Chapter 54

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"WAIT! WHAT?!?!" Callie and me scream in unison, standing up in shock. "I know that this is a lot to take in but it's true!" Robert screams. "We're twins?" I ask. He nods and Callie sits back down. "When I went into the system.... It wasn't just Jude with me... There a girl with me too.. I remember. It was you!" She screams at me.

I shake my head, unable to remember. "I don't remember.." I say. Robert tries to calm us down. "Both of you are my biological daughters..." He tells us, "They seperated both of you when you three got into the system. Callie went with Jude and Sierra was seperated from both of you. Callie and Jude were put with the Foster family and Sierra was adopted. That's the last I heard of both of you."

We both look at eachother. "We can't tell anybody this..." I tell her. Cals nods in agreement. "Sisters?" Robert smiles at us. I take her hand in mine and squeeze it. "Forever.." We smile at eachother.

Blue's POV

I got a call from Kevins higher rank. He decided to extend his tour for another 5 years without R&R and I was beginning to think that he wanted to avoid me. This was his 2nd tour already and I was scared one day I'd get a call that he had been shot to death by terrorist. I told James the news and he decided that I meet him later at a club, a night club that he owned, to get my mind off things. I was excited to go but Kevin was on my mind that whole night.

How could he just extend his tour? I mean hurting me was one thing but hurting Mom when she's already broken? That's painful. It's inhuman.


I put my black jacket on and my hair up in a ponytail. I add mascara and some eye shadow with red lipstick. A knock at my door. I could hear the music blasting from the club. I was in the restroom, "Are you ready Miss Foster?" Sawyer asks. I nod with a fake smile on my face and he leads me out.

I entered the club and within a few seconds, security was all around me. The Kings were very private and kept to themselves when they entered a club, renting out a big plaza for just themselves. "This way, Miss Foster." A guard told me, leading me down some stairs and into a huge room that smelt like smoke, booze and had about 500 to 600 people in it. I moved around and saw James sitting there, I walked over and sat down.

He grabbed me by the waist and brought me closer to him, kissing my neck and cheek. I laid my head on his shoulder and he kept talking to his buddy. We all drunk some champagne and told some jokes, getting a couple laughs from me. I laid back on the seat. James put his arm around me and kissed my temple cutely as he spoke more to his guys.

A woman came up to him and he hugged her, she said hi to me and I smiled faintly. I was having a miserable time, I wanted to leave. I didn't wanna keep seeing James talk to his buddies all night while I just sit here. He lit a cigarette and he smoked it, patting my hair and turning to speak with me every once in a while about how I was doing. I was just fine, James. I thought.

Eventually, I just laid back on the sofa we were sitting on and wrapped my arms around his stomach, laying my head on his shoulder, he stopped looking at me or noticing me. He drunk his beer and laughed loudly over the roar of the music with the rest of the gang members. Girl after girl came up, giving him a hug and kissing his cheek. I ended up getting tired and I stood, James stood with me. "I'm just gonna go." I spoke in his ear. He nodded and kissed my cheek, he released my hand from his hold. "Sawyer!" James called the security guard.

"You make sure Blue gets to her car safely. I don't want anything bad happening to her." Sawyer nodded. "Yes sir." He led me out through the back, the staircase that led up to the top of the back of the building. I started crying softly and he looked at me as we walked. "Are you alright, Miss Foster?" He asked me. "Do I look happy? With James?" I asked him, wiping my tears away. "I think it's the matter of are you happy at all?"

I nodded and bit my lip, "I am happy with him.. I love James, Sawyer but there was someone else I loved a long time ago..." I frowned. "You can't forget him?" He asks, I chuckled. "Not for anything in the world..." I mutter to him. Sawyer opened my car door for me, "Have a safe drive, Miss Foster." I turned my car on and seatbelt. "Thank you. Tell James I got home safely." He nodded at me and left.


I left my clothes scattered in the living room floor as I walked around my house with nothing on except a bra and panties. I sat down on the kitchen counter and laid down, showing off my half naked body. Twirling my hair around and acting sexy all by myself while Crazy In Love by Beyonce blasted on my the stereo system. I jumped all around the house and danced like a stripper.

I sat on the couch when I got tired and I laid down, falling asleep on the arm rest. I felt his arms embrace me. I opened my eyes from my sleep a bit and saw his jawline. I carressed his face softly and he looked at me. "I thought you were sleeping." He smiles a bit. "I was... You woke me up, dear." He lays me on the bed. "You didn't have to leave tonight." He told me.

"I just couldn't stop thinking about Kevin. My moms already fucked up. He has no idea how more fucked up she is!" I spat. James nodded, "I get it. I do but if he's doing this it's because he wants too, baby." I shook my head and bit my lip, stating silent. He had no idea. The truth was hidden, sealed under my lips. All I knew I'd that I wanted a normal life, a peaceful life with James. With my baby. I grabbed his head and kissed him softly and gently. His hands went down to my hips and he pulled my panties off, kissing my neck.....


James' POV

Time passed. I sent all the ladies to Paris so Blue could enjoy her bachelorette party while I'm back in Cali, enjoying my Bachelor party with the guys. Me, Brandon, Mat, Taylor, Jose and Ramón. Freddy, Luis, Dennis, Jesus, and Jude with his boyfriend, Connor. Brandon brought me in the house with a blindfold on, he took it off and I saw the strippers. I held my breathe and laughed softly. "It's your last day... One last day and your life will be nothing but fucking one lady for the rest of your life." Mat tells me, "She can work it better than any of these bitches--" All the guys laugh loudly and Brandon covers his ears, "That's my daughter your talking about, boy." I smirked.

A tan skinned stripper brought me over as I drunk a beer and she sat ontop of me and kisses my neck, this felt uncomfortable!!! I keep my hands at my knees and my voice trembles. "I don't want your hands touching me.." I spit calmly. She nods and she grinds as the music blast through the house. She gets off me and I get up, "Alright boys... Now that that's over, let's get to partying. Hard!" I scream. The boys chant and we chug a keg of alchohol, possibly giving us all alchohal poisoning the next morning but it didn't and I woke up completely wrecked!

The next morning, "Last night was fucking great!" Connor exclaims with an ice pack over his head. I take 2 pills for my hangover and Jude does the same. I sit at the table and drink some orange juice. "What are those?" Brandon points out the burns on my chest and I realize I have to lie. "Motorcycle accident." I don't hesistate and he buys it. Taylor jumps downstairs and everyone groans from their hangovers.

"Tux fitting today, asshole!" He screams. "Shut the fuck up, pendejo! We have hangovers!" Ramón yells and I chuckle. I stand, "Let me shower all this alchohal off and we can all head out." I say and I go upstairs.


After tux shopping we went to dinner at Vallarta's. A Mexican restraunt in Spring Valley. We all sit, Brandon and Freddy on my right and left. We all put our cups of champagne up and made a toast. "To James and his many riches with Blue Marie Foster!" Mat spat happily. "Salud!" We all chanted and drunk. We ate and laughed about dumb shit throughout the whole night, I felt like there was no enemy vs enemy. There was a family, coming together. In peace.

Brandon put his cup up, "Blue talks about this motherfucker right here 24/7 and frankly, I'm tired of hearing your name!" Brandon laughed and I chuckled. "But you make her happy and you're giving me a fucking grandchild. I want her happiness, I could care less about yours so as my new son in law, May God be with you both and may God be with us all." Mat tapped his glass in acceptances

"Salud.." We all say.

A/N: James and Blue wedding next chapter!!!!

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