chapter 50

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Malachite sighed he didnt get much sleep last night but it was time to go out to see the magic knights with the curse weg. Malachite was very tired and spaced out alot he couldnt even enjoy his book without being too tired or imagining that...form of his. It freaked him out and he didnt know what to do with those ever lasting visions. It was only a few days since it happened

He had to focus on proving himself as a magic knight and friend and not a devil. He walked with asta to go see charlotte but she ends up bursting out the doors passing right by them "damn...whats her deal?" Malachite mumbles and raised a brow.

She was screwing and all that it was a while after malachite had lost himself again he didnt know where he was going it was just all dark for him. He ran away from himself the distorted merlin/malachite. He felt tears in his eyes fall and create a black decaying dent on the floor. He only stopped when he heard something he looked around blinking every so often.

"I AM HOPELESSLY IN LOVE WITH CAPTAIN YAMI" charlotte called out. "Oh yeah.....we were here to talk to charlotte about that curse stuff" he pants and held his head then he glanced over and whistles slightly. 'Wow charlotte's got a reaaaaal big dense fish to get' he thought for a moment. Then saw how all the girls bickered and rambled giggling a bit. It reminded malachite of the witches that know about his feelings for Asta.

Malachite looked down for a moment "im emotionally drained and got to focus on proving myself worth....i dont...have time for him" he mumbles looking down 'besides does he even like me? Nah....hehheh hes to stupid to realize I like him' he thought in his head shaking it 'besides it isnt natural for two men to love each other...other people might just find it disgusting' malachite sat down slowly. 'And with someone like me? A devil....asta would be looked upon with fear or hatred AAAGH why do things habe to be so complicated...and those visions arent helping me' he rambled in his head.

"Im here...for you" Asta pressed his lips onto Malachite's

Malachite's eyes widen as he cried out loudly with an extremely red face. All the rose knights looked towards malachite and all stood their ground "who goes there" one called. Malachite froze then sighed as he popped out "hi" malachite mumbles "oh its you your the kid I was placing bets with at the tournament" sol points out "malachite...of the black bulls" charlotte mumbles and blushed brightly as she grabs his head "dont you dark tell yami anything if you heard what I said for face my wrath" charlotte rambles. "Woah girl chill" malachite waves his arms. "I get where you are at...i have feelings for someone and its down right impossible to hide it no big deal" malachite shrugs. Then the girls in the squad got curious "whos the girl?" One asked wanting to know thwn they all started asking "U-uh they arent....a girl per say" malachite mumbles.

"ITS A BOY, TOO?" they all exclaim "sssshhh shut up shut up" malachite called out. The women only ignored "tell us who he is quick you abnormal man" one ordered. "Now ladies leave the young man alone" charlotte sighed "you came her with yami correct?" Charlotte asked and malachite nods.

"Is it one of your squad mates? Or that golden dawn rookie?" One asked. Malachite blushed and covered his face 'great even more girls that want to know or already know'

"Its asta" malachite looked down "huh? The magicless boy?" One asked "him? Why him?" Another asked. "Thats not the point dont you girls think its unnatural or something?" Malachite asked "doesnt matter its love isnt it?ove as no limits" one gushed as they all 'ooed and awed

"Ask him out malachite!"
"Captain you should as yami out yourself!"

"Did not expect that" malachite mumbles. "Indeed" charlotte agrees

Malachite made good gal friends in that squad and sol deemed both malachite and charlotte the 'helpless duo'.

Sol wasnt so happy with charlotte's feelings for yami and for malachite she honestly expected it from him since malachite would always give helpless expressions towards Asta at the tournament so sol knew of that right away and was willing to help this malachite win astas heart somehow.

The squad only continued to gush over the two telling the two to confess. And be happy and they could do it and such.

Malachite hummed "damn your squad is very damn supportive sorta like my squad tho half of then dont realize my feelings." Malachite chuckles. "You are a mere commoner who doesn t deserve to be in my presences and being half devil no less but I admit you are a strong male, im sure you will win the magic less boys heart at some point" charlotte admits.

"I hate nobles but back at ya, your a strong woman with a good body and into that so im sure you'll catch him" malachite gave a thumbs up. The girls only chanted 'confess your love' too both of the helpless duo then in came in yami and Asta. "E-eh" malachite blushed even more hut calmed himself charlotte on the other hand was a bit panicked. "There you are malachite I was starting to get worried" asta waved.

Malachite could feel his heartstrings being pulled and thw whole squad squealed at that and threw malachite at pasta "h-hey aaagh!" Malachite yelps and shut his eyes but he landed right into astas arms. "EEEEEE!" all the girls cried out, charlotte only stood there in panicked. Malachite looked at asta and panicked he couldnt think straight (author: HA! gaaaayyyy)

Asta looked at malachite confused but blushed brightly how close they were his own heart starting to pound in his chest he only quickly put malachite down and chuckles sheepishly scratching the back of his head.

The magic knights only pushed their captain to yami as well giggling and such. "Wh-what up with them?" Asta asked "oh well I dont know they're girls after all I dont understand them" malachite shrugged then heard one whisper in his ear "ask hiim out" she giggled and went back to supporting her captain. "So...uh Asta you wanna hang out some time? Just you and m-me?" Malachite asked feeling the fujoshis staring. Asta looked at malachite and smiled "sure" asta smiled making all the girls scream.

They turned to charlotte, that was one successful ask out now to see how Charlotte and yami go. And it ended in such a train wreck but Asta came in and told yami of what he learned about women mainly from noelle and her complicated feelings she has a stupidly hard time showing

Malachite felt his heart going coo coo a bit as he held his hand over his heart it was nice to feel that way again.

Asta, malachite, and nero went back to the hideout. While yami stayed to talk to charlotte

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