Chapter 71

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I walk up to the plane where he was the army soldiers prevented me from talking with him. "Stop! Stop! Let him speak with me!" Kevin spats, he boards off the plane and crosses his arms, wearing his military uniform. "I don't want any trouble, King." He tells me. "No.. I don't want trouble either, I came to apologize about yesterday but you shouldn't of touched me." I scold. "Blue can't touch you either?" He laughs, "She's an exception..." I smirk. "Look, I came to talk to you about Blue.. I know you love her and I'm gonna--" I pause. It was so hard to say.

"--Liam's decided to kill me." Kevin's eyes almost pop out. "What?! You have to do something! You're a King!" I shake my head, "Frankly there isn't anything I can do anymore. He's too powerful but I do need your help." I tell him, he nods and listens. "Take care of them.. Make Blue and JB happy. Do that for me and I will be eternally grateful." He could feel the tension.

This was too much of a request. He couldn't handle it, "Is that what you want?" He asks me. "I need my family happy... Without me. Do that for me, do it for Blue." I take a cigarette out and light it, puffing on the ashes. "Alright, I'll do it for you." I smile. "So when's the--?" I shake my head. "I don't know. I have time though, don't get too excited." He boardes the plane and I leave the runway.


JB was sleeping soundly in his crib. I sat on the bed, shirtless. Wearing nothing but long sweats, showing off my chest to her as she slept soundly on the bed, wrapped around the sheets. She was too perfect to bother. I bite my lip at her and exhale sharply. "I don't wanna die... I don't wanna leave you here but I know it's the right thing to do to keep you and JB safe." She sleeps soundly.

I look at her body breathe up and down, she sleeps so cutely. I smile a little, I look at ahead at the headboard and refuse to look at her in the face. "I have nightmares about the crackwhore.. Every single night and I wonder if she even cared about me? She never told me she loved me, Blue. My father was affection but he never said it either. I was a product of failure." I frown. "Then that night that I was burned mercifully--" my hand skims by burns that covered my chest. "All I wanted was my mommy..." I break down in sobs, I cover my mouth and weep, I didn't wanna wake her up.

I close my eyes and cry angrily into the palm of my hand. I wipe the tears away and speak, "All I wanted was my mom and she gave it away. She let that man destroy her.. And I wonder if I'll see her in heaven. I wonder if I can face her again...." I speak in a hushed tone. I wipe the tears off my face and I look down at Blue's sleeping body in front of me. She rolls over and opens her eyes. "Did you say something?" She asks me. I shake my head, "No... I'm just enjoying you sleep, darling." I lay down with her and kiss her neck.

She faces me in the sheets and her hands land on my shoulders. "Can I touch you?" She asks me, referring to my burns, God! how I hated how she touched me there but I was getting used to it a little. I nod and her hands go up and down the burns, her hands pressing against my chest and I hold my breathe like im about to scream bloody murder.

She kisses me while she touches my chest and I'm wrapped around her lips for a while as her hand touch me, she relaxes me for a while and then I pull her away. "I'm sorry, Blue.. I can't--" I get out of bed as my voice chokes up in tears and I leave.

I go down to the kitchen and I sit on the floor by the oven and I cry. I had never cried like this, so much. Oh fuck! Blue really was changing me... She was making me have a soul after all. Blue finds me and sits with me on the kitchen floor. "Talk to me. Please." I refuse to talk and I begin to sob again, she hugs me tightly and I lay my head on her chest, right on her breast. "Please..." She pleades.

"Is it about your burns? Is it about your mother?" I nod my head and I bite my lip in sadness. I get up and take her hand in mine, "Come." I take her the back part of the house. "I've never seen this part of this house before.." She says. "It's off limits. Only I'm allowed back here." I tell her. I take the key out of my pocket and open my office up. I open the door and I go to my desk.

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