Chapter 1

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Blue's POV

The police sirens got closer and closer. Me and Eric ran down the street with the stuff in our jackets. The lights beamed down the street as they chased us. "BLUE!" Eric spat, I slid down the street and climbed the ladder that was on the side of the building. We sat on the roof of the building as we heaved in tiredness. "That was close!" He laughed at me and I took the pack of cigarette out of my jacket, I lit a cigarette and we munched on the food we stole.

"Just tell your sister to wire you money." Eric suggested, I laughed. "No way!" I kissed him and the cops screamed. "GET DOWN HERE! NOW!" They began climbing the ladder up the building and we packed the stuff. We ran to the side of the building as we jumped to the next building and the next and the next as we jumped down to the sidewalk and Eric smashed a car window, I hot wired the car and we drove off. We laughed and we high fived.

We've been months on our own and once we ran out of money, we started robbing places to get what we want. Not the best scenario and the best thing you would see me do but I needed to live. Sam emailed me to tell that the coach of NYU was ready for me so we were leaving Detroit in a couple weeks and I would go to NYU and live my dream. "So when do you think this wedding is actually gonna happen?" I asked, Eric squeezed my hand. "After college?" I smirked and kissed his lips, "I miss Kevin." I admitted. Eric scoffed, "Im sure he misses you too."

"What is that supposed to mean--?" I spat. "The boys in love with you. Don't you find that odd?!" He screamed. "It's a little odd but--" My voice faded as I had no explanation and right thorough acknowledgement to why it was good for Kevin to love me when it wasn't good... It was one of the reasons why I left although I had reconciled with Dad, I still left because I felt like I was the cause of why Dad wouldn't sign the adoption papers.

"We should go," Eric led down the road and he unlocked the room door and I smelt the stinky motel room. "How'd you get this room again?" I asked as I looked around. "I stole the key... The couple that's staying here isn't coming back tonight." He assured me, "How are you so sure?" I laughed. "Don't doubt me.." He grabbed my waist and kissed my neck sexually, I pulled him away. "I'm not--" I shook my head.

I grabbed some clothes from the suitcases we had brought and I got in the bathtub, the warm, hot water surrounds my naked body as I laid my head back on the railing. My phone beeped, it was Kevin. I never changed my number. I let it ring and he left a voicemail, I listened to it. "Hey.. Blue, I just want to know if you're okay and I miss you, I just want to know if you left for me... Was it because we kissed? Mom and Dad miss you too, okay. Bye." The voicemail ended and I dipped my head in the bathtub water and tried to drown myself; What a idiotic trial.

I sprung up with a loud gasp escaping my mouth. "Blue?! Are you okay?!" I heaved and I coughed, "Yeah... I'm fine!" I yelled back. The bathtub water spilled all over the floor as it overflowed and I rubbed my face. I couldn't call Kevin back no matter how bad I wanted too. I couldn't. I decided to stay away for him. I laid back and reminisced.

Brandon's POV

Blues been gone for months now. Callie came into the living room, "Blues been gone a long amount of time... It's time for you to snap out of this silly phase and sign the papers, B." She spat at me. "I told you I'm not doing it." I scolded her. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO HIM?!?! HES AN INNOCENT BOY AND DOESNT DESERVE THIS!" She screamed. The anger boiled inside me. We were living with eachother again, sleeping in the same bed etc... "I've made my decision final." I whispered.

Kevin came down with suitcases. "Where are you going, baby?" Callie asked him. "Brandon made his decision very clear and I'm 18 so I don't need to be here with you guys." Callie stood and rushed to him, "No! No.. Don't leave us." Kevin hugged her and I saw the care, the love and the motherly reaction she took when he told her that. "Please, Kevin.." She pleaded.

"Blues gone. You have Sam, whose sleeping upstairs.. You both have your children. I'm clearly not." He spat in my direction, my lip quivered in shame and sadness. "I'm sorry that you decided this." I said emotionless. "No.." He slung his backpack over his shoulder. "I'm sorry for you, Brandon Foster." He left the house. Callie stomped toward me and slapped my face. "You threw it away... I loved him and you threw him away from us. Happy?" She spat and ran upstairs. I looked down at my shoes and my phone beeped. It was Ricardo:

I'm back in town, Foster. Come through.

I ignored his text and walked to the music room and sat down and played the song I wrote so many years ago:

"The most amazing feeling I feel

Words can't describe what I'm feeling for real,

Baby, I paint the sky Blue

My greatest creation was you

You, Glory.

False alarms and false starts

All made better by the sound of your heart

All the pain of the last time

I prayed so hard it was the last time

Your mama said that you danced for her

Did you wiggle your hands for her--?"

I laughed at the part of the song and continued.

"--God's gift, I wish I would've prayed more..

God makes no mistakes, I made a few.

Rough sledding here and there, but I made it through.

I wreak havoc on the world

Get ready for part two.

A younger, smarter faster me--"

I smiled and hit the chord with force and sung loudly.

"--The most beautiful-est thing in this world,

Is Daddy's little girl.

You don't yet know what swag is

But you was made in Cali,

And mama woke up the next day, estactic.

Last time the miscarriage was so tragic

We was afraid you'd disappear

But nah, baby you magic..

So, there you have it, shit happens

Make sure the plane you on is bigger

Than your carry-on baggage!

Everybody goes through stuff,

Life is a gift love, open it up,

You're a child of destiny

You're a child of my destiny--"

I wiped the tears from my eyes and sung some more... My voice choked at the last part of the song as I cried.

"--The most amazing feeling I feel

Words can't describe what I'm feeling for real,

Baby, I paint the sky Blue

My greatest creation was you

You, you, you..."

"You wrote her a song..." I turned around and saw Sam. "Yeah, after she was born." I told her. Sam sat on my lap. "Wish I was that special." She frowned, I put my hand on her leg and kissed her cheek. "You are.. I was just messed up and didn't notice the idiot I was to let you go... You're still my little girl. I'm so sorry." Sam hugged me tightly. "I missed you, daddy." She whispered. "I missed you too. I miss Blue." I frowned. Sam chuckled, "I miss her too but she'll be in NYU soon and she won't be living off crackers and juice boxes." We laughed and I grinned. "I agree with you." She ruffled my hair and got off me.

"Dad?" I turned and looked at her. "Yeah?" She gave me a smug look, "Kevins a good kid and deserves this family... If it was up to me, I would sign the papers. We need him more than he needs us. This family is shit." She walked off and looked at the keyboard, I grabbed my phone and called Kevin..


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