chapter 59

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A nice and beautiful day out

At least it would be nice if malachite wasnt on a mission to the city of lehart is where a whole crowd of people were out angry, wanting all servants of thw devil to die and malachite being at thw height of all of their angry yells.

Malachite peaked from the sidelines with the others and frowns slightly "theres so many people" noelle mumbles softly. "Yep, and wanting me dead" he grumbles before he felt asta nudge him a bit "you know we wont let them kill you, promise" asta smiled. Malachite looked at him and sighed softly "your right....and I know" malachite smiled.

"Looks like we have a message from julius" yami states as they all listened. Julius sighed softly "and malachite remeber-"

"Yeah yeah yeah dont use your magic against anyone cus i can easily kill them" I know" malachite mumbles. He wasnt in the greatest if moods that say, he didnt sleep again and was tired but had to go with the mission to save Nero and marie and stop the devil banishers.

Julius looked at the screen and sighed softly "I know its frustrating and know one can blame you but its for the best" Julius states. "Do your best" Julius smiled

It was a while back where malachite was summoned to thw wizard kings office. "Whats this about old....child?" Malachite asked "thanks for coming malachite and this would be of....the time when you were very young" julius explained. "Im listening" malachite sat down

Julius was at his desk doing his daily work for once when he heard the door "come in" Julius called out till he saw yami "oh! Yami what a pleasant surprise what brings you hear?" Julius smiled. "Welp old man i found this little kid out alone in an alley " yami states as he moved his cape a bit and showed the sleeping child in a small basket. "Oh well why did you bring the little one here? Its best to take them to an orphanage" Julius suggests "thats the thing, this kid aint ordinary, hes got some crazy magic even for a baby that isnt suppose to already have their magic" yami states.

julius eyebrows furrowed abit as he stood up and went to the child. The baby only cooed softly as it was held in warm arms "what are we going to do with it?" Yami asked "first of all we will have to keep a close eye to the child, to observe first" julius stated

It was a couple of months
Of Julius and yami taking care of the kid. Along with Marx

"Your highness be careful! That is still a child not a play toy" Marx yelled.

Malachite giggled and squealed happily as he saw a bunch of. Julius's time bubbles that he just popped like they were regular bubbles.

Julius was sitting by a window with a malachite in his arms as he looked out but then heard something. His head perked up as he stood up in alert "whos there" he mumbles.

He only saw the candle lighting the room blow out and shadows came from all sides and there appeared a woman, a devil no less. She was

'beautiful' Julius thought in his head but held onto malachite to protect him but felt himself freeze. Even he didnt see that coming. The devil made her way to Malachite and looked down to him "my beautiful son" she whispers softly "it pains me, that I wont be able to see you grow up" she said sadly. "Your...his"

"Mother, yes....." She said caressing her babys cheek and frowned "you are the wizard king of this kingdom. Yes?" She asked as she let Julius go. Julius sighed and looked at the devil his guard up of course. "Yes" he states "good I see....i left my son in good spot but neither the less there are dangerous creatures out there....that wont stop at nothing till they get my sons power, im trusting you with him" the devil looked at julius with her sunset colored eyes "I cant myself because he will only suffer to much if he stays with me.

Julius was enchanted by the devil but he nods "I will do my best but whats his name?" Julius asked

"malachite" the devil smiled "his name is malachite" the devil said as she the. Creates a familiar blindfold "this will keep most of his magic from leaking iut and destroy things in the future, I'll only assume you will replicate the material to make gloves" she said and looked at malachite. "He looks alot like you" Julius smiled being friendly, the devil looked at Julius for a moment then smiled softly.

It was only a matter of time when the devil leaves. Julius was willing to take good care of malachite hiding him as much as he could

In the end
Malachite wailed cus they were hungry and pretty upset for no reason and as much as julius, Marx and yami wanted to hide the child, everyone had now seen the child mainly for the reason half of the castle was in rubble.

All the captains had a meeting "how long have you had this child here" one captain asked "for 3 months"
All had their doubts and mainly all magic knight captains voted the child to be out "it is too dangerous to have this child in the capital or the common realm, we all are to place him in the forsaken relm" one captain said. Julius looked at them and was going to protest but this was about how many voted for that and that idea won. Julius couldn't just leave the child

Malachite was sent off that evening, julius looked down at his papers. Marx looked at how upset the wizard king was, even yami came in angry "why the hell did you let the child go?" Yami glared.

"I didnt have much of a choice it was all vs 1 here yami but im not exactly leaving him entirely alone" julius states with a small smile. Yami was confused for a moment till julius morphed into an middle aged peasant man. "I will be the one caring for him every often of course" he said

And thats how it went for years, Julius raiser malachite himself as the old peasant male. Watching malachite grow up and such thats till he saw what happened to bigsberry. The nobles killing all and malachite running away later destroying the noble town himself.

Julius searched everywhere for malachite till Mereleona informed him that she was the one to place malachite in a semi- safe environment the forbidden forest.

Julius didnt get to see malachite till he first saw him again in the black market.

Malachite sat there and looked at Julius and smiled softly "Hehehe you really did care huh?" Malachite whispers "old man" he sighed. Julius nods "I cant forgive myself for not protecting you in the first place from that incident and allowing that hatred for nobles to bloom" Julius frowned looking down sadly. "Well we all have mistakes dont we? You raised me well at least" malachite smiled. "I forgive you" he mumbles after. Julius's eyes sparkled abit as he teared up abit "oh im so glad!" He cried out and went for a hug then felt malachite place his hand on Julius's head keeping him from hugging malachite so tightly. Julius pouted but felt malachite slowly hug him instead

"Thanks I guess....for everything" malachite mumbles hiding his face a bit, Julius was a bit surprised but his face softens as he hugged back "of course" he smiled

Malachite only looked at the others then at the control.


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