Chapter 19

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I left the house while Mom and Dad were still out to dinner. Mat, Taylor, Jose and Ramón pulled up to the driveway. They pulled me back into the house and I struggled for them let me go. "WHAT?! YOU GUYS GONNA TURN ME IN TO THE FBI?!" I yelled. They tried to keep their voices down because they knew Kevin was here.

"We want to help you...." I looked at them, "R--Really?" I caught my breathe from yelling at them. "Yeah, you deserve a chance to speak. You deserve a fair trial and we won't let you go down for something you didn't do." Taylor told me. "They have evidence against me, what do you say about that?" I gritted my teeth. "Your mother has been helping us... We've doing a little digging. The evidence is false and we all have to and is go to the White House." Jose says. "The White House?! I AM NOT GONNA MAKE IT EASIER FOR THOSE ASSHOLES TO GET ME!" I yelled.

"Not unless you have a disguise.." Mat bit his lip. "What the hell are you guys talking about?" I sat on the edge of the couch. "Let's say me and Jose become confidential reporters of the press to interview the Presidents of the United States... Mat and Taylor break into the vault toward the White House kitchen while you're outside, wearing your disguise, handing the President a secret note, something small that the Secret Service wouldnt notice." Ramón said. I nodded. "You guys have this whole thing planned out?" I smirked.

Mat nodded. "When he reads the note, you'll follow the path back to the press reporters aka us and we'll get you in. You enter the kitchen and wait there for the President with Mat and Tay." Jose said. I nodded and thought this through. This could actually work. "Alright. Okay. Let's do this!" I high fived them.


Washington D.C.

The crowd was going crazy. I had my disguise on, the president was walking around shaking people's hands. I talked quietly into the wire I had on. "Move out." I moved in between the crowd and he came over, I extended my arm and he took my hand, I passed the note to him and he looked at my face. He noticed me, he kept quiet and moved along. I walked off with hands in my pocket.

I ran toward the interview building where he would be speaking. Jose and Ramon had fake mustaches on with fake press passes clipped onto their shirts. "They look so real." I complimented. "That's why we're in a gang, sweetheart. We can make anything look real. Even someone's death." We walked side my side as they showed Secret Service their badges. They stopped me, "She's with us." Ramón said. I gulped in nervousness. Jose reached for my hand and I grabbed it, he pulled me in and the service let me through. "Rule number 1, kid. Never show fear." Ramón whispered. Jose laughed quietly and nudged me playfully with his elbow.

We walked into the full room of reporters and secruity. I moved along side the wall and entered the kitchen. No one was around, Mat whistled and I rushed over, I sat in corner with him and Taylor. "Now what?" I whispered. Taylor set his watch. "He should be here in 5 minutes, little Blue." He mocked.


"Blue Marie Foster? Are you in here?" I heard his ragged husked voice. "I just wanna talk. I got your note. Come out." I stood and I took my diguise off. Mat and Taylor followed. "Mat Chung. Taylor McCall. Nice to meet you." He said. My breathing shook, he looked at me. "You've made a big risk coming to me. Wanting a favor? I can arrest you. You murdered my brother!" He spat, I was so tired of being accused.


He laughed at me and he ordered Secret Service to leave the kitchen, protect the door so no one would enter or bother us. "What is your favor, Mrs. Swilley." He called me after Eric's last name. He knew everything about me, he had every single document on my life... The thought gave me goosebumps. "I need you to go out into the press and tell them that im not involved in this! That Im off the hook! So I can go back to life, I can go back to my family! I don't deserve this, Mr. President!" I yelled.

Mat rubbed my back consolingly. He thought it over for a minute, "Okay..." He said. I gasped in happiness and hugged Taylor. "Really?!" I asked. He nodded and his assistant came over, "20 seconds, Mr. Presidents." He walked over to the door and the camera man began to count down, "Let these 3 people out of the White House. I have an important announcement to make." I smiled at him in hope and we were escorted out.

We walked the streets of Washington and we stopped in front of a TV store. The Presidents conference was on. I wanted to hear him tell the world that the pursuit for the murderer of his brother was no longer needed and that I was off the hook but that's not the way things went down and I was left with no more options. "Before I start the questions I wanted to tell the world and the citizens of this beautiful country, the truth..." He paused. "I have been diagnosed with a long and painful malignant tumour--" The audience gasped and the cameras rolled, taking pictures. "--So I'm stepping out of office and I will not be running anymore decisions through this day forward." I gasped, my breathing hitched.

"What's gonna happen, Uncle Mat? What's gonna happen to my future?!" I began to cry. "HE LIED TO US! HES STEPPING OUT OF OFFICE, DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?!" I yelled at him. "Blue... I know you're upset--" He started. "UPSET?! NO! IM WAY OVER UPSET! I LOST MY FUTURE! I LOST MY ONLY HOPE TO EVER PLAY SOFTBALL AT NYU BECAUSE THIS ASSHOLE WANTED TO SET ME UP! HE HAD PROBLEMS WITH MY FATHER AND HE TOOK IT ON ME!" I yelled. We stood there.

"Now what?" I wiped my tears after crying for a moment. I refused to look at Mat and Taylor. "It won't take Ortiz very long to find you after the stunt we just pulled. Of course we know The President will tell him what went down and he will try to find you again.. So we have to assemble." Mat looked at Taylor and I looked at my shoes, "What the hell do you mean?" I gritted my teeth in frustration. Taylor snickered a bit, trying to find any humor. "I mean, we have get the old team back together. Lily included.. Sierra, Ricardo, the whole big macho league.. But you have to leave the country, Blue." I looked up.

"WHAT GOOD WILL THAT DO?! THEY'LL FIND ME AND ERIC!" I yelled. "Then you better go to fucking Alaska or Antartica for all I fucking care but I love you, Blue Marie Foster! You are like my daughter and I watched you grow up from when you were born and I love you just as much as I love Hunter but I will protect you and so will your father and mother and sister so leave... And stay hidden. Don't come back until I say the coast is clear." He spat. "What about Kevin?" I bit my lip in worry for him. Taylor smiled faintly, he was the only from the guys who knew about me and Kev's past together.

"Kevin has to stay here, the FBI will know something is up if one of the kids goes missing that isn't the fugitive." Mat had a point, I was terrified about this. He noticed my shaking knees and he hugged me, I dug my head into his chest as I cried into his shirt. Uncle Mat held me tightly between his arms and he let me go. "Call Eric. Leave. As soon as you can. We'll take care of everything." He kissed forehead and blessed me. Taylor kissed my cheek. I smiled at them and ran down the street until I hit the Canadian border.

I sighed in sadness.

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