Chapter 21

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Brandon's POV

She drove off and I walked back into the restaurant, I paid the bill and my phone went off. It was a text from Taylor:

In D.C with Blue, Mat, Jose and Ramón. Be back shortly.

I closed my phone and left the place, getting into my car. I pulled my phone out again and called Sierra. "Hello?" She answered. "Meet me by the creek." I turned the car on and drove through grassy plantations and a bit off the main road to make it by the old oak tree. I got out the car and saw her sitting on the rocks, throwing pebbles into the water. "You look nice. Dinner?" She laughed. I kissed her lips cutely. "Next time, don't make the damn hickeys so visible." I groaned, sitting down with her.

"Im sorry, B. You're just so damn attractive." I bit my lip and I let her sit on my lap as we watched the water. "She saw them?" Sierra asked. "She flipped..." I sighed in sadness. "Face it. You can't have the both of us." She intertwined our hands, "Im in love with you but.... I love her more." I whispered. "Then I shouldn't prevent you from what you really want." She said. "It's you I want... It's her that I desire with fierce love and compassion. Callie changed my life, she made me a man. She made me value my daughter, Sam and Blue. She helped me love." Sierra looked heartbroken. "And me?" She asks.

"Oh my dear, Sierra. You were everything to me but nothing to them. You gave me life when I was in the bottomless pit of my existence. You gave a child that I neglected yet I love with every bit of soul and although I hurt you, physically, scarring your face with that long dagged machete, you brought me closer to God and you helped me realize that I had power and I had to control it. I am forever grateful for the family you given me and for the love you have provided." She turned her head and kissed me deeply, passionatley.

I felt the love and her lip quiver. I felt her sadness, I felt her leaving me. "You know what you have to do, Brandon." She said. "I refuse to be with her..." I whispered, "What? Brandon! You love Callie! I see it in your eyes and the way that you talk about her!" Sierra cried at me. I shook my head. "I love her, you're right. That will never change. But I can love her from a distance, I can love her and not be with her." I said. Sierra nodded and understood. "Deep..." She simply says, we laugh at eachother. "I'm glad you understand." I patted her knee and we looked aar eachther deeply.

I kissed her, running my fingers through her hair. No matter how much I tried to denied it. The sexual tension that me and Sierra had would forever be there and we couldn't just not have sex, because that's what we did. That was our thing. I undressed her and laid her down on the pinic blanket she had set down, I kissed her skin and her thigh, running my hands down her thigh and plunging 2 fingers in her. She yelped in ecstasy as I made her feel good with my tongue.

My other hands played with her hair as she curved her back and moaned loudly. I chuckled sexily and kissed her red, plump lips. Sierra unbuckled my dress pants and she heaved in passion. "Take me," I thrusted upward and entered her, making her moan. Her tight perfect, pink clit. I thrusted and thrusted and I could feel her tighten around and she came in passion and I felt her come down from her sexual high. "How was that?" I whispered, leaving hickeys on her neck and cleavage.

"Better than the last time." She said biting her lip, making my lips swollen from the way she bit them in passion. We laughed and curled up together against the picnic blanket that now smelled like sex.


Callie's POV

Thirty days had passed. Kevin was leaving for the army in a couple weeks, he had finally enlisted. I entered the court room and my lawyer was waiting for me. I sat down and looked to my left. Brandon was sitting there with his lawyer in a suit. His hands folded together and I looked at the judge. "Proceeding with this case. Callie Jacobs, you want to be able to leave the state with your legal son without any trouble from the state of California. Am I correct?" She said toward me. I nodded.

"Yes, your honor." I say. "What is your position on this trial?" She asked Brandon's lawyer. "Your honor, my defendant loves his son and wants to be in his life--"

"BULLSHIT!" I screamed in objection. The judge banged her gavel, "MRS, FOSTER!" She scolded me. "I'm sorry but that's a load of crap! He was never in our daughter life, your honor. What makes you think he can even provide for Kevin if he never did with my other daughter?!" I screamed at her. "Your honor! She's right, I was never in my daughters life but I've changed. I feel differently with Kev--" I laughed at Brandon. "You feel different?! You feel differently with your adopted son then your own biological daughter?! Your honor, I think I've made my point!" I yelled.

Brandon walked over to me in anger and grabbed me, twisting my arm. The judge banged her gavel and I groaned in pain. "YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I LOVE MY DAUGHTER!" He spit at me. The judge banged her gavel repeatingly and the baliff tore Brandon off me. She looked at me and him, looking through the files. "Mr. Foster, you're in anger management? Am I correct?" Brandon nodded. "Is it working?" She asked him, "Yes your honor."

She raised his eyebrows at him. "Are you sure?" He stayed silent and looked down. "Callie Jacobs?" The judge turned to me. I stood. "I annihilate Brandon Fosters name from the adoption paperwork--" Brandon stood in anger. "NO!" He screamed. "--Until he is properly mentally stable.. Mr. Foster? I want you in Anger Management classes 3 times a week. If not, you give me no choice but to suspend your visits with your adopted son. Ms. Jacobs? You are free to leave the state with your son without any complications." I smiled widely and sighed in relief.

"Next case!" The judge yelled. I walked out of the court room. "You happy now?! Are you seriously gonna take him away from me?!" Brandon yelled. "You can visit before he leaves to Iraq. He would want to see you. This place isn't safe for me or him if the FBI is still out there looking for Blue, B. We're in danger and you still decide to stay here like an idiot! You're just setting yourself up to be killed!" I spat at him. "IM ALREADY DYING, STUPID GIRL!" He yelled at me in insult.

At the time, I didn't know that he was being serious. He really was dying, I was just to caught up in my own world and keeping Kevin safe that I didn't notice his sick eyes and long, dying face. I shook my head. "Take care of yourself, B." My heels clicked and clacked on the hard court floor, leaving him alone.

A/N: Oh as Brandon!

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