Chapter 15

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Callie's POV

"Good to hear you're talking again." I kissed Brandon's cheek. "Just a little head trauma." I laughed and I took his hand, "I bet the boys have told you about Ortiz... The President won't stop until he has Blue in custody." I told him, B nodded his head in understanding. "We still have so much to figure out, did she really kill the Presidents brother?" He asked. I shook my head at him, "I don't know.. But me and the boys will handle it." I kissed his cheek and he looked at me.

"You never kiss me anymore," he said. I frowned. I cleared my throat, he meant kiss him like a lover. "I'm your ex wife, Brandon. We gotta start acting like it, were Blue's parents. This isn't about us, it's about her." I cleaned the sweat off his forehead and left the room. Jose and Ramón ran up to me with papers, "This is everything on Paul Ortiz." He handed the paperwork.

"Thanks, boys." I smiled. "Is there anything else?" I shook my head and Ricardo walked in. "Hey!" I raised my head. "What do you know about the President?" I asked him. "He's the fucking President! What do you want me to know?" I scoffed at his rude tone. "Personal! What do you know what about him personally?!" I spat. Sierra came in and Sam saw, "Hey mom!" Sierra kissed her cheek and smiled, "Hey baby!" She looked at me. "What's up, Jacobs?" I looked at Ricardo again.

"Uhhhhhh.... Nothing really, he likes the Red Sox. He has several vacation homes which I'll tell yah-- They're so beautiful! Oh my--" I stopped him as he attempted to proceed. "Where?" I asked in urgency. "Kailua. In Hawii, it's right by Hanauma Bay." He told me with speed. I looked over my shoulder, "Taylor!" I yelled as he was looking for stuff to work on. "Find me everything there is to know about The Presidents vacation home in Kailua! NOW!" I yelled.

"Ma'am. We have guest and patients... If you're here to see you're husband--" I stopped the nurse from speaking, my rude attitude came out when I was stressed. "He isn't my husband! Ugh!" I stormed out the hospital and lit a cigarette as I walked to my car. "Hey! Let me ride with you!" May chased after me, "Look, when's the wedding with you and my sister? I need to get some shit done before then." I said. "A couple weeks, Brandon should be home by then." Mat told me. I nodded.

We got in my car and my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "Mom!" I laid back on my seat. "Blue!" I exhaled in happiness. "Look, we had some complications in my back to New York so me and Eric are in deep trouble but... Is Kevin around?" I bit my lip. "No but Uhm... Baby? Are you okay? Are you safe?" I asked her, I heard her snicker. "I'm fine, momma. I just wanted to see how you were," I heard a faint car horn in the background. "I--I have to go now, Mom. I love you!" L

I stuttered. "Blue--! Wait!" The line went dead and I sighed, there was no caller ID. I couldn't call her back. "How's Blue?" Mat asked as I turned the car on. "She said she's fine." I revved the car up and drove out the parking lot, "So you and Sierra good?" He laughed loudly, "No.... I mean, her daughter is living in my house and I had a daughter with the only man she's probably still madly in love with but no.." I said, Mat laughed some more.

Blue's POV

I hunged up on Mom. I stood there for a second to process about what I was about to do. Eric looked over my shoulder, "Are you okay, baby?" He asked, I exhaled in frustrating. I dug in my pocket for a quarter. "Keep lookout! The cops are still looking; we're fucking wanted!" I wasn't yelling at him because I was mad. I was yelling at him because I was frustrated and stressed about this whole situation.

I put the quarter in, I had spent all my change on this one call. I spent all my change on him. I dialed the number and it rang.. It rang for a while, I was going to hang up because I knew he wouldn't answer then, "Hello?" He answered. "K--Kev! It's me, Blue." He sighed and I felt his happiness. "Blue... Oh my god! Where are you?! LAPD is looking for you all over the coast. You have to turn yourself in!" He told me, I shook my head. "I didn't kill that man! You know me, I was framed!" I yelled in frustration. "I--I was set up! Please... Believe me." I began crying.

"Don't cry." Kevin whispered. I heaved in panic like if I was about to have a panic attack or anxiety attack. "Blue... Calm down. Please." He tried to help, "Yah know.. In all this bullshit, I only want one person and I've neglected him my whole life." I said, "Who?" Kevin asked. "My dad." I began to cry again. "Why'd you call?" He asked. "I need you to talk to the LAPD. Tell them I'm innocent. Eric has nothing to do with this!" I spat.

"They have evidence against you... There's a video of you shooting him! Blue, it's all on tape." He told me. I took to a moment to reflect. Yes, I was there that night but I didn't shoot him. I didn't shoot that man, I was too pussy to pull it. "I know... I know I was there but I didn't shoot him! I didn't kill that man! Believe me!" I yelled through the payphone. "Yah know, I don't know... I don't know what to believe, Blue because I saw you differently in the car at the airport. I saw you like the most innocent person because I love you! But I found all of this out and I--I don't know what to think about you; I don't know you at all, Blue Marie Foster-- Don't call me again. Leave me alone."

He hung up and I couldn't believe what he told me, I hung up the payphone and I stood there for a while in disbelief because I screwed my life up with him. Kevin hates me. "Are you okay?" The tears welled up in my eyes, he approached me. "Bl--" I hugged him, I broke down in his arms and I cried loudly in his arms, I laid my head on his shoulder as I weeped. Hey, hey... It's okay, Blue. It's okay." He rubbed my back in comfort and I cried some more, the breakdown didn't stop.

My heart was in my stomach, my heart was in the pit of my stomach and I couldn't stand the feeling of agony because I lost him, I was desperate. I lost my bestfriend. I lost Kevin. Eric hugged me tightly and slowly let me go as he wiped my eyes. I giggled a bit, "How are you feeling?" He asked me quietly, he didn't wanna startle me. He had a heart, he loved me. He did. I was silent for a while I started at the ground.

"W--We have to go. We have to leave." I said, Eric opened the car door for me as I sat and then he went to his side and sat, turning the car on. We continued to drive toward someplace on earth.

A/N: Blue is heartbroken over this and Kevin finally put his foot down!

And I've been noticing how my notifications are blowing up with people commenting and voting on Why Did He Leave and The Best Of Me and I'm so happy that my story is getting popular! :) thank you!

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