Chapter 3

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Brandon's POV

We were going to Stef and Lena's house today. The whole family was there. We walked in, Callie hugged everyone, I smiled and dabbed hands with Jesus, he was built now with short hair and his body covered in all sorts of tattoos. Stef was still working on the force and Lena had retired as vice principle of Anchor Beach. We smiled at eachother and Stef did something I thought she would never do; She extended her hand to shake it, I looked at her and put my hand in hers, giving her a firm shake.

"See.. Was that so hard?" Callie laughed and kissed my cheek cutely, I spun her around as Mariana put music on. Mat and Mariana's son came bouncing down and scooped Callie off me to dance, I scoffed in humor and Lena laughed. "Hunter!" She chimed. "Sorry, grandma! Isn't my aunt beautiful?" He winked at her and kissed the back of her hand. I stole Callie back, putting my arms around her.

"Quite a ladies man!" Mat stormed through the house, Mariana kissed his lips cutely and Hunter ran to his dad, ruffling his hairs. He handed out invitations, "Finally the wedding is happening!" Stef cried in laughter. Jesus high fived me and him as we smirked. "Yeah, well I have to be married to the her as soon as possible or I'll lose my mind." Mat said, Mariana kissed me and Mat dipped her amazingly as the music played, they began dancing and Callie pulled on me.

We danced with our faces close together and she cupped her hands on my face and pulled me down to kiss her lips passionatley. We swerved around the house softly, "I've missed you." She admitted. "Oh my dear!" I laughed and spun her around as we laughed in rhythm. I looked out the window and saw Kevin, smoking a cigarette. I pulled Callie back in, "I'll be right back." I kissed her and walked out.

I sat on the porch with him. He handed me the cigarette, I took a drag. "Come inside. Be with your family." I patted his back. "Last time I checked, they're not my family, you guys aren't my family if you aren't willing to make it official.. Why won't you let me have this?" I felt his sadness. I put my arms around him and laid my chin on his shoulder. "You wanna see something?"

I pulled the picture from my wallet. "It's a picture of Blue and Me. So what?" He took another drag. "This picture means the world to me..." I said. "You and Blue mean the world to me, this isn't because I don't like you. Kevin, you are my son. I admit it.. I took that responsibility on when your father died and I accept it--" He stood. "Then why won't you adopt me?!" He yelled. "Because you are a good kid. I messed Blue and Sam up. How can I mess you up? I can't do that... You are the innocent light that surrounds you this family." I said.

Kevin hugged me and I embraced him like a Dad. "I love you, Dad." He cried to me. My heart melted at the way he called me that. I shook him to stand up right and get it together, "I love you too. I love you so much, Kev." Sam pulled up to the driveway, "Dad!" She exclaimed. She ran up and hugged me, I kissed her cheek and Kevin entered the house

"How's your mother?" I asked her about Sierra. "Evil..." I laughed and put my arm around her in humour. "Ah! Yes! That'll never change." We entered the house and Jesus looked at her, there eyes met and rushed over to me. "Hello.... Who's this?" Jesus took her hand and she blushed. "I'm Sam.." My eyebrows raised, "Jesus.. This is Sam, my daugher.. Sam, this is Jesus, Callie's brother."

Jesus pulled her in as the music in the house continued to celebrate Callie's awesome news about being cancer free! "Then we aren't related..." They danced and Callie handed me a beer. "Is my brother hitting on your daughter?" We laughed. "We know how your brother is..." We laughed and she kissed my chin. "Did you speak with Kevin?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah, uhm... We can go talk to the lawyer tomorrow." I said.

Her eyes lit. "Really?!" She exclaimed. I smiled widely and she kissed me. I held onto her as we kissed passionatley, holding her by the waist, having her tightly against me as we made out in front of her family. Lena cleared her throat and we stopped. "Could you help me in the kitchen?" She asked, I took Callie by the hand and walked.

"--Have you both reconciled?" Lena asked us. "Uhm... Yeah, you can say that." I chimed happily. We put the plates down as we set the table for dinner, Callie chuckled. "We've agreed to counseling and anger management." She said, i pursed my lips in anger as I knew that Lena didn't need to know that. I put the last plate down, "Lena... Can you leave us alone?" I asked.

She left and I looked at Callie. "What?" She smiled. "Does your mother really have to know all that? She doesn't need to know that I'm going to anger management... What? Do you want your whole family to know that I have an anger problem? Do you wanna know what caused my anger?! YOUR STUPID FUCKING DECISIONS, CALLIE QUINN!" I yelled. She approached me to calm me down.

"Calm down, please... Look, I'm sorry. You're right, my mom shouldnt know. I shouldn't of said anything.. I don't wanna argue today. This is a special day for me. Please don't ruin it.." Our hands intertwined and I took deep breathes, kissing her forehead and holding her now in my arms. "I just love you, Callie Jacobs." I whispered, she gave me a sweet sound, "I love you more," we laughed. Stef entered the kitchen and asked to talk privately with me.

"I'll be back, baby.." I kissed her hair and Stef walked me out to the back, Callie pulled me back. "Aye! I love you more!" She whined in sadness, I smiled and chuckled. "Not possible." She blushed and I left her to speak with Stef. "What do you want Stef?" I laid back on the chair and lit a cigarette. "Ricardo's back in San Diego." She said, "Didnt know you were working with him again.." I said, smirking.

"I don't want him coming after Callie or your new boy, Kevin--" I laughed at her. "You have feelings?" I mocked. "I need you! I need you to keep my family safe.. Mariana and Jesus aren't safe!" She spat. "They're big kids, Stef." She kicked my foot and I tried to keep my anger afar. "Please! You're the only one who knows his secrets... I hear around you're precious ex is rebelling too with your shitty sister."

"That isn't news." I puffed on the cigarette. "What do you want me to do? Bargain my soul to Ricardo again? Leave my family?! Because that's what he's gonna want!" I yelled. She banged her fist on the table. "I WANT YOU TO SET HIM STRAIGHT; KILL THE ONLY THING HE LOVES!" She spat angrily, spit being foamed out of her mouth. "I don't know if my wife would like that--"

"Aw stop with your excuses! We both know you only love Callie when it's convenient--" I stopped her. "AYE! We both know that isn't true! I love her. I do!" I screamed. "When? When your not fucking Sierra Millian?" She whispered, I stayed silent. "You're not fooling me.. I can see the joy in your face, it's the only face you made when you were banging her.. She's an enemy and you're still fucking her!" Stef spat in a hushed tone.

"What I do with Sierra is my business!" I yelled. "You're hurting my daughter! It's my business!" She pushed me away from her, Jesus came out to tell us about dinner being served. "Don't act like you care about your children now, Stef... Don't be fake!" I spat in her ear as I entered the house.

A/N: Brandon's still with Sierra??? What?

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