Chapter 48

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The next day, Callie Jacobs called me over to her house. I drove all the way to her house only to find out I wasn't allowed to enter the premises so I had to park in front of her house gate that engraved the letter F (for Foster) in gold. I put the cigarette in between my lips and patted my pockets for a lighter. Fuck! I forgot it at home so now I had an unlit cigarette in between my teeth.

Callie came out, she tossed me a lighter and I lit my cigarette, blowing the tobacco smoke in her face. "You put my daughter in danger.." She said. "So did your husband but I don't see you all up on his ass." I joked. "This is different! You're marrying my daughter and you need to protect her--!" I immediately defended myself. "Hey! I did! I brought her home safe in sound! Be fucking glad you got that, Callie Jacobs and not a body bag!" I yelled. I turned to leave.

"James...." I turned to look at her, I was leaning against his car now, "My daughter is everything. She needs me as much as I need her, and I know she'll leave me one day and get married but that guy isnt you so call off the engagement and let her be with a real man, not a boy..." I looked down and puffed on my cigarette.

"Do you have any idea who you're talking too? I fucking love her!" I screamed. "Yeah, sure... Of course you do. Once upon a time, Brandon was the same way with me. You know what that means? That means you'll leave her for somebody else and break her heart and I won't let you do that! I WILL NOT TOLERATE IT!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, it echoed in the mountains nearby their valley house.

"YOU, CALLIE JACOBS! YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME AND IF YOU KNEW YOUR DAUGHTER, YOU'D KNOW THAT SHE WANTS THIS AND I WANT HER.. YOU DONT KNOW US!" I screamed. "I don't want to know you! You need to get in your car and leave. Don't come back cause if you do, the next thing you'll see is a bullet through your chest and you'll be begging for the suffering to end!" Callie threatened. "What would you do?" I asked me, stepping on the cigarette with my foot to put it out.

"I'd hit the road..." She turned away and left me by my car, lighting another cigarette and puffing until the ashes grew at the end it, falling to the ground. "HEY!" I yelled after her. She turned to face me before she entered her property. "I'm not leaving..." I assured her. She smirked at me, not saying another word and left me speaking to myself.

I entered my car and a figure showed up in front of my car in a rush, scaring me. It was Blue, she was wearing a sports bra, shorts, her hair up and her headphones in. "Hey.." She kissed my lips, she was breathing heavily. It looked like she had just came back from a hike. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "Your mother invited me. She told me to stay away from you and call off the engagement." I bit my lip. If I couldn't slap Callie Jacobs and put her in her place then her daughter would.

Blue frowned. "She did?" I nodded. She gritted her teeth and she put in a passcode to open the large home gate. "I'll see you later!" I called out from my car window, I put the car in reverse and left the top of the valley.

Blues POV

"YOU ROTTEN BITCH!" I ran into the house and slapped Mom across the face, grabbing her by the neck and choking her against the wall. She gagged for me to let her go but I wasn't going too. "ITS MY LIFE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?! MY LIFE, MOM SO STOP THREATENING A KING AND MY FIANCÉE BEFORE YOU FUCKING GET SHOT, YOU BITCH!" I screamed in fury. She was losing her air, her face turning purple and her eyes were rolling back from lack of oxygen.

"--BLUE! BLUE NO!" Sam ran toward me and pulled me away. I fought her off me and tried to grab Mom again. "NO! BLUE STOP IT!" I slapped Mom's face again. "IF YOU EVER GO NEAR ME AND MY HUSBAND AGAIN, I SWEAR I WILL TELL THE KINGS TO KILL YOU AND KNOWING THEM, THEY'LL BE GLAD!" I spit, leaving the house. I sat on the front steps and took deep breathes.

I exhaled sharply and cursed under my breathe. My life. My life. My life. I kept repeating in my head. My life. And no one was gonna tell me how to live it. My phone rang, "Hello?" I answered. "Hey Blue," Kevin whispers, I sighed. "You decided to call.." I smiled a bit. "You deserve to be happy. James makes you happy, right?" Kevin asked me. "Yeah." I said truthfully. "Then there isn't a reason for me to come home." He told me. "Mom needs you. You won't see Eden grow up!" I spat through the phone. "Goodbye Blue." The line went dead. I groaned and I looked up at the sky, "Shield... I know I love your son, you do. So please kick some sense into him from up there and make him come home to us because your the only one that knows how much I love that boy." I whispered.

"Hey!" Dad jumped up on the porch, "Your mother called me..." He jiggled the keys in his hand. I put my head in my hands in disappointment. "I'm hurting my own mother. I'm becoming you!" I yelled. He sat next to me. "You will never be me, baby. The things I did to your mother are unspeakable.." He concentrated and he told me something I had never heard before from neither of them. "I forced her once... To-- To have sex with me." He said in shame.

"What?" I looked at him in shock. "I was high... I was drunk and fucked up on pills. I wasn't thinking." I held his hand and I hugged him tightly. "Oh daddy..." I cried, he started to cry and he wept in my arms, I knew he regretted it. "I have spent my whole life trying to make you proud of me again like you were when you were little." He sniffled. "I'll tell you now, you aren't the best father and you really fucked me over and this family but you aren't the worst father... Look on the bright side, you have your life to make Eden proud of you." I smiled and saw his weak, skinny hands. "On second thought...." My voiced faded out and noticed that maybe he didn't have Eden's whole life.

"What's killing you, daddy?" I asked him in sympathy. "I can't tell you.. Just know that my time with you is limited. You can't tell anyone. Please." I began crying and for the first time in my life, I was scared to lose him. "I love you, daddy." I whispered. He kissed my hair and tucked me under his arm. "I love you too, baby." He whispered.


I walked into The Kings headquarters and found Luis. "Where's James?" I asked him. "He's out... But I wanted to know if you wanted to have a little fun while he was out." He touched my arm sensually and bites his lip, he pushed me up against the wall. "Hey! No.. No. Let me go." I tried to get him off me but he was strong, he held me down and attempted to kiss me. "Luis! Let me go!" I cried, wincing in pain from his grip. "Stop! Let me go." His hand went up my shirt and touch my breast.

Luis wasn't paying attention to anything except me when someone pushed him off me, he hit the floor and I exhale in relief. Someone jumped on him and punched his face, making him bleed with force, his blood gushing all over the floor.

James takes me in his arms and I laid my head on his shoulder. "Come near her again and I swear to god I will kill you myself. Do you understand me?! I will cut your body up and make sure your thrown out in the pacific so if you ever come near my lady again, you will have the biggest problem of your life!" James defended. He had his arm around my back on protection. "You're not gonna change anything around here, boss!" Luis screamed.

"I have before so you better watch your back." He pulled my head back softly and kissed my cheek, "Are you okay, my love?" James asked me. "I wanna go to bed." My make up smeared all over my face from all the crying. Luis was still gushing blood all over the floor, "Clean that up, slave!" James screamed. "You shouldn't of gotten a whore for a wife, then!" James lost it and took his gun out, pointing it to his head and Luis laughed evily.

I stood in fear. "Stop! Stop, no. Don't kill him!" I yelled. James looked at me and heaved angrily, calming down. "Why?" He asked me. "Because I have a soul.... You don't." I said.

A/N: Uh oh....

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