS ABOUT BLUE! NOT US! ITS HER THEY WANT, WHY ARE WE INVOLVED?!" He screamed at me. "SHES RUINING MY LIFE! THIS IS A BIG DAY FOR ME AND SHES GONNA MAKE ME MISS IT BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO BE A REBEL AND MURDER THE PRESIDENTS BROTHER?!" Callie slapped his face. He shut up.

"You must stay here, Kevin. I don't want you getting hurt.." I whispered. "I rather get hurt than miss the best day of my life." He stood and left the room. "Kev--!" Callie started, I grabbed her. "Let him go... He'll learn. The hard way..." I said, "IF HE DIES--?!" She pushed me away and the anger in me brewed. Stay calm. Stay calm... Breathe. That's what I learned in Anger Management class. When she hits me out of anger, don't choke her. Just breathe. Callie pushed me again and I let her, breathing in and out. "HE WONT DIE, CALLIE!" I screamed at her.

"Why are you so sure?!" She yelled. "BECAUSE DEEP INSIDE.... HE'S SHIELDS SON AND HE WILL KNOW WHEN TO PROTECT HIMSELF!" I yelled back, I hated fighting with her.. It angered me. Sierra came in without knocking, Callie hated her. I could feel the tension in the room.. Her body got tense and her chest heaved as we both got interrupted. "Sorry to intrude.." She chuckled. "No problem at all, babe." I said with pursed lips and she walked over to me, "What's up?" She handed me the phone, "It's the President of the United States." Callie's eyes blinked, she looked at me in worry.

I exhaled and pressed the phone to my ear. "President McCann or should I say ex president... Aren't you leaving office?" I asked him. "I still have power. The Vice President will not become president until this mess is over. Our country is in danger, Brandon Foster." He rasped, "From what?" I asked him sarcastically. "Your daughter... Blue. She murdered my brother." I laughed at him. "We both know she didn't do it... I know what you want, you know what you want. Let this go, let my daughter go." I spat. "I have a better proposition." I could feel the joy in his voice.

Sierra's hand played with my fingertips. Callie rolled her eyes in annoyance. "What's your idea?" I asked. "You turn yourself in... But you don't come to the White House. You come to me.. Would you do that for your daughter? Would you let your freedom go to regain hers? I mean, she's your fresh and blood! She's the light of your life, B!" I gritted my teeth. Jose came in, he mouth something to me, the phone McCann was calling from was untraceable. "No... I rather kill you myself." I growled. McCann laughed over the phone, "OH! HAVE FUN WITH THAT!" He hung up.

"ARGH!" I slammed the phone over the ground and it shattered. "Glad that wasn't my phone.." Sierra commented. "What he say?" Callie asked. "He was willing to bargain with me-- Turn myself in and let Blue go. I said No." I say. Callie sighed, "I wouldn't want you to do that.." She touched me and Sierra sat awkwardly on the bed in jealously. "I wouldn't do that anyway.. I don't trust him." I growled. "Did Kevin leave?" Callie asked Sierra. She shrugged her shoulders, "Sam went to go talk to him.." She told us. I smiled, "Shes a good sister." Callie blushed.

Sam's POV

"--DO YOU THINK YOUR FATHER WOULD WANT THIS FOR YOU?!" I yelled at him. The valet pulled up his car and handed him the keys. He stayed silent. "DO YOU THINK SHIELD WOULD WANT YOU TO PUT YOURSELF IN DANGER?!" He sighed and shook his head. "THEN DONT RISK THIS! Look, I know how you feel... I missed my graduation too because of my father and one of his stupid missions went AWOL. I know how you feel." Kevin hugged me and I took me a while to respond to his heavy body and strong arms but I hugged him back.

He let me go. "Stay.. Please. He would blame himself for the rest of the his life is something happened to you. Just like he does with Blue." Kevin frowned, "He blames himself?" I nodded. "Of course.. He's the reason she's in the mess. She did nothing wrong, I know you don't wanna believe Blue because you'll find any excuse to not love her anymore but you DO love her and that's not gonna change." Kevin bowed his head and I took his hand. "It's okay.. Hey, it's okay." I rubbed his hand.

A/N: The Callie/Brandon/Sierra Triangle is so frustrating!

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