Chapter 18

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Everyone left the party. I was left alone with Brandon, I wanted to lay it on the line with him now or I would never do it. "I'm leaving in a couple months, Brandon." He looked at me. "W-wwwhat?" He asked me. "Brandon, we are no longer married. We've been divorced for years now. Now that Kevin is adopted, I wanna leave." I said. He became completely outraged. His neck veins popped out as he yelled at me. "You're k--kidding right?! NO! N--NO! He's my sss--son too, Callie! We both signed t-ttthe papers!" He screamed. "I NO LONGER LOVE YOU! DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT, BRANDON?!" I yelled. He stood and his legs wobbled from sitting his chair. "YOU WILL N--NNNOT TAKE M--MY SON!" He walked to me with strides and will. He grabbed my neck and strangled me against the bed, I was under his heavy weight. I reached for breathe as he locked my airway with his heavy hands, choking me.

"B--Brandon!" I heaved in between gasp. "Stop... Stop. Let me go!" I spat at him. His teeth gritted and he released me, he sat on the floor, he sat criss-crossed. "I d--doon't want y-yyyou to leave m--mmme, Callie." He stuttered. "Why?" I sat with him on the floor and put my arms around his heavy but feeble body. "Be....cause then I'll be alooooo--alone." He cried, I saw his tears fall. "No baby." I called him in a friendly manner. "You won't ever be alone. Lily still lives here and so will and Jose and Ramón. The guys. They'll be here. They won't ever abandon you, B."

"B--buuuut you will?" He asked me, looking at me with sadness. I frowned. I didn't answer his question, I made up my mind and I was sticking with my choice. "The court dates in 3 weeks... I'll be out of your hair. Forever." I kissed his cheek and helped him up to walk to the bed, he laid down. "Are you okay?" I asked him. He rolled over on the bed and ignored me. I walked out the room without another word being said neither of us.


Brandon's POV

3 weeks later.

I was back to normal, just a little bit of physical therapy left but I was okay for now. I put my best clothes on and headed to the court room to confront Callie. I threw Mat the keys and we both got in my car, heading to the court house.

It was in session but I barged in. "Mr. Foster! I'm glad you could make it, take a seat." The judge said while he sat on his podium. "No.. I don't need to sit down. I need to talk with my wife about how stupid she's being for just leaving me with my son! GOD DAMMIT! HES MY SON TOO!" I yelled. "Not after today so please, B. Sit down. Don't embarrass yourself." Callie ordered me. "Mr. Foster, please take a seat or I'll have you removed from the court and we will continue this trial without you." I pulled a piece of paper out of my pocket. I ignored the judge and read it to her:

"Callie, before you go through with this I wanted to remind you of September 22nd 1989. It was the first time that I saw you in that bar, it was when I protected you from your worst fear. You were drinking with your sister and you had this cute Nirvana shirt on and your hair flipped when we met. I had never seen anything so perfect. I remember thinking that I had to have you or I'd die.... Then you whispered that you loved me." My tears couldn't contain themselves as I weeped. "When we were in your car after our first date at my house, we kissed for the first time and I remembered I felt so peaceful and safe because I knew no matter what happened from that day on, nothing could ever be that bad...." I cried to her. "Because I had you. And then I grew up and we had Blue and-- and I lost my way... And I blamed you for my failures and I know you think that you have to do this today but I don't want you too." I giggled. "But I guess if I love you, I should let you move on." I put the letter down on the counter by her hand and left the court room with Mat by my side. She stood before I left and she grabbed the note in her hand.

"Your honor, do you think it's okay if I postponed the trial-- Just for a bit?" She asked. He rolled his eyes, "Postponed thirty days. Next case!" The judge yelled. May grabbed my arm and urged me to leave. Callie ran after me, "Brandon!" She called after me. I turned to see her face in distress, "Pick me up at 8. Wednesday." She said, Mat punched my arm playfully and I chuckled at her.


Blue's POV

I was still in town with Eric. We were laying low with fake names but we were okay for now. "Hey momma." She looked at my face as I opened the door, I had a hoodie on and some black shades. She let me in and hugged me tightly. "How are you? Are you safe?" She asked me worryingly. "I'm okay. Scared." I admitted to her, "I know you didn't kill him.." I looked at her eyes and she kissed my face. "I think it's a little too late for true or false right now. I'm a wanted fugitive with my fiancée, who honestly shouldn't be involved in this mess but he is." I snapped. Mom nodded.

"Kevins adopted." She said with a huge smile on her face, I know. I was there. "That's great!" I exclaimed in fake joy. Kevin came down the stairs and I stared at him, "Hey, little brother." I whispered under my breathe. He pursed his lips at me with anger, annoyance and doubt. He never met my gaze but I followed him upstairs. His room light was off so we sat in the dark. "I need you to believe me about this." I cried. "Why? Why do you need my approval?"

"Because your approval means everything to me.. Because I don't want anything more than that, because I don't want to be your crush, Kevin!!! I want to be something to you, even if it's just me being your sister..." I cried to him. "I know who are, Blue. If you were in my head most the time, you would know how alike we are; we went through the same things. We feel the same love for eachother. You are something to me. You are not small. You're beautiful." I took of leap and faith and kissed him lips, pressing his body toward me, letting his smell on my skin and his wet moist lips on my body as we pressed against eachother trying to take eachothers clothes off. A knock on the door. We stopped and pulled ourselves together, "Kevin? Can you help me downstairs?" He stood. "What are you both doing in here? It's so dark and depressing!" She exclaimed, i followed them. "Just the way I like it, Mom." I laughed with her.

"I have a date tonight-- With your father." I smiled happily, "And what does that have to do with me?" Kevin asked, Mom took his hand. "Help me with the dance moves that I learned at me and your fathers wedding." Kevin snickered, "Did you forget?" I laughed with him. "No... It's just I wanna regain my memory. It's a bit stiffy." I put the song on that they danced to at their wedding it was called Kid by The Pretenders. "Alright, Kevin. You stand here--" She placed him right beside her and they faced the TV. "Now you go right foot, back. Left foot, back. Then a quick right left, right left." Mom instructed. She took a step forward and Kevin grabbed her hand, twirling her around the other side of the living room. "That's good! You're picking it up quickly!" They laughed and Kevin placed his hand on her waist, they moved along eachother. "Mentioning Dad-- Do you ever think you guys are gonna get back together? After the trial over me?" Kevin asked.

"No.." Mom said quickly, I frowned and put it in my head that was it was my fault for her answer. "Why are you so sure? Maybe he can fix it..." Kevin asked her. "I love Brandon-- And I care about him but sometimes that's not enough." Kevin laughed and I frowned at her response. "He blew it then-- Jump." Mom jumped in his arms and they twirled as Mom laughed ridiculously at him and ruffled his hair, like a mother would a son. Kevin put her down and a knock on the door. I opened it and Dad appeared, "Hey kids!" He exclaimed. "Hey pops." I smiled. Mom took his hand and they left, "I haven't seen Sam in a while." Kevin interrupted my thoughts. "She's probably fucking Jesus.." I scoffed and the music played again. "May I have this dance?" He extended his arm to me. I smiled widely, and he twirled me and romantically, passionately. Different then what he did with Mom.

A/N: This was a mix of both Brallie and Klue!!

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