Chapter 61

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We entered the house with JB in his car seat. Freddy looked at him with admiration, the rest of The Kings gather around and see the boss next in line. "Proud of you, boss." Freddy spoke for all the guys. James smiles and he wraps his arm around my waist and kissed my temple. "Thanks guys." I smile at them. He begins crying and I laugh as the boys cover their ears at his shriek. "The boys got some lungs!" Dennis exclaimed. JB turns red in his car seat and I chuckle, taking him out and holding him in my arms.

He opens his eyes and looks around the room, he can't hold his head up by himself yet because he's only 2 weeks old but he looks all when he's awake. He mostly sleeps when he isn't hungry or needs a diaper change. I sniff his diaper. I hand him to James, "Daddy duty." The boys laugh at the big boss. "Who would've thought? Cali King changing diapers?!" Luis laughed at him.

"Shut the fuck up.." James mutters and walks upstairs, JB's room was all set and ready for him. "When's his first check up?" James asks as he wiped his butt. "The doctor said it was in 3 weeks so 3 weeks." I laugh. James finishes putting his diaper on. "I love you, Mrs. Jefferies." He kisses my cheek, he looks at JB. "I love you too, JB." His fatherly side made me melt.

"So when did the nurse said you could have sex again?" I blush at his question as we walk downstairs with JB safely in his arms, "2 weeks.. My stitches need to heal." I say. A knock at the door and a King looks through the peep hole. Liam he mouths to James. He hands me the baby. "Go upstairs and lock yourself in our room, don't move until I tell you everything is okay." I nod and lock myself in the room with James.


I walk out of the room and see that Liam is gone. "Is everything okay?" I ask. "Yeah, everything's fine." James walks up the stairs and I see the burning desire to kill someone in his eyes, I put JB down for a nap and I put a blanket over him. Guards stand by his crib. "Uhm--?" Im confused, "This is just a precaution... I want guards in and out of JB's room to keep him safe while he sleeps at night." He tells me.

He takes me hand, "Come. I've planned dinner for us downstairs." He smiles and I kiss James forehead, he gurgles in his sleep and James talks Russian to the guards, "Russian? Is that the best you can do? I won't be able to communicate with them?" We close the door and walked down the stairs. "They speak English, Blue Marie." He laughs. We sit down together in the dining room.

Pasta. "Thank you but dinner was uncalled for, I would've handled it." I say. James stuffs the food in his mouth. "You're taking care of JB, you clean, you cook, you take care of my necessities. You do enough for us, Blue. Relax." He assures me and I smile lightly, eating the pasta. "Ya know... Seeing you with JB, seeing you happy and caring and nice--!" I exclaim. He laughs with me.

James looks at me intensively, looking at me with caution and care. "--You have a soul... I see it now." I say, James puts his fork down. "Why now?" He frowns. "It only shows when it wants to be shown and JB makes it come out. I see the way you look at him, you're in an awe with your son. Your in awe with marriage, its all new to you and I love it." I explain, smiling.

He gets up from his seat and I think he's gonna come to my seat and yell at me. But instead, he comes and pushes himself down on me, grabbing me sexually and sitting me ontop of table as he sucks my neck. "James, wait... No.. No." I warn. He stops and sets me down. I bite my lip. "I can't.." I kiss his lips softly. "Can we at least cuddle? Go to bed?" He asks me.

I smile and take his hand, "Clean this up.." James tells the maids. "Yes sir." They respond and we head upstairs, I go to James room and check up on him. He's fine, breathing soundly. I look at the guards and tell them to watch him carefully. They nod at me and I leave the room, I change and get into bed with James, I kiss his jaw and his arms wrap around my waist. "Oh.. Mrs. Jefferies. You look marvelous tonight." I flush with embarrassment.

I notice that im laying on his bare chest, my head resting where the burns are. My finger moves up and down his chest, down to his belly button to his burns. He holds his breathe and I notice the fear in his eyes from my touch. I stop and he looks down at me, "You seem uncomfortable with me touching you there." I say. "No, don't stop.." I press my fingers to his chest again and I touch him.

Going up and down, he holds his breathe while I do it but I notice the relaxed face he has now, it's no longer pain or fear. It's relaxation. His breathing shakes when I stop but he looks at me and I look at him. "You are a marvelous woman, Mrs. Jefferies." He repeats. I smile and kiss his lips. I roll my body so im ontop of him. He looks at me, "I thought we couldn't--" he heaves. "We can't but I rather you than not have you." I say to him.

He sits up on the bed with me firmly on his lap, pressed up against him. Our faces pressed up against eachother but neither us make any attempt to kiss. We just stare at eachother and that's not like him. "About your mother, the crack whore--" James looks at me in surprise. "Wait.. Wait. Who told you she was a crack whore?" He ask. "You did. In your sleep, I listen to you sometimes.." I admit.

I go back to conversation, "Do you think she loved you?" I ask. He fiddles with his fingers and bites his lip at me. "Yes... At one point, I knew that's all I wanted. Was for her to love me but she couldn't do that, she couldn't love me the way I wanted her too and she died.. Drugged, loved and cursed." He says. He's opening up to me. I loved him, Oh god.. How I loved him.

He tells me more about his life as A King and his life after the burns marked into his skin forever. "... I was lost, no doubt about that but then-- Then I met you and I loved you. I wanted everything to do with you, all I knew is that I wanted you. I wanted sex but I also wanted you in every shape, way or form, my worst enemies daughter--" I stop him. "I hated you at first because I didn't know how to move on from someone. I didn't think I could love again but I did and I love you more, I love you and our son more than anything... You changed me, James.." I carress his face and kiss his lips softly. He shakes his head at me, "Please Blue... It's YOU whose changing ME. No, correction... You HAVE changed me."

The tears fall from my eyes and I kiss him, softly and then all at once, making him whimper as I bite his lip and wrap my arms around his neck. He lays down on the bed and I pull down his boxers, making him spring free from the boxer shorts. I feel James in my hands, squeezing him, moving my hand up and down as we make out. He moans and groans in my hands. "Argh... Blue." We kiss.

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