chapter 9

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Malachite laughs out of happiness
Seeing that asta cut through the magic then stabbed at the male.

But asta had slipped a bit on the ice thay killed his momentum. "Rasta!" Malachite yelled out in worry as he saw the man make a huge spike of ice that jabbed pasta in the stomach. "Sleep little fool forever" heath mumbles.

Malachite bit his lip a bit then shot himself out of the dome then kicked at heaths head "your so annoying!" Malachite huffs "thats it?" Heath states unimpressed "nope" malachite smirks as pasta popped out "im not done yet!" asta yelled "too late" heath mumbles as he shot ice and jabbed Asta again.

Malachite huffs as he then made the ground under heath crack up and become lava. He shot more and more lava slashes at heath and was having the upper hand burning heaths clothes and skin before heath encased malachite in ice quickly.

"What a nuisance" heath mumbles "malachite!" Asta yelled out and attacked again and again

Malachite yelps

Everything was black for a moment before the ice started to melt and malachite was out of the ice and looked around. "Damn" he mumbles a bit and saw magna and asta fight being cool he looked in awe and shook cus he was FREEZING .

Asta looked over to malachite smiling that malachite was okay. Malachite looked over to see asta pointing his sword at heath and cried out in pride and might but grew very tired.

Then flops onto the ground malachite ran over then saw asta was just sleeping "sleeping seriously?" Magna anime slide on his face. Malachite snorts and started to laugh at the scene but helps asta up again "idiot" malachite mumbles.

"He saved us" the villagers comment on asta. Malachite smiled "oh please I barely did...anything" malachite states with a small grinned. "Well you did try your best" a villager smiled. Malachite looked at the ground with a blank stare but smiled slowly and nods "yeah I guess I do need a lot of work" malachite chuckles nervously.

Then a anti bird pop a out looking like it hates life. Malachite looked at it and tilts his head abit as he had seen it pop out of astas robe "huh?" Noelle looked at it "an anti bird" one said

It only flew up and circled a bit then flew over somewhere else.

Then it was time to wait and watch the captives wake up from being knocked out. Till they did "hey you jerks about time" magna states

"We are gonna make you pay i promise that" magna growled. "Not necessary the end times are upon us" he states softly. Heath only then activated a magic item and all three captives then got encased with ice and the ice broke away.

Malachites eyes widen as he watched then looked over to see the grimoire disappear in magnas hand "that could have happened to me!?" Malachite exclaims. "Probably but....were they really were going to go that far" magna mumbled watching the place the three were at in shock.

Malachite frowns "gee what was he thinking!" Asta growled slightly and looked down "treating like life is something you can throw away...i'll never understand those people.


All four black bulls looked at the sunset, malachite looked at the grave for a moment then looked over to magna and hummed softly. "No use in weeping over this I dont think the old man would like that" he smiled softly and pats the kids head.

"Hes the type of grandpa who'd probably slap the back of your head if ya cried anymore" malachite snickers. "Is there a chance I could ever become a magic knight like my grandpa wanted to be?" The Lil boy sniffs wiping his tears.

"Of course you can just look at me im a commoner and look where i am now, a magic knight!" Asta exclaims "you always have to try your best" noelle flipped her hair a bit.

"And maybe when you become magic knight then maybe I'll be closer to becoming the wizard king" Asta states with determination. Malachite smiled and nods "ooor yuno might" malachite mumbles asta only then whined cus of what malachite said.

Then the anti bird appeared again with a jewel it its beak "hey I recognize that its the gem grandpa wore with him" the kid states. "Give that back you stupid bird this is something special" asta grumbles as he struggled to get the gem back "its okay your bird can have it its the least I can do for you saving us" the kid smiled "really? Okay thanks" asta mumbles. Malachites snorts slightly and watched till noelle wanted the bird to sit on her but the bird didnt and started peaking asta again making asta scream in pain then start chasing the bird.

Malachite only then laughed at it

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