Chapter 60

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Blues POV

The doctor handed me the weeping baby. The nurses cleaned him off and I kissed his forehead, he cried loudly. "Hi... Hi, I'm your mommy." I whisper. He looked up at me with gentle eyes and his small hand raised up and touched my chin. I kissed his little fingers. James kisses my hair and pulls the blanket down and looks at his son. "Good job." He kisses my lips and I cry.

"He looks like you." I tell James. Mom, Dad and Sierra walk in. They look at my son, they look at their grandson. "He's beautiful." Mom and Dad say together and I smile. "What's his name?" Sierra asks. "James Brandon is his first name. James Brandon Jefferies." James tells her. "JB for short." Dad smiles and blushes, I take his hand and he kisses my knuckles. The nurses take JB from me and weight him.

12 lbs with 5 oz. "Fat boy!" Mom exclaims. I laugh with her and she walks over to my bed and kisses my hair, hugging me tightly. I pat her hair and kiss her cheek. "I love you, mom." I cry. "I love you too, baby." She coins and I let her go. The nurse wants to hand JB back to me and I shake my head. "Let his daddy hold him." I say. The nurses hands the baby to James.

He admires his son and smiles fatherly at him. I turn away and start talking with Sierra and Dad. Mom left the room so Sam could come in because only 3 visitors at a time. Sam came in and James refused to let him go, that was his son and I was fond of his affection toward JB. Sam gave me a strong hug and kisses the sweat off my forehead.

"I'm so proud of you, little sister." She whispers and I see James talking to JB, nurturing him to sleep. "Let me hold my nephew." Sam spits and James giggles and hands the baby to her. "Oh my god! He's adorable!" She smiles at me. So much going on around me, James sits next to me and kisses my hair. "I'm so proud of you, baby." Heis knuckles carress my cheek. I kiss his lips and sit up on the bed.

"Thank you." I didn't have to ask him why, I knew why he was saying that. "You're welcome. You're so welcome." I kiss his lips again and he blushes at me. This man loved me, no doubt about it. I smile and we both look at our son. It was so new to say that... Our son.

Dad caught my attention and said him and Sierra needed to leave. Dad gave James a look that meant trouble and he stands. "I should go too. I have work to do with your father." He kisses my lips and Dad pats my hair, James takes JB from Sam and kisses his forhead. "I love you, son." I see the tears stream down his face and I wipe them away as he hands the baby to me. I swaddle JB in his blue blanket and press him to chest. They all leave.

Someone walks in. "The nurse said no more--" I'm caught in the middle of my sentence because my neck closes up and I slowly start to choke up at his presence. He's wearing his higher rank SEAL uniform. It's white and black with a lot of medals on the side. He wasn't a Sergeant anymore. He was a SEAL Captain, that was the highest rank. He stands at the door with pride and with a straight posture.

"Captain Diaz Foster," I say. He takes his hat off and walks toward my bed. I shake a little, I haven't seen him in over a year. "It's just Kevin for you, Blue.." His voice. I missed him so much, I needed my brother! He notices the baby in my arms, JB was asleep soundly in the comfort of my arms and I smile at him. He looks at me and his eyes are just the same, lonely and tired.

"How are you?" I ask. "Good. Working.. I'm up in Canada right now but Mom called me and said you had your baby so I wanted to come take a quick visit and see you.. See how you were." He puts his hand on mine and I feel nothing, before James, I felt the world with Kevin but my love for him was always petty, I guess and it was a crush. "Wanna hold him?" He nods and he takes the baby from me, looking at his face. "What's his name?" Kevin smiles proudly at him.

"James Brandon." I repeat. Kevin admires his nephew, "Well you and The King did a pretty good job, BMF. I'm proud of you." He calls me by my old nickname and I bite my lip. He hands me JB back and he kisses my cheek. "I love you, Blue." He whispers. "I love you too, Kev."

I finally start crying and he squeezes my hand. "It's hard. It was hard to come here and see you because you made me love you and you just left--" That breaks me. It's true though, I did leave. "--It's hard to see you like this.. Married. With a baby." He holds back his tears.

I carress his cheek, he attempts to kiss me but I turn my head away, refusing.. Kevin gets a look of frustration on his face. "Well it happened, it did and this is the best for both of us, aye Captain." He bites his lip and nods at me. James comes into the room and he stops in his tracks, seeing Kevin. "Captain Diaz Foster.." James salutes him and Kevin stands, "Stand down..." He extends his hand and shakes James hand firmly.

"How are you?" He asks Kevin. "Good. I'm recruited in Canada with my team right now so I decided to come take a quick visit and see the new member of the family." James laughs at him and Kevin looks at me. "I--I should go. I have to go see Mom at her hotel." Everyone was staying at the hotel near by to stay close until I'm discharged from the hospital with Little JB. I nod and James says goodbye.

He leaves. James looks at me with his eyebrows raised, "I thought you were doing business with my father?" I squint my eyes. "I decided to change my mind.." He kisses my hair and looks at James sleeping soundly, I hear his little breathe against my chest. "Then why do you have blood on your shoes?" He bites his lip and curses himself under his breathe. "I'm not mad. Do what you need to do just keep me out of it." He laughs, "Deal, baby." We smile and stay in the room together as a new family.


JB was 2 weeks old. We walked into the church with JB in my arms. James standing beside me. Our family sitting on the front row of benches. I handed JB to Sawyer, he was gonna be JB's godfather and legal guardian if anything happened to us but not now. The priest spoke about how he wanted JB to have a beautiful life and have the lord looking down on him as a child of God.

He squirmed and fussed while they put the holy water on him but he calmed down as Sawyer held him in his arms, close to his chest. James put his arm around me and I smiled happily. It was about a 40 minute ceremony. Sawyer handed me back the baby and he smiled, telling us thank you. Paparazzi were all over outside the church, trying to get a glance at the Cali King's new son.

In a way I was pissed because I had no idea James had this kind of popularity to magazines and tabloids but he did and we had security for that matter because The Kings were private people and if we were private people, my son had to be a private person. We had a lot of people wanting to hurt us and we had to stay under the radar.

We got in the car and I buckled JB in his car seat. He fell asleep easily with the pacifier in his mouth. I looked at James who staring blankly out the window. "Hey," I whispered. He looked at me. "What's up, babe?" He put his arm around me. "I--I don't want..." He kissed my hair, "No one is gonna hurt you and my son. No one is gonna hurt my treasures." I kiss him and Sawyer looks at us with the rear view mirror.

"Thank you, sir. Madam. This opportunity means a lot to me, I like to know that I'm not just an employee to you both." I smile lightly. "No need to thank us, you're a great man and we trust you so much." I say. He presses his foot on the gas a little and I feel the car speed up to the house.


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